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Siege Dreadnought Combos ($50Budget)

Standard Aggro Budget Combo Control RUW (Jeskai, America)




(Landbase and card numbers are beeing tested and may be altered)

Hey you. Yes, you! Did you ever want to play a standard FNM-deck that can put out a 10/11 creature on turn 3 with pseudo-haste?

Oh wait, those decks are expensive, right? Wrong. Let me show you what 50 bucks can do.

The main-combo:

Turn1: Consulate Dreadnought

Turn2: Either Sram, Senior Edificer or 1-2 Mausoleum Wanderer (recommended)

Turn3: Siege Modification on Consulate Dreadnought , swing with a 10/11 first strike (which is nice against deathtouch)

You can help getting your Siege Dreadnought through with Slip Through Space, which also draws you a card.

Sram, Senior Edificer will also draw you lots of cards.

Cathartic Reunion will draw you even more cards and let's you discard unwanted Srams. (He's legendary and stuff)

Mausoleum Wanderer covers all kinds of nasty removal and protects you Siege Dreadnoughts. They also make nice flying hitters when pumped up.

Dispel will help getting rid of counterspells and other instants for the cheap price of 1 blue mana. Easy life.

Weapons Trainer gives all other creatures +1/+0 if you control an equipment. That effect can stack up quickly, as it only costs 2 mana and comes with a 3/2 aggro set.

And for getting this effect, we use Bone Saw, a 0 mana Equipment with cheap equip cost that gives +1/+0.

You actually just need 1 Bone Saw on the field and start stacking Weapons Trainer s.

But when you have Sram, Senior Edificer on the field, it is a 0 mana draw 1.

Gitaxian Probe in Standard Format - there you go!

The ability of Weapons Trainer also buffs your Mausoleum Wanderer , which gives them more "counter-power".

Bone Saw should also be equiped to Mausoleum Wanderer .

You want that threat on the field to force misplay of your opponents, but manly to protect the Consulate Dreadnought beeing enchanted with Siege Modification (aka "Siege Dreadnought").

The landbase is still under construction.

The sideboard features the obvious Shock to kill Saheeli Rai to stop the infinite cat combo.

Fragmentize gets rid of opponents Heart of Kiran and other nasty stuff.

Ceremonious Rejection is a nice hate against colorless spells. Eldrazi/Vehicles hate it.

Built to Smash and Built to Last mainly help your Siege Dreadnoughts.

Giving them a nice boost aswell as trample/indestructible is the choice to make based on your opponent's deck.

They can also be played on your other creatures (but won't give them trample/indestructible), for example you can pump your Mausoleum Wanderer s with them in order to get more "counter power".

I hope you like the deck.

Your wallet sure likes it already. ;)


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

16 - 3 Uncommons

20 - 12 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.44
Tokens Energy Reserve
Folders standard
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