Simic Elfhoof? Believe it (Top 4 FNM)
Some Tweaks —Aug. 31, 2013
I missed last week's FNM due to the extremely important obligation of drafting my Fantasy Football team, but got to play in 3 tournies with the Elves this week, going 3-0 again on Tuesday, Top 4 on Wednesday out of almost 40 this time, and went 4-2 at FNM, finishing tied for 9th in a field of about 60 (1 pt short again!). Unlike my "White Boy Aggro" (This Ain't No Compton Gangbang (Top 8 FNM)), which seems to catch fire on Friday nights, this deck has seemed to save its worst for Fridays lol. But I'm still very pleased with the overall body of work in an extremely competitive meta, and the most impressive stat is that it has yet to be swept in a match. I'm sure this will go Top 8 in an FNM before rotation, or I will do the Magic version of "die trying."
That all said, I decided to make one tweak to the mainboard and a few to the side. Prime Speaker has been fantastic in the deck, which makes it a tough cut, but since my worst games have been those in which I'm low on dorks, I decided to lower the curve ever so slightly by swapping it for one more Biomancer. This was the result of a complete Spike train of thought in which I pondered more 3-4 drops to add that would work well with Elves, then realized that the answer was right in front of me- more of my favorite Standard card! You might as well have asked Christopher Walken for a little more cowbell! So Adios Zegana, you'll be missed.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #2
Haha as I said in the description, it's definitely a personal favorite moreso than the result of researching for the best possible card, but I can't agree that it's not good at all. First of all, what 3-drop in Standard offers 5 power? I can't think of any that are played, and a search on the Gatherer for that much power and that low cost pretty much turned up the backside of other flip cards-none of which are actually 3 or less CMC- and truly bad cards like Phylactery Lich . That means he can go toe-to-toe with almost any big threat in the meta or be a nasty threat himself. That's a pretty nice board presence for a card whose real purpose isn't even to fight, but to help me draw the pieces I need for my win conditions. And for a cheap draw engine, he is a much better option than Zameck Guildmage , Tandem Lookout or any of the other creatures Green and Blue currently have to offer.
August 25, 2013 9:24 p.m.
agarritano says... #3
Wow this is great, really digging this deck. I see where Garruk, Caller of Beasts truly has a home here, I don't think it would as much in my deck though :( +1 from me!
August 27, 2013 12:02 p.m.
skyfly1080 says... #4
Great deck! I thought I would share with you my casual modern deck I have been playing with buddies that has many similarities: Imagine sages of the anima paired with soul of the harvest. Also, archdruid + Gwave is really fun, especially when I wave into 2 Master Bs and craterhoof win for 140+ or so trample (this has happened many times). I splashed white for the charm to add extra protection on top of simic charm (which you are correct is amazing). Ultimately, if I get out archdruid (harbinger helps there) and protect him (charms) it is game over. Even if I don't, Master B, Soul of the harvest, and Ezuri can just as easily deliver a win.
TheGamer says... #1
It looks cool, +1. Whats up with Civilized Scholar Flip ? its not good at all!
August 23, 2013 8:13 a.m.