Sigarda's army 2.0

Standard Azure124


LittleBlueHero says... #1

If you are going aggro Loxodon Smiter should probably replace Wayfaring Temple . The temple's size is hindered here since you are also running Thalia and therefore not nearly as many token creating spells. As it stands the temple doesn't seem like it would get very big or have anything to populate with for that matter.

Only tokens I see are Thrag after death and Garruk. If you want to focus on more tokens you need Selesnya Charm it should probably be in the deck or sideboarded even if you aren't planning on tokens.

Also for aggro builds with green you are doing yourself an injustice by not running Rancor . Again Thalia hurts the card a bit but even paying 2 for it is still worth it.

Playtesting will prove the day though of course. Let me know how everything is working for you!

Thanks for looking at my deck, any more insight is always appreciated.

September 17, 2012 12:28 p.m.

SGB517 says... #2

The deck totally looks like something I would playtest with as is to start figuring out what works and what doesn't. Your mana curve looks a bit off to me for one reason, which is that you have 6 5-drops and 2 6-drops. This is a lot, but you do have some ramp to hit your curve.

Personally I think with the amount of Ramp you've got you can run your 6 5-cmc creatures, but not Collective Blessing . Obviously I have not yet playtested with the card, but it seems to me that by the time it would make an impact, you should already have A) a great board presence to just try winning the game with or B) it will already be too late.

Consider using Mikaeus, the Lunarch in this slot, as he can be cast as early as turn 2 for 3 mana in this deck, or for 2 mana with a second mana dork to allow one of your 5 drops to hit the table turn 3 (wildly optimal, of course.) Mikaeus might allow you take out 1 or 2x Gavony Township to use more Plains, more forest, or test with Selesnya Guildgate (probably bad in ramp, but you could test it.)

Basically my opinion is that you have an idea in place that doesn't need Collective Blessing to be good, and therefore will actually be worse with collective blessing. If you find you are able to cast Collective Blessing regularly but that it has minimal impact, maybe a singleton Avacyn, Angel of Hope and 1 more land would be better.

September 26, 2012 11:49 a.m.

Azure124 says... #3

the guildgate isn't going in due to the fact that i need a t1 mana open to get a dork out and township is a win con. I have 19 cards that cost 2 or less so my curve hits off nicely. Mikaeus, the Lunarch seems like it could be interesting in here. The big reason Collective Blessing is in here is that it pairs nicely with Champion of Lambholt and my mana dorks are no longer late game dead draws. i might side Avacyn, Angel of Hope to deal with a deck with heavy removal like what zombies sides in against me.

September 26, 2012 1:40 p.m.

Bigburlybill says... #4

I really like your decklist. This is by far the best build I've seen for green-white selesnya. I notice that card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is in your sideboard. When would you place this in the deck, and under what conditions? Also, would you consider running Armada Wurm in the deck or possibly more Thragtusk s? Overall, I really like the deck. I notice that you said this was a glass cannon. What do you think is the biggest weakness in the deck? I can already tell the biggest strength is massive agro. lol

October 3, 2012 3:29 p.m.

Azure124 says... #5

Board wipes hurt a lot and i cant easily recover. card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice comes in when i need the life gain against fast aggro or against tempo. The wurm is going to go in but im not sure what to take out.

October 3, 2012 6:11 p.m.

Bigburlybill says... #6

I know it might not be the best idea, but, to erase some of the "glass cannon" effect, what about sideboarding card:Faith's Reward orRootborn Defenses ? I personally think that card:Faith's Reward would be the better of the two if combined with card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice or Wolfir Silverheart . As for Armada Wurm , I'm thinking that you could possibly do something like:

-1x Forest + -1x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben --> 2x Thragtusk

My reasoning is that even with 23 lands, that's a decent number. Thalia is a legendary, so you won't use her more than once, and she isn't very intensive for this deck type. If not her, my other choices are 1x Strangleroot Geist or 1x Restoration Angel .

October 4, 2012 2:25 a.m.

Azure124 says... #7

card:Faith's Reward is something I will look at as Mutilate I think will be bigger than other board wipes that aren't bonfire. My side board is going to change a lot. Depending on the meta my deck will change to it of thrte is more creatite heavy decks i get rid of thalia i really dont want more Thragtusk as he underperformed in a lot of scenarios I was thinking of siding it for the wurm

October 4, 2012 10:11 a.m.

Bigburlybill says... #8

Thanks for making such a good deck. I've been heavily influenced by it in making my own deck. I'd love to hear your opinion on it. I've also shared you as my influence in the description, as is proper. =)

The deck is: deck:angel-humans-wurms-oh-my

October 4, 2012 6:03 p.m.

MagnorCriol says... #9

I've heard a lot of good things said for Rootborn Defenses in a GW Populate builde lately. It's a common that can completely blank a Bonfire, and then some. I like it better than card:Faith's Reward for its ability to save your tokens where Reward won't help them at all; it's also a mana cheaper, which can make all the difference sometimes. Obviously, though, Reward answers more types of wipes (destruction, damage, -x/-x, sacrifice), so I can see it either way.

I kind of agree with Bigburlybill that Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 's slots might be better suited as something else, perhaps the Wurm or Trostani. Her tax ability can definitely debilitate some opponents, but others will barely blink at her, and I think she's not as strong in a vacuum as some other options for you. What if she was a sideboard card, brought in against control deck matchups? How has she been working out for you overall?

October 5, 2012 3:35 a.m.

Azure124 says... #10

I love Thalia, Guardian of Thraben it has won games against delver and post because they were slowed just enough for me to get in for the kill. I could side her but if shes good in my meta she will go back to being mained

October 5, 2012 6:47 a.m.

