Simic Monster Stock

Standard Ultimaodin


Quadsimotto says... #1

Good call on sideboarding the elixir. I think Mill is going to be very popular in standard now. i gotta say i like this. It looks pretty competitive ready for standard. Let me know how it fares. When i came back to the game a little over a month ago i took some online survey that told me i was Simic in nature. So the first cards i bought when starting back was a Simic prebuilt deck. I liked the look of it but have since decided ill go Dimir. I always like card denial back in the day and it seems to be a viable strategy now whether its from the library or from the hand. This style looks like it could get out of control pretty quickly if something is not done to stop it. Good job and a +1 from me.

October 6, 2013 8:12 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #2

Deck looks good. +1

I would SB'd the Mistcutter Hydra and mainboard Master Biomancer in it's place. 5 Hydras just seems way too overkill.

October 7, 2013 2:56 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #3

APPLE01DOJ - Tested with recommendation found I preferred Mistcutter Hydra since I can play him early for cheap and pump him with everything else or later for higher and still pump him. Master Biomancer was good if I could cast him before Prophet of Kruphix to at least keep her tough enough to survive Lightning Strike s as well as other creatures but outside of my opening hand it just feels a bit slow. It also feels counter intuitive with Fathom Mage since she enters with the counter so it doesn't activate her draw effect. I'm still going to leave him on the maybe board as I still have an urge to put him in somewhere.

October 7, 2013 9:51 p.m.

Vilous says... #4

I have to agree with APPLE01DOJ, that you should swap out Mistcutter Hydra . I have a similiar deck I'm composing Watch me grow!, and considered Mistcutter, but untimatly it didn't make the cut. It it is a great card, BUT the protection from blue is a serious drawback in a Simic deck.You just can't use it with many of your other cards that you want it to synergize with-

Mainboard- Aqueous Form , Ordeal of Thassa , Vorel of the Hull Clade

Sideboard- Bioshift , Simic Charm

I'd also consider cutting out the ramp cards, I'm not sure this deck needs it with its mana curve topping out at 5. Maybe put in somemore Cloudfin Raptor s or Slitherhead or even Omenspeaker to get a big-butt down and help you line up your next two turns of mana curve.

Also, I ulimately opted out of using Master Biomancer , as he was too slow. As a 4 drop, I'd rather put down the Fathom Mage , and as a 5 drop I'd rather put down the prophet.. and after that, well, what exactly is the Master Biomancer actually going to help with?

My thoughts, anyway.

None of those will work with/on a Mistcutter Hydra.

October 25, 2013 12:08 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #5

@Vilous I have actually sideboarded Mistcutter just haven't checked tapped ou the past couple days. I still like him there to wreck blue (which is played a lot in my Magic club). I ended up putting in Simic Manipulator because he evolves surprisingly quick in this deck and he comes in handy a lot. Nothing really laughs harder at a Boro Reckoner deck than stealing the Boros Reckoner. Played a game with Vorel, Manipulator and Prophet on the field and my opponent ended up hating me a lot. pay two mana double Simic Manipulator's counters. Spend those counters to steal their creature. During their turn, do the exact same thing. The ramp is in there because I am one of the most impatient players you'll ever meet and I like the continuous mana flow. Turn 3 Prophet is just something I can't help but love.Mistcutter is a card I love but yeah, I eventually got annoyed at him when in two game I managed to pull to Mistcutters and both my Ordeals of Thassa, I was tempted to put Nimbus Swimmer in instead of Simic Manipulator

October 25, 2013 1:48 p.m.

corncob says... #6

deck seems really cool, going to try and change my simic deck to go less for control and more for aggro/card draw like this one.

November 30, 2013 12:05 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #7

corncob - Thanks, just a warning this deck is pretty pricey and I myself am still trying to include a Thassa somewhere in this..

November 30, 2013 10:44 p.m.

corncob says... #8

Ill skimp on the super expensive ones like kalonian hydra. Debating going for a master biomancer, in addition to the simic charms and sylvan caryatids i still need.

November 30, 2013 11:44 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #9

It may be pricey but i got nothing but props to give to this build. Congrats on your 1st @FNM.

