Simic Hydras

Standard daranable


Zealotry says... #1

Have you thought about Renegade Krasis ? It's fantastic for an evolve/counters deck, and you're currently missing something in the 3 drop slot. You've got a bunch of one drops as the deck stands now. But I keep hoping that Simic will become a thing so good luck!

December 5, 2013 2:42 p.m.

MTGNoobs says... #2

December 5, 2013 2:53 p.m.

daranable says... #3

@Zealotry; Yeah Renegade Krasis is one I regularly debate about find a spot for. I'd probably only end up with a two-of of him in here if I add it at all.

@MTGNoobs; Thanks for the suggestions, but that kind of takes the deck too far away from where I want it. I do appreciate the suggestion though.

December 5, 2013 4:18 p.m.

bvandrew says... #4

What about Vorel of the Hull Clade to make your creatures bigger.

December 6, 2013 12:45 a.m.

bvandrew says... #5

or maybe a Primordial Hydra

December 6, 2013 12:48 a.m.

MTGNoobs says... #6

Ugh...first...Vorel of the Hull Clade is horrible....and second...Primordial Hydra isn't legal

December 6, 2013 9:20 a.m.

daranable says... #7

@bvandrew thank you for the suggestions, but as MTGNoobs said Primordial Hydra isn't legal in current standard. Vorel of the Hull Clade is fairly slow for my deck. Before I can have him benefit me I have to wait a turn, (Or half a turn if played through Prophet of Kruphix . Then on top of that I have to tap him and pay extra mana to be able to use him, which means he is a creature I can't use to attack or block on top of costing me more mana. That is my main reason against him.

December 6, 2013 1:19 p.m.

peanut1645 says... #8

MTGNOOBS don't ever say a card sucks because looking at the decks you have made well you definitely don't know what a good and bad card/ deck is.

December 6, 2013 5:55 p.m.

MTGNoobs says... #9

wow...peanut....thats some hostility....most of those "decks" i made are ugly (or were made by my wife) and were made quite some time ago.....all of my "good" decks are private...but yes, vorel is terrible...but more to the point...i am certainly allowed to feel and say that a card is no good...vorel, much like the last comment mentioned, is way too slow and ties up a creature....but again...where did all the hostility come do realize this is a game about fairies and dragons, right?

December 6, 2013 6:17 p.m.

Akanra says... #10

I'm a little confused as to why Cloudfin Raptor is in here. Is he there just to block enemy fliers? Don't get me wrong, I understand he's a very versatile little creature, but it seems that your one-drop slot is taken up by Experiment One and/or Elvish Mystic .

December 9, 2013 1:40 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #11

Personally I'd drop Garruk, Caller of Beasts for some draw power. Garruk is at the top of your curve so your not getting that much benefit from him but picking out of a few card for one card in hand. Little tip, Prophet of Kruphix doesn't work that great when you're top decking. She works a hell of a lot better with cards in hand.Simic Monster Stock - this may help give you some ideas, although my deck plays a heck load different to yours so you may want some regular card draw over stuff like Bident and bred for the hunt. Prime Speaker Zegana would probably be great in this build. Definitely better than Garruk. Also, Syncopate feels a bitout of place, your clearly not playing control with all those Hydras and a good control player will have more than enough mana to still kill your threats. (also again, top decking is not the best situation)

@Akanra - never underestimate Cloudfin Raptor . He's damn easy to evolve and he's used a lot less for blocking than he is attacking. Couple him with Kalonian Hydra and it's pretty easy to make him a 12/12 flier.

December 9, 2013 11:48 p.m.

daranable says... #12

@Akanra as Ulimaodin says Cloudfin is extremely versatile I decided to keep all 3 of these on drops in here, becuase both Experiment One and Cloudfin do major work end game when I've evolved them 3-4 times.

@Ultimaodin Garruk is ideal for this draw power. With his +1 I reveal 5 cards and I take ALL creatures revealed this way into my hand. He does not get me counter cards and such. But as far as for creature draw he is amazing. He really helps on games where the creature cards get bunched up in the middle and bottom of the deck.