MagnorCriol says... #11

I can see that. Delver and control decks are pretty prevalent right now (though what happens with RtR remains to be seen). What's up in your meta is really the determining factor for that, which is something you know and I don't.

October 5, 2012 2:48 p.m.

Aiphrem says... #12

Awesome list, I can't express in words how much I like the list. I've been trying to make my G/W lambholt deck more aggressive, plus I've always wanted to include Sigarda. I'll definitely remold my deck according to this list.

However, I'm not so sure how garruk would work out. How well do you think Geist-Honored Monk would perform in his slot? She's only 1 CMC more, plus she boosts lambholt by +3 whenever she comes in the battlefield.

October 9, 2012 5:22 p.m.

Azure124 says... #13

thanks, geist would be a sideboard card as garruk is so much more versatile with token generation removal and tutoring also at the moment my 5 drop slot is filled heavily right now. After playtesting with my friends i think Entreat the Angels might be better than thalia and card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is better than Thragtusk think i should make those switches?

October 10, 2012 11:15 a.m.

I like the deck a lot, and have designed a similar one, Check it out. . . here is the link:

October 11, 2012 11:35 a.m.

Long_Con says... #15

Thanks for your comment on Selesnyan Silverbond, I want to share some of my favourite things from that deck, perhaps to pique your interest!

Number one card for me is Silverblade Paladin . Along with Rancor , it just bashes so hard every time it comes out.

T1: card:Avacyn's Pilgrim

T2: Call of the Conclave + Rancor

T3: Silverblade Paladin and swing with Centaur for 10 Trample damage!

That's, like, my ideal start, and there's not a lot of decks and combos that can deliver that kind of damage by turn 3, and KEEP doing it if unanswered.

Champion of Lambholt is a good card, but if you've been running this deck, then you must know that she sometimes comes out late as a dead card. Silverblade is never a dead card, unless they're killing your creatures so much that every creature is a dead card. Silverblade + Wolfir Silverheart is also truly frightening... and you know Rancor would sneak in on one of them. Perhaps you could try subbing Paladins for the Champions and do a little playtesting to see if they work as well here as they do in mine.

I think Geist-Honored Monk is cool, but is overshadowed by the other five-drops you have available, namely Sigarda, Wolfir, and Thragtusk. I'm surprised to see you say Trostani is better than the 'Tusk, especially with the limited number of solid tokens you produce.

I took out Collective Blessing s in favour of a more aggressive approach, and if you're loving Trostani, then I think Armada Wurm could be more beneficial in the six-drop slot. I do understand that the Blessing changes your whole board when it hits, and works with Champ o' Lamb nicely, so I guess playtesting is key to really know which provides the most board advantage.

October 14, 2012 10:12 a.m.

Azure124 says... #16

Thanks for your time.i have tested Armada Wurm and it seems to be less impactful than i would have hoped as the decks i test against are reanimator, control and zombies which remove it fairly quickly or don't let it hit the board. lambholt is a i win card or a bad topdeck. Silverblade Paladin is a card i have thought about never sure what i wanted to do with it as the double white t3 isn't something that is always going to happen iv'e had the problem with trostani. i will test with friends and see what happens

October 15, 2012 7:47 a.m.

Aiphrem says... #17

Oh and dunno if you tested her already, but Sublime archangel is pretty beast in this deck. I've managed to get my hands on one and she combos pretty great with lambholt. My ideal start with the deck is: Turn 1: Dork Turn 2: Lambholt Turn 3: Sublime archangel, swing for 5 with lambholt Turn 4: Wolfir Silverheart, swing for 12 with lambholt Turn 5: Unless he's able to kill off sublime, wolfir and lambholt, it's pretty much a win.

Even if you don't get that ideal start, sublime is still pretty nasty whenever she enters the battlefield. Also, I've added a silberblade paladin and I've got to say it's tough to stop double strike sigarda, especially if she has a rancor on.

October 23, 2012 10:47 p.m.

Stein_ says... #18

i like it, pretty solid. i dont like collective blessing, but thats just me. im more into the charm and rancor.

November 13, 2012 11:34 a.m.

Azure124 says... #19

Collective Blessing is a weird card. I like it as it gives my dorks/ early aggro creatures late game presence. But i also see where other people don't like it as it is clunky and susceptible to spot removal like o-ring.

November 13, 2012 11:57 a.m.

Stein_ says... #20

nah, no one is gonna worry about it with an o ring typically, so you have it out. its just costly for aggro, imo.

November 13, 2012 12:18 p.m.

Vogie says... #21

The Collective Blessing is an odd enchantment... especially since all of your non-mana creatures are already really big. Perhaps switch with card:Akroma's Memorial and just hastily fly, vigilantly to victory?

November 14, 2012 3:30 p.m.

Stein_ says... #22

Deff not thalia maindeck with all those other spells.

November 14, 2012 5:52 p.m.

Azure124 says... #23

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben might go to the side but my meta is really control heavy right now. card:Akroma's Memorial I would not add as it draws too much hate and the +3/+3 from blessing is huge as it makes my early cards like thalia, geist and mana dorks not dead draws.

November 14, 2012 8:20 p.m.

Wolfsage13 says... #24

Ive seen a lot of card:Ranger's Path coming out of similar decks to make hitting 7 a little bit easier. I don't think you need 4 angels, and it doesn't seem like there is a lot feeding the craterhoof. borderland rangers are pretty weak in ravnica from what I've seen too, I would consider Loxodon Smiter s because of the added sustain.

November 27, 2012 6:27 p.m.

Azure124 says... #25

Path is too slow right now as t3 is when i want sigarda to land. Ranger let's me keep 2 land and 1 dork hands it is the best 3 drop for ramp. Hoof and aos are my primary ramp targets and end the game when they land also hoof has plenty of fodder in here.

November 27, 2012 10:17 p.m.

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