December 1, 2013 1:45 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #10

corncob - If you do, drop Nylea as you have less double green symbols to activate her. Instead get an AEtherling since combined with Prophet he is a game winner and flickering him will often evolve some of your smaller critters. Also go 4 Master Biomancer if you play him, as he's better when he stacks. Another option is Polukranos, World Eater but then you'll probably want to also play Gyre Sage , which I personally find typically rather slow. If Aggro is what your after Cloudfin is great for that and the extra evasion helps with getting cards from Bred for the Hunt and Bident. My own deck tries to fill the role of mainly mid-range that can go late game wile Elvish Mystic and Sylvan speed getting into the mid-game. The fact is Simic will never go as aggro as mono-red or Red/White which is another reason I use Sylvan over Gyre Sage in the two drop space.

Just note while making a deck that using what works for you is generally best. As you've seen not everyone thinks Prophet of Kruphix is a good card while I've loved this card since the pre-release and have abused her from the start. I personally don't like Zameck Guildmage but in an aggro Simic he typically has a place.The same as Gyre Sage I find slow but lots of people love the amount of mana he can generate. Lots of people love Master of Waves, I find him slow and clunky in Simic even when combined with Master Biomancer. Sometimes there's just that one card you think is great that others think is terrible. I built the deck entirely around Prophet of Kruphix and know she works best when I have creatures in hand. Just remember when building a deck for yourself, it has to work for you.

December 1, 2013 1:58 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #11

Quadsimotto - Thanks mate. Won a Tourney with it as well.

Going to be resting this deck for December though, plan on running a joke Naya Christmas themed deck for laughs. Keen for Born of the Gods though, hoping the Simic God, Kruphix, has some kind of ability to grant temporary Hexproof. Unlikely but I would love it to death if it did. GB target creature gains hexproof until end of turn. I can dream can't I.

December 1, 2013 3:22 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #12

i would not say that it is too much to ask for, and i would think being that there are no BG plainswalkers(at least none that i know bout') that the lesser gods they make for each color combo will be nothing short of bad ass.I know i am looking forward to BR,BG and RB colored powerhouses or finishers.. Being that there really isnt anything in standard that are dominant in those color combos.

December 1, 2013 5:43 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #13

Honestly, I am expecting a Simic Planeswalker in the third set of Theros. Since duels of the planeswalkers and other things have hinted at a merfolk UG planeswalker and Merfolk are actual pretty common in Theros so far.

December 1, 2013 6:37 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #14

Oh Geez my mistake not BG but UG.. Yes i believe you are right and it would be cool to see merefolk walker.

December 1, 2013 7:28 a.m.

Midwest says... #15

I like this deck. I'd vote Thassa over Nylea for scry/the extra synergy with Bident and Bred. It's essentially Aqueous Form built into a creature. obviously a bit less mana efficient though.

December 24, 2013 7:27 p.m.

Zarlisk says... #16

What made you decide to not run Master Biomancer ? Is your whole win condition to Prophet and overrun with stuff for draw power until you can drop a Kalonian?

December 24, 2013 9:37 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #17

Zarlisk - as a four drop he was often found clunky. I've been considering throwing him in place of Fathom Mage. The issue is he's a card that I either want to run 4 of or don't generally run at all. Dropping Fathom Mage will also be dropping one of my means of draw power (although Bred for the Hunt has proved to be the best form of card draw for me). I've been tossing that spot around between Master Biomancer/Fathom Mage/Witchstalker (in mainboard) for a while now. The deck tends to win most times though and against a creature heavy deck having FathomMage is a giant - advantage while Master Biomancer often doesn't make a significant difference - on turn three a choice between playing him kalonian and prophet (this due to ramp) he's going to typically be the last picked unless I'm playing against red to put Prophet's toughness up.