I have considered Prime Speaker Zegana And yes she would be good in this deck, but the point I really want to play her is after I've swung once with Kalonian Hydra , which in more cases than not I am already going to win. So overall I generally feel Garruk has more use in more cases. He may not in the end give me as much card draw as a good game with Zegana, but Garruk is able to help me come back from places Zegana would have problems with.

December 10, 2013 1:33 p.m.

MTGNoobs says... #13

daranable So as far as Garruk is concerned, you are absolutely right. The only thing I would say against it is that you don't have enough ramp to make Garruk a threat. If I'm playing a fast aggro deck...I'm putting out dudes a lot faster than you're going to reach mana to play Garruk. I agree that he needs to be in here, but I also feel like you're not going to get to him soon enough to be relevant with only 6 mana dorks. Despite your feelings against Prime Speaker Zegana , the sheer amount of card draw from her is absolutely imperative in a deck like this. Generating that much card advantage is a huge plus for you, and she should not be overlooked. Of course, this is again off the assumption that you're upping your mana dork base. Kalonian hydra is your win condition here, and he plays very well with prime speaker, but I think 4 of them is over kill. With Prime Speaker, and Garruk, you're going to draw into your Kalonian don't need any more than 2. You say you don't want to play prime speaker after kalonian, but...when they ultimate price you hydra, or hero's downfall, or devor flesh, or far // away (getting the theme here?) that hydra, and you're top-decking...well prime speaker may just win you a game. As I've said before, you need to bring your Nykthos count to 4. There is no reason why 4 of them should not be played. I agree that Syncopate doesn't belong here. Make it Cyclonic Rift . Rift is important because the top decks right now are devotion based. Overloading your rift in response to my Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Fanatic of Mogis or Master of Waves or me tapping mana for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx will likely be the difference between you winning and losing. You may not like my version that I posted for you, which as you said, does in fact take this deck in a slightly different direction, but go ahead and proxy it out, and see how explosive and consistent it is. At any rate, consider some of these card suggestions. I like simic colors...they're fun to play with. I went from Naya Blitz, to Mono-white Weenie, to that deck list I posted, and feel like Simic is my favorite right now.

December 10, 2013 2:23 p.m.

hesuskrist says... #14

i love the way Cyclonic Rift shuts any devotion deck DOWN. I run a super simplified version of this deck, ill keep your version in mind when i go to fnm tomorrow and see what i think would be best for this deck or revising mine

December 12, 2013 11:27 p.m.

Cool deck! It seems very similar to my GU Ramp- My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM), though this seems to have more of a counters/Evolve theme. I would definitely suggest getting some Voyaging Satyr in there to untap Nykthos. Also, Prime Speaker Zegana would be great for another source of card advantage, which is really important for maximizing Master Biomancer & Prophet of Kruphix's abilities.

Against control, I find that the best way to beat Supreme Verdict is through massive card advantage so you can stay agressive, since GU doesn't have access to any mass regenerate, indestructible, etc, and your Evolve creatures need friends on the board to be threatening. Therefore, I'd get 2 more Garruks on the side as well as Jace, Architect of Thought and/or Jace, Memory Adept (which can also be a win con with the mill). Pithing Needle is a staple for stopping AEtherling and Planeswalkers like Elspeth, Sun's Champion . I also have Boon Satyr on my mainboard, but it could be a side option for control as well by letting you Bestow for more power to the board while still giving you a 4/2 after a Verdict.

Some other sideboard options would be Nylea's Disciple against aggro, cheap counterspells like Negate and Essence Scatter , and Arbor Colossus or Skylasher for decks with flying.

December 16, 2013 7:56 p.m.

daranable says... #16

Thank you for the suggestions. I've had many people suggest Prime Speaker Zegana , and I just generally am not too wild about her. I could see playing her against a more control heavy deck so I can get extra card draw, but in other situations in my eyes she is just a win more card. So I stay away from her, I added her to my list of maybe's for sideboard though, as she may be good to side in in place of renegade Krasis.

I also added Pithing Needle to my potential sideboard.

