
Ever since I started playing EDH, I was drawn to making a deck helmed by Sigarda, Host of Herons. It has my favorite keyword to see on a commander, and is a strong, simple creature with which to build a voltron deck. She's in the ideal enchantress colors which, with her innate hexproof, makes her the perfect creature to hold all those amazing-but-fragile auras that you never see in a deck (unlike the ubiquitous swords and skullclamps).

This deck is build using fairly standard Sigarda enchantress strategies, originally using this classic primer, as a starting point. As I was missing some of the more oppressive cards (sorry Teeg), I added in the splashier auras (like Eldrazi Conscription and Celestial Mantle). Eventually I got a peek at my buddy's Sigarda deck, which plays only the best cards...that mention enchantments or auras! It's a fun limitation that still leaves room for a lot of power, so I've tried to follow suit (so you'll see no Oracle of Mul Daya or Sun Titan here, Sigarda runs Stasis Snare over Swords to Plowshares and Wild Growth over Sol Ring).

The deck was getting a little out of hand because, for real here, they keep printing enchantments and auras. Like, every dang set. So I kept cramming in anything that looked cool, and the deck was kind of a mess. I've stripped it way back to basics, although I fully expect for it to ramp into unplayable weird super-auras with a few sets.

The cards in the deck I think are fairly self-explanatory (turn Sigarda into a two- or three-hit evasive killing machine, turn sideways), so I'll talk about a couple of the notable cards and synergies that were cut:

Awakening Zone was pretty good when the deck was first put together. Ramp and early blockers. Then From Beyond was released, and it was too cute of a combo with the only eldrazi in the deck (Eldrazi Conscription) not to run. They're taking a break from the deck as Conscription is currently acting of finisher in another deck with a hexproof commander.

Celestial Mantle is hilarious, yet never seems to actually win me a game - or keep me from losing a game.

Damping Matrix and Torpor Orb were both great at slowing down opponents decks, but didn't quite fit the theme.

Decree of Justice and Entreat the Angels were both in the deck during it's brief stint as a tribal angel deck. I'm considering putting them back in as a means to go wide.

I'm not going to buy a Moat, not anymore than I would build a real moat. Magus of the Moat would be a fine substitution.

Rest in Peace and Stony Silence are both amazing at hosing specific deck archetypes, but they're better served in the sideboards of my awful gimmick modern decks, so, C'est la vie

Currently trying to find space for Grasp of Fate and Shielded by Faith, which are better than Banishing Light and Indestructibility, if only just barely.

Consulate Crackdown, Frontier Siege, Gideon's Intervention, and Quarantine Field are all examples of cards that seem like they could be good, but I just haven't had a chance to use them. Sage's Reverie is a card that I ran briefly, and it's very close to being a staple of the deck, as it can push Sigarda into 3-hit range and draws cards.

A selection of cards I'm currently trying out: Act of Authority (repeatable enchantment-based removal, but is it worth giving one of my opponents such a powerful weapon to use against me?), Ghostly Prison (not running enough creatures to protect myself, but it might just be more worthwhile to make Sigarda vigilant), Lingnify (great way to keep an opponents commander off the board, but easy to lose during a board wipe), and Tempt with Discovery (running so many nifty utility lands)...

There's one wacky pair that I kept in the deck: Auratog and Rancor. They're a card draw engine if you've got an enchantress on the field, not to mention something like Sigil of the Empty Throne

UPDATE: I've retired this deck, as there are other better, more dedicated Sigarda decks out there, and many more Selesnya commanders to try out!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.24
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Enchantment Cleric 2/1 W
Folders Commander Decks (Archived)
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