This is a good deck i like it its very well driven for a simic deck, ive played some simic decks that just drag and dont evolve quick enough but i like this one, especially what you did with the phantom, now i might suggest you consider replacing him with Deadeye Navigator so you can flick big stuff and evolve quicker, only thing is that if you do that youd need to rework your deck some to suit it, and also make a sideboard, and put in counter spells, i suggest Spell Rupture due to the way this deck runs, this will round off your deck more but the main purpose is board wipes, a board wipe mid game will seriously set you back with this deck since the entire thing builds on itself, its like a freight train this deck will start off smaller and slower but it will pick up speed and power with quickly and just get bigger and faster till it crushes your opponent, but if you can stop it before it has a chance to finish them off youll be hard pressed to get back ahead especially if its an aggro-control deck
March 13, 2013 12:51 a.m.
blackknight says... #3
Thanks for the feedback! @Gostgun Deadeye Navigator looks like a great alternative to leyline phantom, however what would i need to rework for it? i could just pair it with anything and then flick him right? I have definitely been looking at Spell Rupture as an alternative to gridlock, what do you guys think about get all AEtherize instead of gridlock and side-boarding spell rupture? @ColeyPTrain Increasing Savagery would substitute him in instead of Ooze Flux? I really love Ooze Flux but I havn't been able to really use him effectively he seems to be a turn too slow. as far as Rogue's Passage I don't see a reason to not at least try him out. The idea is cool if a bit expensive, but it could be an effective game ender.
March 13, 2013 11:27 a.m.
crabopolis says... #4
just a few suggestions, not sure what i'd take out to fit them all in, although i hate Shambleshark. Simic Fluxmage makes the evolve mechanic easier, cause it keeps 1 critter low. i have found once evolvers hit 4/5 or so they stop evolving, he fixes this. I am also a big fan of Simic Manipulator + Increasing Savagery. Some creature stealing, he continues to evolve, or he can chump block after he is used and abused. I would also drop 2 Ooze Flux for Bioshift. check out my take on evolve with Wizards of the Simic Biomancer if you have a chance.
March 15, 2013 1:13 p.m.
blackknight says... #5
I don't have a fondness for Shambleshark either but with evolve you have to think about the curve, and Shambleshark is another 2 drop that will evolve stuff he will evolve both the Gyre Sage and the experiment one and Cloudfin Raptor, while i love simic fluxmage and the manipulator they would i think be a bit off curve and as for bioshift w/o those 2 guys it's kinda useless. although 4 Ooze Flux might be too many.
March 15, 2013 1:20 p.m.
crabopolis says... #6
I also use Bioshift with Artful Dodge, so you can force feed a biggie down your opponents throat. +1 since you have a reason for everything you have in.
ColeyPTrain says... #1
I love the idea based around your deck. Similar to mine! Take a look at my "You wanted to block that?" Deck! You might really like it. It's nice to put down that Prime Speaker Zegana after the Master Biomancer because she enters not only with her power up but his also! You might want to add Increasing Savagery play it once on Gyre Sage and then play a flashback on someone else like Elusive Krasis. Or even Master Biomancer, then hold back a low drop creature, Cloudfin Raptor or Experiment One, and watch the massive evolve. If you like the unblockable idea look at the land Rogue's Passage it might seem crappy to pay 4 mana to make a creature unblockable but swing with a big Master Biomancer and then an Elusive Krasis watch your opponents draw drop;P. Also for the Rogue's Passage I use as a game winner card to swing for unblockable when the opponent isn't ready. Best of luck hope you like the suggestions
March 12, 2013 11:55 p.m.