(Mostly only the creatures are sorted into categories, since this is a creature deck, anything else is either too good to not run or specific utility not available in creature form.)

Sidisi, Brood Tyrant may look like this deck's commander, but the true commander is Living Death. With that in mind, our goal is to cast Living Death as many times as necessary to win the game.

The deck has a couple built in themes, the first being creatures, as you can see we run 44 creatures, this is to ensure we are triggering Sidisi's ability as often as we can. The zombie tokens may not seem all that game changing, but free blockers and sac fodder for our various outlets is crucial. Maintaining a high creature count also plays into one of our best ways to put creatures in the graveyard, Altar of Dementia, while not an infinite, there is a good chance of turning a few 2/2 zombies into putting half or more of your deck into our library, some luck is involved though.

Next is Devotion to black, we have 2 and a half reasons to care about our black devotion, the first is obvious, Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Gary is one of our main wins cons and is an overall amazing card. Second is Mogis's Marauder, while criminally underrated, the marauder is a critical piece of our game plan. A huge living death isn't all that impressive, unless you have the win off ETBs, if you just get your things and pass. Mogis's marauder actually lets us win off a Craterhoof Behemoth from a living death and can activate mana dorks or other tap abilities.The half is for Crypt of Agadeem, while not actual devotion to black, it's close enough and can generate tons of mana.

As touched on above, Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Craterhoof Behemoth + Mogis's Marauder are going to be our main win cons, obviously backed up by enough devotion and creatures to power them. We do have other ways to close out a game though, sometimes just swinging with a load of zombie tokens or big beaters will get you there, but the cards listed above are there specifically to be win conditions.

-Deck restrictions-

This deck is aiming at being a 75% power deck. What that means, to me, is that I want to be able to beat the best deck at the table, without pub stomping the worst deck at the table. I'm not interested in playing bad cards, but I also have no interest in building an anti-social deck. I'm choosing to not run extra turns, stax pieces, MLD, free mana ramp, or easy combos (I'm looking at you Protean Hulk). I want everyone to be able to play magic, it's not fun if they don't get a chance to stop me.

All that being said we do run one infinite combo, if you want to call it that, which I'll lay out for you. What you'll need;

-Living Death

-Eternal Witness(or similar effect)

-Carrion Feeder(or similar free sac outlet)

-Mogis's Marauder(for the haste)

-5x mana dorks(Birds of paradise as an example)

-5 devotion to black in total, the mana dorks need haste. So, with the sac outlet and marauder you'll need roughly 3 more devotion to black from somewhere else.

This lets you cast a living death, getting it back with eternal witness, using mogis's marauder and 5 black devotion to give your 5 mana dorks haste, make 5 mana, sac your board to your free sac outlet, then recast your living death with your 5 floating mana, gaining infinite living deaths, you still need a way to win the game, such as a Gary, but odds are if these 12 or so cards are not the only things in your Graveyard you'll probably get there. It's not a good infinite combo by any means, and if you do assemble it there is a good chance you will already have a big enough graveyard to win, but it's worth noting its existence.


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96% Competitive

Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.29
Tokens Copy Clone, Zombie 2/2 B
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