Win Condition wise most of the creatures in this deck evolve fast. I play a style where each card needs to be a support or a threat card. Cloudfin in the one drop is a threat - easy to evolve and can be an utter powerhouse while Elvish Mysticis support getting me to late game a lot faster. Generally if I don't get Kalonian out I can still win by abusing prophet and the ridiculous amounts of card draw with Bred for the Hunt and Bident of Thassa letting methrow out crature after creature both in my turn and my opponents Vorel is also a great doubler that combines with Prophettobe able to use his ability 2 fold. That being said it's pretty hard not to hit Kalonian Hydra in this deck There is a 39.95% chance of drawing it in your opening hand alone. couple that with regular draws, scry lands, aqueous form to scry and other methods of card draw if you don't see one by turn 5/6 then more than likely they are clumped at the bottom of your deck. Either way I've won a number games without him simply by having bigger creatures on board. Prophet of Kruphix is the true core to this deck - she is amazing. She lets you play during your opponents turn and untap all your lands to do so (including temples and shock lands if you choose to play them tapped) and grants psuedo-vigilance for all your creatures. Also all creatures with tap abilities get to tap a second time. I love her so much, to the point I have another 12 of her in my trade binder.

Midwest - Yeah I've been trying to get a Thassa for a while. I've one about 24 Theros booster off this deck and just haven't landed a Thassa yet. I'm probably going to have to go buy one. The only times this deck has lost is when I've been mana swamped or mana screwed.

December 24, 2013 11:25 p.m.

Zarlisk says... #18

That is very logical thoughts. I'll have to test without Master Biomancer...I just love him so much lol. got my +1

December 25, 2013 12:05 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #19

Well, looks like I'm dropping Fathom Mage for the planeswalker come Born of the Gods :D

December 25, 2013 12:45 a.m.

Try running 2 or more Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for more mana to abuse during your opponent's turn,you'd love to swing for lethal damage with that hand you flashed during your opponent's turn right?

January 2, 2014 11:55 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #21

MagatsuIzanagi - As much as I love Nykthos,it doesn't work in this build. There aren't enough mana symbols to capitalise off and the only tapping for colourless until you have enough symbols can often lead me colour screwed. Unfortunately Nykthos has been tested and discarded previously. Plus keeping a few cards in hand rather than flashing the entire thing out can save you if your opponent decides to board wipe.

January 2, 2014 2:48 p.m.

Kre says... #22

TalladegaMagicMan - The issue with Experiment One is his regenerate is only useable after a couple evolves, which mono black won't let you pull off, and any good control deck will just bounce him back if he does. The fact is I much prefer Elvish Mystic, which helps hit turn 3 Prophet, and Cloudfin Raptor, where the evasion is just so much more useful combined with bred for the Hunt and Bident - he also evolves from the Mystic, blocks fliers and is just all round more useful.

As for counter spells, I considered Spell Rupture but this isn't a control deck; it's a beat down with card advantage to combat control. Having control simply just lessens the overall power. I'd rather just main board Simic Charm and then I only use that against certain decks and generally just as protection (although Giant Growth can be damn useful). I considered switching Spell Rupture for plummet in the sideboard - solely since Kiora's reveal lots of people have been talking about Maze's End turbo fog and countering that fog to deal lethal may be necessary.

January 5, 2014 12:13 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #23

TalladegaMagicMan - The above post is mine, Tapped Out just did a bit of a bug out.

January 5, 2014 12:14 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #24

Against mono blue you need to side in Mistcutter Hydra and Simic Charms. Use Simic charms to bounce away their devotion creatures before Master of Waves hits, or their master of waves when they declare an attack - and use Mistcutter to simply smash through them. You can often bring him out as a 4/4 on turn 3 and with haste he hits immediately. Your opponent then is on a 4 turn clock and that's if you don't hit with any other creatures such as all the unblockables you should have. Also I generally side in one of my Fade into Antiquity just to remove Thassa. (since Thassa is probably the biggest advantage their deck has)

January 5, 2014 10:56 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #25

Mono Blue can be a difficult battle, I said this from the get go that blue is probably the strongest colour in Standard and that was before the pro tour. Thassa is a pain to verse because it provides so much advantage. The biggest thing this deck needs to worry about though is Tidebender Mage, that think just loves tapping down your Mystics.

I also forgot to mention but plummet also needs to be sided in against blue, with most of their devotion guys being flying it will do a lot of work. Taking out the Specter will do a lot.

January 6, 2014 10:20 p.m.

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