Silly Careless Goblins

Modern Defpotec


rorofat says... #1

I feel like Mindsparker is pretty meh, because all the UW decks running around right now usually splash red for Lightning Bolt... Something like Eidolon of the Great Revel or Blood Moon would probably be better.

February 24, 2015 10:55 a.m.

Defpotec says... #2

Wow LJS1911, that was a lot to process. Thanks for the input! Go for the Throat is my favorite removal in modern at the moment. Glad you like it! I'm a fan of Blood Artist because of how he fits into my mana curve more than anything. If there's a two drop that leads into my Goblin Rabblemaster or Goblin Assault better, I'd love to hear it. Combust looks ok, but I don't like that it only targets creatures. Blood Moon will probably make it on. I'm ashamed to say I forgot it. Everlasting Torment Showed this card to aformentioned friend and he looked utterly disgusted. Thanks! Duress is ok, but I'm not entirely sold. Aaand Illness in the Ranks entirely hoses my strategy unless I add in a bunch of death triggers.

rorofat, Blood Moon is an excellent suggestion and I can't believe I didn't see it earlier to put on my sideboard. Eidolon of the Great Revel really hurts me because only one spell in my deck is 4cmc and I need my mana effeciency.

I'll be updating my deck and its description shortly. Thanks guys!

February 24, 2015 11:43 a.m.

MTG.addict says... #3

Hordeling Outburst? It's a good way to power up Rabblemaster and do damage with Purphoros at the same time

February 24, 2015 2:04 p.m.

SasukeUchiha says... #4

Terminate seems better than Tragic Slip in most cases. Terminate is only less useful in a situation with an indestructible creature where a creature has already died in the same turn. Also Rakdos Charm might be a better than Nihil Spellbomb since it can deal with more situations, for example affinity or splinter twin.

February 24, 2015 2:12 p.m.

Defpotec says... #5

Not a Hordeling Outburst fan. I don't like sorcery speed player burn and the point isn't really to swing with Goblin Rabblemaster. I feel like Lightning Strike and Blightning do a better job.

I like the idea of adding in Terminate instead of Tragic Slip. I'll think about it. Tragic Slip is better turn 4 when one of my creatures dies to my opponent's fatty. Rakdos Charm is definitely going in, though. So much yes.

February 24, 2015 8:28 p.m.

ESTABAUSS says... #6

Goblin grenade feels like a must main deck. You have so many tokens and it works even better with blood artist.great way to finish a game

February 25, 2015 12:24 a.m.

DiJaxx says... #7

First off, let me just introduce myself as the "aforementioned friend."

I love how well this deck got turned from standard to modern, and I think you've essentially perfected the build. I would however recommend Terminate over Go for the Throat, simply because it is unconditional, instant speed removal still for just 2 CMC. And with all the multi-color lands you're running, one B and one R wouldn't be hindering.

I think this deck should do great at the tourney. I'm really not sure what to expect there myself but have been trying to prepare my deck ( ) to fare well. And if the two went at it, I'll need a fairly outstanding early game to be able to come out on top.

The way I see it, your biggest weakness is probably cards like Drown in Sorrow, as it would wipe essentially your whole board but not necessarily your opponents. But maybe there's not that much you can do about that, just something to keep in mind.

Looking forward to the tourney. +1

February 25, 2015 9:58 a.m.

Mr.Mirage says... #8

Instead of Tragic Slip, why don't you try some Discard. Sometimes it will help more than the Slip will. Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek. Also check out Quest for the Goblin Lord. Take out Goblin Assault and throw in Hordeling Outburst to help you get the counters on Quest. Also, why don't you look at Rise of the Hobgoblins. Sorry, I just was looking for a deck to make to run in 2hG with my B/W Tokens (Bitter Processions) and I was interested in a Goblin Token deck. Also the Outburst would be very good in tandem with your Goblin Chieftain. Turn they come out being able to attack makes up for it being a Sorcery. Cheers! +1 from me! Tweak the deck some moar!

March 3, 2015 1:29 a.m.

Defpotec says... #9

I love Rise of the Hobgoblins. Haven't seen that card. A great turn two and possible win condition? I'll take it!

I'm not really interested in how slow Quest for the Goblin Lord is... I might try a game or two with it, but I wouldn't really know what it would displace.

Inquisition of Kozilek is an interesting choice. I've been meaning to playtest with the playset of Thoughtseize I have laying around. I'll have to give it a shot.

Some great food for thought! Thanks!

March 4, 2015 10:27 p.m.

Mr.Mirage says... #11

If you play Hordeling Outburst the Quest isn't slow at all.

T1 Mountain -> QuestT2 Land -> Dragon Fodder or Krenko's CommandT3 Land -> Hordeling Outburst (5 Counters)T4 Land -> Rise of the Hobgoblins (Profit)

March 5, 2015 11:18 a.m.

would a Hellraiser Goblin help you in anyway?

March 19, 2015 3 p.m.

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