Silence in the Library

Standard SpaderAce


Sweetwargasm says... #1

Simic Charm .... Hex all permenants.

January 19, 2014 12:47 a.m.

Tradeylouish says... #2

January 29, 2014 3:35 a.m.

Tradeylouish says... #3

Here's a Prime Speaker Bant list from last year which you might find interesting.

January 29, 2014 3:38 a.m.

You do have Sphinx's Revelation s in the deck, so you don't have to play as many creatures and instead play more counter spells. You can also play Supreme Verdict in case your opponent is very aggro or swarms the field.

January 29, 2014 7:47 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #5

My first idea for this build looked similar to the one you posted, Tradeylouish, but I don't have Prime Speaker Zegana (i could try to find some). Also, Smith_and_Tonic, what creatures would i keep and what would i cut for more space for counters? Thanks guys. (remember to upvote :D)

January 29, 2014 9 a.m.

Boza says... #6

It seems to me that angel+chimera+seer is not an infinite combo, as you described it in the FNM report. You have to draw a card to gain life and perpetuate the combo. So it is not infinite but gaining 30 life and putting 30 counters on at least 3 creatures is the next best thing in standard.

I honestly foresee after the new scry lands from BNG come into play, this will be the deck to beat in the format! Just add some primespeaker instead of sphinx's revelation. And you need some more control in the form of the other 2 charms, I believe.

Also, Kiora, the Crashing Wave could be very good in this deck.

January 29, 2014 9:12 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #7

You really think this is gonna be the deck? Good thing I have a headstart! But anyways, i meant "infinite" as in the closest thing to infinite besides the weird Boros Reckoner shenanigans. And Horizon Chimera usually triggers Fathom Mage evolve when it enters, so BOOM, as soon as the chimera enters it happens. But if i do add the charms, as you say, what should i be cutting? 2x Zegana for 2x Sphinx, and then 2x Charms for the other 2x Sphinx, but what else for other charms and maybe counters?

January 29, 2014 9:18 a.m.

SpaderAce, Rapid Hybridization is a beautiful thing. I suggest it beyond belief. Removal is needed for a Mid-Range/Combo deck, and that's the best way to go. It can also buff up a small creature you have if you needed it. It destroys, so it stops an attack. It isn't white or black, so it gets around Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Stormbreath Dragon . It is truly beautiful. Plus it is ONE mana. Simic Charm is to save me from some removal and such things. It can also throw in some extra damage, or return pesky threats to hand. It'll buy you time, and save you, trust me. Your deck seems to be on a much larger budget than mine, but still, those two cards will help! Also, Jace, Architect of Thought is pretty cool. How is Progenitor Mimic working for you?

January 29, 2014 9:29 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #9

Progenitor Mimic hasnt been tested haha. Also, i just traded away my jaces (duel decks lowering his value). And i probably will use Rapid Hybridization . And, my budget isn't very high, I just "had" trade value and traded for most of this. I have nothing left to trade it feels like lol.

January 29, 2014 9:37 a.m.

Boza says... #10

Hmm now that I think about it, you do not really need fleecemane, you can not profitably use his aggro, me thinks. Drop him and the sphinxs' revelations, as well as 4 detention sphere (only good vs pack rat imo):

1x Elvish Mystic 2x Prime Speaker Zegana 3x Kiora, the Crashing Wave 3x Arbor Colossus

Substite some basics for 3 shrines to nyx and as many of the relevant temples you can pack. No basics or guildgates basically.

On second thought the selesnya charms are the best answer to the gods and desecration demon. And they should be the only ones you use.

The SB should be more focused, since we are currently focusing on midgame creature based control.

4 x detention sphere in the place of 1 arbor, 1 sylvan and 2 render silent.

This should focus the deck towards green devotion, but splashing into bant for the excellent zegana, prophet and archangel for the diversity. Should be VERY strong.

January 29, 2014 9:46 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #11

Well, thanks for the help!. I'll look into that, fleecemane was never used as aggro, only as an annoying indestructible hexproof. Hopefully i'll get at least one Kiora, the Crashing Wave at the prerelease, and I'll try to trade for the Prime Speaker Zegana . What do you say about Rapid Hybridization ? Stormbreath Dragon ALWAYS gets me, and so does Desecration Demon , but I have Selesnya Charm for that one. What do you say?

January 29, 2014 9:54 a.m.

Boza says... #12

You will have problems against mono R devotion in general. The Dargon is particularly nasty, but having a couple of rapid hybridization will deal with it very well (and a couple of more in the SB). As the deck is currently setup, you are also vulnerable to Supreme Verdict , so think of some way to make them. Rootborn Defenses comes to mind.

If you cannot get kiora, I think that Karametra can find a home in here, filtering your draws and thinning the deck.

It is turning out to be a great deck, keep tuning it!

January 29, 2014 10:03 a.m.

Tradeylouish says... #13

I actually disagree with the suggestion of cutting Sphinx's Revelation . Although it does typically shine in control decks capable of slowing down the game, it is also effective in decks that can ramp instead. This deck might not quite have enough ramp to fully exploit it, but I would still disagree with cutting it completely. If you're looking to increase its effectiveness, I would recommend including some more lands and ramp.

January 29, 2014 2:11 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #14

I WILL find a way to get kiora. I actually was gonna have rootborn defenses in the sideboard, just forgot to get them last friday. Also, i don't want more ramp, i dont have anything to ramp into, but i will test with and without sphinx's

January 29, 2014 4:07 p.m.

