Silverblade ROCKS!!!

Standard KrisLoom186


Chubbub says... #1

I think Wild Beastmaster could be more useful than Hamlet Captain . I like it though. +1

January 15, 2013 3:04 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #2

true however how could i buff he up permently I dont have + counters in here unless i take out 2 Garruk Relentless  Flip out for Increasing Savagery or Blessings of Nature or Travel Preparations or Hunger of the Howlpack

January 15, 2013 8:39 p.m.

Chubbub says... #3

January 16, 2013 7:01 a.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #4

oh ok thanks man

January 16, 2013 11:17 a.m.

kaupisch says... #5

+4 Ethereal Armor -1 gavony-1 sublime-2 Charms

Armor stacks with Rancor and gives you first strike. Rancor + 2 Ethereal armor = +8! put that on a wild beastmaster and enjoy...

January 16, 2013 11:39 a.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #6

I have Sublime Archangel to give me a flyer but I see what your saying there.

January 16, 2013 11:43 a.m.

beakedbard says... #7

Maybe a Captain of the Watch for both buffing your human soldiers and giving the Champion of the Parish 4 +1/+1s but it seems like your going more for quick play.

January 16, 2013 11:54 a.m.

kaupisch says... #8

Just some food for thought...if you want to go super aggressive and don't mind going away from human theme...

Selesnya Aggro

A buddy of mine -4 the Loxodon and +2 wild beastmaster and +2 Champion of Lambholt and he -4 the Arbor Elf for +2 champion and +2 Doomed Traveler

January 16, 2013 12:01 p.m.

kaupisch says... #9

oh, I meant -4 on the strangleroot for +4 champion -3 on the arbor elf for +3 doomed

January 16, 2013 12:02 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #10

soldier tokens wont buff Champion of the Parish only humans can otherwise i might .

January 16, 2013 10:35 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #11

kaupisch I dont mind going away from the human theme however can you explain a little more umm how is your deck more aggresive than mind currently? your deck seems fun to play, I thought mine was fast but i guess not?

January 17, 2013 9:43 p.m.

kaupisch says... #12

You are running more of a mid-range than an aggro deck, but you have some aggro things mixed in, which leads me to wonder which you want to play....right now you aren't really either.

a salesnya aggro deck moves fast, it's fairly common to have turn 4 kills. There are numerous 'god' hands that you can start with (mana creature, for turn 2 loxodon, turn 3 silverblade, turn 4 kill....turn 2 strangleroot, turn 3 silverblade, turn 4 kill...lets not forget getting Ethereal Armor x2 and a rancor or 2 on something...that is just nasty...etc)

how you do the creatures is up to you, but choosing the wrong ones simply slow you down.

1) fiend hunter is a defensive creature, no real point in having might as well run Bonds of Faith since you can either pacify them or give your guys +2/+2 (which stacks with Ethereal Armor btw)... 2) Riders of Gavony isn't really necessary if you are running rancor, double strike, charm, and other things that let you bowl over he costs 4, no need to have anything that costs more than 3 in your deck...anything more than 3 = slow3) garruk (no real need for him), he's not producing human tokens and he costs 4...4) lack ethereal armor (which stacks with other enchantments, like itself and rancor)5) you are running 24 lands. Getting back to the aggro part, don't have more than 3 on your mana and 22 will suffice, thus freeing up space for better creatures or ways to protect those creatures. card:Faith's Shield is amazing against burn/kill decks/control decks, also helps in mirrors since you can cast it prior to attacking and simply ignore their blockers.

Regardless, you have a good deck, but it seems to hover between the midrange and the aggro, which, if that is your style, then go for it.

just my 2 cents.

January 18, 2013 1:20 p.m.

kaupisch says... #13

Oh, and just for is another one I'm running online atm...Bant Aggro. You could easily make this a humans deck by swapping out the loxodon...but it's slightly better than the salesyna aggro since the invisible stalker comes with hexproof.

