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Death isn't a finality. Let me show you true power

Commander / EDH BUG (Sultai) Combo Competitive Infinite Combo Mill Reanimator



How naive. You believe death is the end.

Hello and welcome to my favorite commander Sidisi, Brood Tyrant! She is a complete powerhouse whether you choose to be competitive, semi-competitive, or casual/budget. I first made her in a semi-casual fashion in order to keep her low-key for my playgroup. However, as they got better, Sidisi needed to as well. It has gone through many iterations and while I am still tweaking it slightly, this form has shown to be consistent and powerful.

It is here that I need to give credit to my good friend on tapped out Lilbrudder. He helped me develop Sidisi into a competitive level that is a monster for others to deal with. I'll cite the deck that I copied card-for-card (at first), but have since made my own tweaks for my playgroup as well as any cards I may not have liked in playtesting

All Nightmare Long (SBT Primer)

I cannot thank him enough for his insight and help.

We specifically play ZERO basics so that Hermit Druid can mill our entire library. He can usually be brought out turn 2 or 3 consistently with the amount of dorks and rocks that we play. Green Sun's Zenith also tutors for him 99% of the time.

Once the deck is milled completely, the first choice in how to win is to Dread Return targeting Necrotic Ooze. If milled with Hermit Druid you will have (at minimum) 2 creatures on the board (Hermit Druid and Narcomoeba as it will trigger when put into the graveyard). Since you need three for Dread Return's flashback, Fatestitcher has been included since it can be unearthed for . Usually, there is a dork on the battlefield that can be sacrificed as well.

Assuming this resolves, Necrotic Ooze will now be on the battlefield. There are a multitude of cards in your graveyard that make this a win condition.

Step 1: Blighted Bat allows for Necrotic Ooze to have haste. Usually, this is done by activating Wall of Roots to add (by putting a -0/-1 counter on Necrotic Ooze) which can then be used to activate Blighted Bat's ability. Once haste has been enabled, Necrotic Ooze can officially win at instant speed.

Step 2: At this point, you can then tap Necrotic Ooze for mana because you have any number of mana dorks in the graveyard. You then untap Necrotic Ooze with Devoted Druid's ability by putting a -1/-1 counter on himself. You untap Necrotic Ooze with Channeler Initiate's ability by removing the -1/-1 counter and adding a mana of any color to your mana pool. Repeat this process from the start of step 2. This allows for infinite colored mana.

Step 3: An arguably "should not have been printed" card, you will also have a Walking Ballista in the graveyard. With infinite mana, you can activate Necrotic Ooze to put an infinite number of +1/+1 counters on himself to then ping everyone at the table with Walking Ballista's second ability.

Note - Cephalid Inkshrouder (assuming it is in the graveyard) is an instant speed way to protect Necrotic Ooze once it is on the battlefield. While we do tend to go through our hand quickly, we do usually get to have one or two available. Also, even if anyone does target Necrotic Ooze and your empty handed, hopefully you'll have multiple mana to try and give it haste again to continue and win at instant speed. This also allows for us to discard any cards that are in our hand that are a part of the combo.

Memory's Journey is a card to put any combo pieces back on top to try and win the next turn if you cannot win the way above.

Thassa's Oracle is a card that slots in here very easily. This combo wins by resolving Thassa's Oracle and HOLDING PRIORITY before you allow her trigger to resolve. With her trigger on the stack you cast Tainted Pact or Demonic Consultation and allow your library to be exiled. Once her trigger resolves, you win the game.

So this combo is a little more mana intensive and restricted than the other combos in the deck. However, it can still be assembled with ease with the amount of dorks and tutors that we use.

With Food Chain and Eternal Scourge on the battlefield, you exile Eternal Scourge to Food Chain which will net you 4 mana of ONE color that can ONLY BE USED TO CAST CREATURE SPELLS (you cannot activate creature abilities). With three of that mana, you cast Eternal Scourge which will net you one each time. Repeat this process to make infinite mana, again, that can ONLY BE USED TO CAST CREATURE SPELLS. After infinite mana is made, you cast Sidisi to mill the top three. You exile her to Food Chain to recast her (because of infinite mana) to mill your entire library. You will have made enough zombies to sacrifice them to Dread Return to win with the Necrotic Ooze combo mentioned in the Hermit Druid tab.

There is one other line that can be used here. Instead of bringing Necrotic Ooze back, you can target Eternal Witness to put Walking Ballista in your hand which can then be cast with the infinite mana to ping everyone at the table.

Graveyard Hate (Leyline of the Void, Rest in Peace, Tormod's Crypt, Relic of Progenitus, ect).

While this does hurt us and slows us down, we do have interaction in the deck to deal with these problems:Assassin's Trophy, Abrupt Decay, Nature's Claim, and Chain of Vapor. Of course, we do have counterspells if they're in hand when our opponent goes to cast graveyard hate. Once any of these resolve, it could be better to hold the removal spell until you're ready to win the game. Obviously, judge this on a case by case basis.

We do have a couple of combos to win if the gravehate stays on the battlefield.

Laboratory Maniac and Tainted Pact/Demonic Consultation (most likely in your own upkeep if there is no instant speed draw available) allows us to exile our library and win when we go to draw.

Thassa's Oracle can win upon resolve by allowing our library to be exiled with Hermit Druid or Sidisi herself.

Having the Food Chain, Eternal Scourge, and Walking Ballista in hand (or still on the battlefield). This combo is explained in the "Food Chain" panel if you don't know how it works.

Blood Moon or Magus of the Moon

This is actually impossible for us to fight through if we don't already have color fixing on the board. We are usually faster than decks that can't ramp this out before turn three, but they are still notable cards that make us just concede if we're not set up.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

Another card that stops us. We do have the potential Food Chain, Eternal Scourge, and Walking Ballista (all in hand) to get through this, but that could be hard to get, as well as hard to keep on the battlefield without dorks to ramp and cast everything in one turn. We do have one nice deck tech to stop this which is Gilded Drake. I truly debated taking this card out as it just seemed unnecessary, but it has proven its place more than once in this exact situation. It also helps against other difficult creatures such as Linvala, Keeper of Silence, any troublesome commander, and of course any creature in any situation that may need to buy you time or just disrupt your opponent.

Any cards that are not in the above descriptions I believe are easily understood about their position in the deck. Of course, I am willing to answer any and all questions as well as take criticism and feedback about the deck. Thanks for taking a look!


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This deck is a blast to play. I love the colors, it is my favorite commander, and it is immediately targeted by everyone in my playgroup (which is annoying, but it means that I'm powerful enough to be afraid of). This deck is in its competitive prime and one that I will continue to play for years to come.

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Revision 71 See all

(2 years ago)

+1 An Offer You Can't Refuse main
-1 Force of Vigor main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #38 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.74
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Bookmarked, View later, EDH, Commander Folder, EDH Memes, Cool Decks, Decks, Top Decks, edh decks, Awesomeness
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