Simic Elfhoof? Believe it (Top 4 FNM)

Standard* ChrisHansonBiomancin


Just Short at FNM —Aug. 19, 2013

A bit of a disappointing show for the Elfhoof deck considering how it was trashing opponents earlier in the week, but an encouraging finish. I started by losing to an American token brew of one of my favorite fellow Johnnies at the shop thanks to the most ridiculous series of topdecks I've ever seen: in Game 3, I Hoofed him down to 2 after he had no cards in hand, and he topdecks Supreme Verdict. Alright, I'll just pop out a Biomancer. Next topdeck? Sphinx's Revelation. Sometimes God just does not want you to win. I then lost to Boros Aggro after dominating on the draw in Game 1, having to mull to 4 after a no-land 5 card hand in Game 2, and getting mana screwed again in Game 3 after I supposedly learned my lesson from Game 2 and kept a 2 land hand, of course the only lands I would see that game.

However, things turned around dramatically from there. I owned another Golgari mid / control deck 2-0 (they have a hard time if I can land a Garruk since their removal will never keep up with his draw); beat a Jund midrange deck 2-0 on turns 4 and 5 with some pretty nutty draws; beat a Monowhite Humans deck 2-0 after his trio of Champion of the Parish got me down to 1 life in Game 1 before my Hoof, and he ran into a wall of Mutant Elves in Game 2; and beat WB Junk Humans 2-1 after ANOTHER trio of Champions got to me in Game 1, but I came back in force with a Hoof in Game 2, and finished the night with a ridiculous Soul of the Harvest-sponsored board with 3 Archdruids that churned out a huge army of 4/4 Elves. So I finished 4-2, missing Top 8 by one point, which I'll take given the ridiculously unlucky start to the night and the dominating finish. Also, the brewmeister with the insane topdecks in Round 1 ended up making Top 4, which was decent consolation since it always makes me happy to see a fellow Johnny have success against the plethora of copy/pasted Top 8 decks in the meta.