January 18, 2013 2:39 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #14

wow I didn't even realize all that, great news thanks

January 18, 2013 3:53 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #15

wow I didn't even realize all that, great news thanks

January 18, 2013 3:53 p.m.

kaupisch says... #16

one suggestion I have, play this a need to know which hands to definitely NOT start with...also, you need to know the progression of when it's better to equip auras vs casting doublestrike....all things that will become clear the more you play it :) Also, you know what your FNM group is like, so the meta-game is going to be different for that vs some of the things I have suggested...

an example...strangelroot geist is great since he attacks fast and has undying... conversely if they are running Pillar of Flame , then he isn't as effective...also, the equipment dies when he you might consider, based on your metagame, if there might be a better 2 drop for you...

January 18, 2013 4:44 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #17

ok I play tested last night at fnm but I lost to a U/W Geist of Saint Traft deck twice in a row. what hand did you normally start with? when would you suggest use doublestrike from Ajani?

January 19, 2013 10:43 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #18

Azorius Charm slowed me down

January 19, 2013 10:45 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #19

Somebody told me to sideboard Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

January 19, 2013 10:47 p.m.

kaupisch says... #20

Not a fan of thalia, slows you down just as much as for azorius charm, sideboard ranger's guile/faith's shield...biggest issue is mass removal, not spot removal (if you are running faith's shield/etc)...

January 20, 2013 11:46 a.m.

kaupisch says... #21

Also, that is why I'm more leaning towards Bant Aggro...made a few modifications that make this almost impossible to beat thanks to 2 hexproof creatures... take a look and let me know your thoughts

January 20, 2013 12:02 p.m.

x8bitGangsta says... #22

How is all this mana ramp working for you? I can honestly see a lot of empty hands. You are running 22 mana as is with 7 sourse of ramp for 2 Five cost creatures the rest being three or lower. It just seems a bit off for me. I really only like running 3 of Legendary creatures my self, having 1 on the field and two in hand feels like a dead draw, but she is usually taken down fast. I would still use 3x of her tho.

If you were thinking of taking out the Call you have to weigh in how many times has that card helped you? You run primarily two, so it means you would usually end up seeing it later in the game and not much in your opening hand. By mid - game what is it you want more a 3/3 or 7 more life?

I would consider droping some mana dorks and adding spells that can more help you if need be for certain situations, or add some bigger things for the mana ramp. Have you considered Armada Wurm ? He is 6 Cost for a 5/5 with trample that makes a token of him self. So 2 5/5 for 6 and with the mana ramp I have seen him come out 3rd or 4th turn in decks.

Sideboards also have to be 15 Cards even or none at all as well for tourny play, you can fix that by simply dropping a Knight to 3. I will see what all I can come up with and get back to you. It is early here and my head hurts

January 23, 2013 11:07 a.m.

Caladius says... #23

My suggestion is to drop 2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and add 2 Sigarda, Host of Herons being able to get a 5/5 Flying Hexproof out on turn 3 or 4 is great because most control decks dont have the mana to leave open at that time, meaning its easy to play and once on the field stays on the field. Also you can pair it with a Silverblade Paladin giving it double strike. Since the Silverblade Paladin is still a 2/2 (not like a Wolfir Silverheart being an 8/8) it cant be Selesnya Charm . Then just throw a Rancor or two on Sigarda, Host of Herons and the rest is history.

Hope this helps!

Good Luck

Heres my deck that is somewhat similiar to yours that I made months ago

January 23, 2013 1:28 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #24

I see what yall mean about legendary creatures, only one on the field and two in the hand is much to slow. I will take two of her out for two Sigarda, Host of Herons . The mana ramp was only preset that way because I didnt know how much I needed for my Wolfir Silverheart . I Have two Thragtusk however I dont have Restoration Angel to really make the best use out of him yet. Armada Wurm is impressive with its tokens ability but is it really worth all the mana for it or should I stick with flyers? I am still learning this style of play and feedback is great.

January 23, 2013 7:29 p.m.

Chubbub says... #25

Wolfir Avenger is a great card for this type of deck.

January 25, 2013 3:39 p.m.

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