This is a Sidisi Whip/Mana Ramp standard deck that I had been working on for a bit now. The idea is mostly the same as any Sidisi Whip deck with the extra added incentive of Hornet Queens to be whipped in or mana ramped to, Nemesis of Mortals to be ramped to or to get off of number of creatures in your graveyard, and Doomwake giants to kill all those pesky goblins or provide a huge wall to get through.
Ideal Circumstances of the deck:
On turn 2, you have options and plenty of them based on what your hand gives you. Satyr Wayfinder to get that quick group of cards in your graveyard beginning the set up for your Whip of Erebos. Sylvin Caryatids to start your mana ramp. Heir of the Wilds giving you protection due to Deathtouch. (I was also considering the possibility of Typhoid Rats on turn 1 since Heir of the Wilds is mainly there for protection via deathtouch and a 1/1 can be killed almost as easily as a 1/1 via burns, sacrifice, etc)
On turn 3, Ashiok will provide an early planeswalker and get you some good creatures early from your opponent and/or keep them from getting creatures that could potentially harm you later on. Heroes Downfall can be held for longer due to the Heir of the Wilds providing protection via deathtouch. Courser of Cruphix, not only for early game defense, but also for the mana ramp and slight life-gain.
On Turn 4, you have options. With Frontier Siege, you can call Khans or Dragons. Khans will give you greatly increased mana ramp, setting up for bigger creatures like Nemesis of Mortals and Hornet Queen. Also helpful in getting atleast a 7/7 Genesis Hydra so that you can find yourself an early Hornet Queen to fly into the battlefield. However, choosing Dragons can allow you to machine gun blast your opponent's creatures with Hornet Queen's 1/1 insects later in the game. Leaving them severely crippled late game. Sidisi, Blood Tyrant is obvious, get more creatures in your graveyard and throw some 2/2 Zombie Tokens into the mix. Whip of Erebos should be pretty obvious as well. Perhaps whipping in a turn 5 Hornet Queen for her 1/1 deathtouch insect protection or a Doomwake to get rid of pesky goblins or anything that could potentially end the game or deal severe damage to your opponent.
Turn 5, Murderous Cut, the delve is a nice way to get a 1 mana kill card, you could really use it before turn 5, but i'm putting it here simply due to simplicity of face value mana costs. Doomwake Giant for (as mentioned before) a giant wall that swings hard and kills tokens and small creatures. Necromaster Dragon 4/4 with flying that gives you Zombie chump blockers... how can you go wrong?
Turn 6, by now, if mana ramp has done its job, you should already have had Nemesis of Mortals out, even Monstrosity activated. Hornet Queen is also very possible to have had out already with all of our mana ramping. From here, you just play smart, keep adding to your army of the undead and big scary things.
That is my basic concept for the deck, any suggestions/agreements/advice would be helpful :D Thanks for reading!