As far as Boon Satyr I used to run them in my deck but I took them out in place of more cohesion in the deck and more Kalonian Hydras.

Any other suggestions for potential sideboard cards against common decks in the meta atm?

December 17, 2013 7:23 p.m.

MTGNoobs says... #17

Prime Speaker Zegana is not a win more at all. She's a card advantage generating card. There's a reason several people are suggesting her. You want to talk about win more? 4 Kalonian Hydra are win more. Seriously consider this fact: The Meta game is saturated with removal and sweeps. Examples: Abrupt Decay , Lightning Strike , Anger of the Gods , Putrefy , Supreme Verdict , Ratchet Bomb , Cyclonic Rift , Ultimate Price , Doom Blade , Far / Away , Devour Flesh , Hero's Downfall , and other less played spells. That's 12 (or 13 depending on how you look at it) commonly played removal spells without considering counter-magic. Your hydras will be removal magnets. The benefit to playing Zegana is that you will have a decent sized creature that also drew you cards and allowed you to recover from them wiping your board, or tempo-ing you with removal. Decks like yours fold to removal heavy decks because they kill everything you put out with cheap spells while they are putting out threats...while your expensive threats (which is what green plays) are dying and you're running out of things they need to answer. Pretty soon you're top-decking, and they have a board presence. Sure you may draw a hydra here or there, but then they draw an Ultimate Price and your back to square one. Take it from someone who has played decks like yours and lost, frustrated. 2 Zegana is a must. A playset of Garruk is a must. A playset of rifts is a must. A playset is Nykthos is a must. your question: sideboard: Gainsay , AEtherling , Pithing Needle , Bramblecrush are all high on my list...I also have Wasteland Viper against aggro decks for attacking with my polukranos, triggering monstronsity, and bloodrushing him. But hey man, this is your what you want. You're asking for advice, and are consistently getting the same advice but ignoring it because you "don't like it". If you're not going to consider the advice you're getting you probably shouldn't be soliciting people for it. I'm not telling you to make your deck mine. This deck has merits in it's approach, but it needs card draw. It needs more ramp. Why you're not playing Voyaging Satyr is beyond my comprehension. Do you not like zegana because she is only a 3 dollar mythic? Food for thought bro.

December 18, 2013 2:17 p.m.

I strongly agree with what MTGNoobs said; you have to have a strong dose of card advantage to make this kind of deck work, since as he pointed out there are lots of decks like Mono Black that can match your big creatures with spot removal, so you have to outpace them. Prime Speaker is about as good of an option as there is in this color scheme since you're still adding a solid creature to the board. And sometimes you're going to need that Cyclonic Rift or Simic Charm and Garruk can't dig those up.

I run 7 card advantage engines on my mainboard (2 Prime Speaker, 3 Garruk, 2 Jace) because I want to see at least one or two every game. I also ran a Craterhoof Elves deck pre-rotation (Simic Elfhoof? Believe it), which was a similar ramp / huge creatures deck as this one, and that had 4 Caller of Beasts and 2 Garruk, Primal Hunter for card advantage as well. More than anything, you have to consistently make up the cards you spent for ramping, or you'll find yourself staring down quality creatures with your dorks after their spot removal takes care of your one or two big threats.

December 18, 2013 5:17 p.m.

its-tgb says... #19

I'd say switch Syncopate with Spell Rupture , a more efficient and less mana-taxing card. Also, Karametra's Acolyte might do a lot of work. She'll evolve everyone and provide a ton of mana for your sinks, mainly your hydras and rift.

December 18, 2013 9:40 p.m.

EmblemMan says... #20

I like it, it reminds me of my standard deck. It's 2014 Hydras GW check it out if you get the chance any help is appreciated! Sorry I can't give advice it looks just about right.

December 18, 2013 11:38 p.m.

MTGNoobs says... #21

I strongly disagree with the plan for Karametra's Acolyte . i dont get them impression he wants to ramp here....a turn 4 ramp is not going to get him mono green devotion the acolyte is decent, but not here...he needs mystics, caryatids, and saytrs

December 19, 2013 7:06 a.m.

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