Nickosis says... #15

I know this is a standard deck and all, but with Horizon Chimera and Drogskol Reaver and something like Laboratory Maniac or even Psychosis Crawler you have an infinite life gain/ opponent life loss/ draw to win combo. Again, I know that this is Standard, but when stuff rotates out, I'd look at that for a Modern deck. Nice deck though, +1.

February 9, 2014 4:08 a.m.

Nickosis says... #16

But yeah, I see it with the Angel, Mage and Chimera too, that is nasty. Nevermind. Ignore my last comment.

February 9, 2014 4:10 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #17

Dang, i'm building an EDH deck with all kinds of combos like that now, thanks lol. But what do you have to say about the deck? Does it look like it'll run well and win consistently? If so, any ideas for standard?

February 9, 2014 4:16 a.m.

Nickosis says... #18

Standard isn't my thing. Sorry. I do like the deck and I had a "Bant" style commander with Deveri as general, didn't like it to much so I went back to it being U/G and it is just so much better. But I digress, this deck seems awesome.

February 10, 2014 4:29 a.m.

don't you mill yourself out?

February 18, 2014 4:40 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #20

Fathom Mage says "may". I can stop when I want

February 18, 2014 5:18 p.m.

Urseil says... #21

Hey this deco looks great, something ypu might also be able to try is medomi the ageless just because getting a second turn in q row with your deck could be dangerous. It is just a thought since you have alot of flyers with scry, it would bea helpful addition

February 22, 2014 3:58 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #22

Did you read that forum about being more helpful with suggestions...? :D Anyways, I have actually looked into Medomai the Ageless and if i added him it would probably be in place of Prognostic Sphinx . I'll try testing it with him. How many do you think are needed? 2 or 3?

February 22, 2014 4 a.m.

Spootyone says... #23

This looks quite good! And it would seem that it's working out pretty well for you, too. I think I'd up the number of Kioras -- She really can leverage you into a winning position. I also don't particularly like Render Silent in the sideboard. I feel like the scry 1 from Dissolve is likely more relevant than them playing something else after that spell.

I also i'm not a huge fan of the 3-card combo with Archangel of Thune . But that's more of a personal choice. 3-card combos with 3 creatures who all have fairly high casting costs in an environment of amazing removal and such just feels like trouble.

You also might consider adding just one or two more lands. In playtesting, I was having to mulligan quite often and that can be absolutely devastating against hand disruption.

Some additional cards to consider/reconsider:

Advent of the Wurm and/or Plasm Capture -- Having this means you can easily hold up a counter (to play a big card or two next turn), and if they play around it, you just flash in your big dude. I get Prophet of Kruphix enables this to a degree, but she comes out at a later time.

Polukranos, World Eater -- I'm sure you've thought of this before, but the fact of the matter is his monstrous is quite good against blitzy decks.

Arbor Colossus -- I'd personally recommend this over Poluk. I like him right now in a meta full of GR monsters. He eats up Poluk and Stormbreath Dragon , not to mention the Archangel of Thune gaining popularity.

Storm Crow -- This guy really has it all. Comes out on Turn 2 and immediately has flying. If your opponent doesn't have a removal spell, flier, reach guy, insubstantial lifegain, a quick deck, wraths, or Storm Crow , he's simply unbeatable.

February 24, 2014 11:30 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #24

I would have more Kiora, the Crashing Wave , but i just don't own any at the moment. I've thought about the other things you mentioned. But for the most part I want to keep the mainboard based around combos. Now, all of your recommendations might be made into some kind of sideboard. I currently don't like my sideboard, and that's what I need the most help on. Any specifics for sideboard cards and why? Polukranos maybe for aggro, Arbor Colossus for flying and GR monsters, any other things? I'm horrible with sideboards, especially in Midrange decks since I mostly used to play control

February 24, 2014 11:43 p.m.

Spootyone says... #25

I personally feel like Loxodon Smiter is either worth it in the main board or just not at all. If you're bringing in control hate, you'll want lots of the Mistcutter Hydra . It's better in almost every way.

Witchstalker is great against MBD but you have to be careful and not play him into an edict effect like Devour Flesh . I also put Fiendslayer Paladin in my sideboard right now against Orzhov and Rakdos aggro.

You need to ask yourself "when I face X deck, what is my plan? What needs to come out and what needs to come in?" If you begin to do that with all of your big matchups, you'll begin to get a feel for which cards ahve the most intrinsic value against the metagame. You'll also eventually solve the puzzle of how many of each thing you should have once you begin to realize just how many cards you want to/need to take out against certain decks. If you need to take out so many that you simply dont have enough cards in the side to fill the deck, you may want to consider dropping a few of those cards alltogether. (Why I think the combo is a bad idea with all the removal-heavy decks around).

Generally, you'll want more copies of something you want earlier (i.e. against aggro) and less copies against something slower (i.e. midrange). This can be difficult against control, where you sometimes needs to make your deck quicker to beat them, meaning you -- again -- need more copies of that particular card. That's why I liek to have a full playset of something like Mistcutter Hydra somewhere in the board.

I'd add in the colossus before touching Poluk, but that's based on my testing. but I'd personally play either before something like Archangel of Thune (sadly :( ) because of how often red decks NEED to run Mizzium Mortars right now, because of things like Brimaz, King of Oreskos Courser of Kruphix and Archangel of Thune . Note: these things are in your deck, so they WILL have them in against you.

February 24, 2014 11:59 p.m.

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