[Retired] Milley Cyrus and her Vegetarian Zombies
Commander / EDH
Id cut Undead Alchemist, Phenax, God of Deception and Kheru Spellsnatcher for starts, but that's just my opinion
February 10, 2015 1:09 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #3
personally, I hate whiffing, so any non creatures I run has to be absolutely bonkers with Sidisi, which is just Mesmeric Orb and Altar of Dementia.
Also, I tried to run lots of creatures that mill me so that I get all the zombies!
February 10, 2015 1:52 p.m.
Indigoindigo says... #4
Removed a bunch of non-creature spells: Arcane Denial, Dream Fracture, Deadbridge Chant, Traumatize, Dimir Charm, Beast Within, Sultai Charm, Pongify, Extract from Darkness, Fact or Fiction, Recurring Insight, Regrowth, Nature's Claim, Mass Polymorph, Army of the Damned, Decree of Pain + Deadwood Treefolk
Augury Owl for better draws / self-mill.
Sea Gate Oracle for cheap draw and filtering.
Clone, Djinn of Infinite Deceits and Progenitor Mimic for scalability.
MagicalHacker: Any cards from my Sideboard that you'd add in? They're the only cards available to me right now.
February 14, 2015 3:37 p.m.
Indigoindigo says... #7
Updated description. Will update decklist tomorrow.
November 27, 2015 3:13 p.m.
Indigoindigo says... #8
4 games tonight, 4 losses.
Game 1: vs Mayael the Anima, Shattergang Brothers.
Very close to a win by beatdown powered by Urborg + Filth, but Mayael beat me to it by trampling me to death.
Game 2: vs Wrexial, the Risen Deep, Shattergang Brothers, Narset, Enlightened Master.
Almost able to deal with Narset through Profaner of the Dead and Living Death, but was colorscrewed. Narset won by combo, I wasnt really a threat at all.
Game 3: vs Wrexial, the Risen Deep, Shattergang Brothers, Narset, Enlightened Master.
Not much to say. The deck functioned ok, but I wasn't really a threat.
Game 4: vs [75%] Blink blink, nudge nudge and Mayael the Anima.
Had 2 lands until turn 5+ and was mostly left alone. Very close to a beatdown win after stabilizing with Prophet of Kruphix, but hindered by a Spike Weaver.
Not very uplifting results. Had trouble with my land base in two of the games, and lacked some card draw.
December 5, 2015 7:51 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #9
I have a pretty optimized Sidisi deck (though it still loses to Rest in Peace...) here: I Call Her Vera: Sidisi EDH
I think you've seen it before :) I play in a very competitive meta, and I win about 50% of my games.
Couple suggestions: you need more cards to mill yourself! Without tutors, your combos are unlikely to come together when you want them. With that, more "return from grave to hand" effects become mandatory, to fetch your combo pieces from your grave. Army of the Damned is often pretty bad because it makes you a huge target without actually protecting you (because the tokens come in tapped). Worm Harvest statistically gets you more tokens than Spider Spawning, and is nutty with Life from the Loam - though the tokens don't deal with fliers very well, but that's what Wonder is for. Sultai Ascendancy is okay, but just really slow, and rarely comes down T3. Deadbridge Chant is good, but I always found it so tedious with a large graveyard that I cut it. Mortivore is generally better than Lhurgoyf (that regeneration is amazing), though it doesn't have the extra toughness. Some of your mana creatures seem troublesome, because they'll give you green when you need black more. Finally, as a combo deck, you'll be less of a threat for as long as you leave in the "goodstuff" cards, because they generally don't actually win but instead take up slots and mana that could go towards advancing your combo.
TLDR: I'd suggest you cut Lhurgoyf, Sultai Ascendancy, Army of the Damned, Fleshbag Marauder, and some goodstuffy cards. To replace them, I'd suggest Mortivore, Dictate of Erebos, Archfiend of Depravity, possibly Kothophed, Soul Hoarder, and whatever else you choose. I'd also go out and buy a copy of Worm Harvest; it's cheap and REALLY good here.
December 28, 2015 1:43 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #10
Oh, and despite the whole "no shuffling, and I have to only use cards from my maybeboard", I really would consider adding the slow fetches (Terramorphic Expanse, Evolving Wilds). Perhaps a City of Brass, a Forbidden Orchard, or a Mana Confluence as well.
December 28, 2015 1:45 p.m.
Indigoindigo says... #11
Leaving this here for whenever I decide to modify the list: Competitive EDH, Sidisi-post
March 3, 2016 1:07 p.m.
Indigoindigo says... #12
Shadows over Innistrad is finally spoiled.
The Gitrog Monster would probably be amazing . Very nice synergy With i.e. Life from the Loam, Worm Harvest, Sylvan Safekeeper, Crop Rotation, Deadbridge Chant and cycle-lands, all cards that are on-and-off included or considered in my list.
Forgotten Creation might be good for dumping cards in hand into my graveyard, i.e. Filth.
Ever After can get two combo-pieces and could end the game on the spot, but it's expensive and a non-creature.
April 1, 2016 12:27 p.m.
Indigoindigo says... #13
Played this deck a lot lately and it's been great fun.
Note to self: Sequestered Stash should find a home here. It finds Mesmeric Orb or Basalt Monolith for a combo finish. Altar of Dementia is useful too.
October 11, 2016 9:48 a.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #14
Alas, this deck has finally died.
But cowards die many times before their time. This deck shall only taste of death but once.
Webby says... #1
I have a modern self mill deck http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/03-12-14-wAT-sultai-self-mill/
Some cards I recommend for your deck are wreath of geists, ghoul tree, Skaab Ruinator. Bonehoard, and Vengeful Pharaoh
December 5, 2014 1:10 p.m.