Kruphix Lands Matter *Primer*

Commander / EDH LeonSpires


Enral says... #1

Have you considered switching to Thrasios, Triton Hero instead? That commander has landfall synergy as well as card draw. Feel free to check my landfall deck out for more ideas!

June 25, 2017 12:17 p.m.

Tio_Infernape says... #2

Nissa, Vital Force? his ultimate is one of the easier to hit and is basically "Landfall - Draw a Card". seems like a great engine to me but it's up to you to think about it

August 5, 2017 10:23 a.m.

Ruby_Rule says... #4

Scratch that last suggestion. Crucible of Worlds and Ramunap Excavator give you the ability to trigger your landfall effects with things like Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds each turn. Spitting Image also works with the above synergy well.

August 5, 2017 10:34 p.m.

Ruby_Rule says... #5

Once you have your commander online and/or a way to play multiple lands per turn, cast Sunder and send everyone back to the dark ages. Your opponents will be forced to make some hard decisions at the end of their turn if they do not have a Reliquary Tower or similar effect.

August 5, 2017 10:50 p.m.

Ruby_Rule says... #6

Boundless Realms triggers landfall multiple times while thinning out your deck. Seer's Sundial is good for card advantage. Sunstone and Constant Mists will halt aggro decks in their place and buy you valuable time. Dust Bowl will help deal with annoying non-basic lands. Also Sunstone, Constant Mists, Dust Bowl, Blighted Cataract, Blighted Woodland and World Breaker all work well with Crucible of Worlds and Ramunap Excavator. Simic Growth Chamber is also good.

August 5, 2017 11:38 p.m.

LeonSpires says... #7

At Enral Thanks for the suggestion but I changed the general to Kruphix, God of Horizons and have been rather happy with the results. Kruphix helps with casting Genesis Wave, Tooth and Nail Entwined, Planar Portal, Rite of Replication Kicked, and so much more for the deck. I did take a look at your deck and it gave me a lot of changes to make to mine. I might ultimately play test running Thrasios, Triton Hero in the deck or as an alternative general. Thank you so much for your help.

August 21, 2017 8:13 p.m.

LeonSpires says... #8

At Tio_Infernape Thanks for your suggestion. It is tempting to run Nissa, Vital Force in the deck but I think I am going to pass. When I run planeswalkers in EDH I don't expect them to live very long. To me her +1 ability is somewhat underwhelming and with a kill spell puts you out a land. The -3 is a bit better but Eternal Witness does the same thing better but for less. Also I can abuse Eternal Witness with Soratami Mirror-Mage and Rite of Replication. Furthermore Eternal Witness is a lot more consistent with all the creature fetch I run. I will say that the -6 ability is rather nice. However I know they are easier to remove then an emblem but Horn of Greed and Tireless Tracker do almost the same thing. Thanks for your help if you have anymore suggestions I am all ears.

August 21, 2017 8:31 p.m.

LeonSpires says... #9

At Ruby_Rule Thanks for all the suggestions. I am already running Rampaging Baloths it is one of my main win cons. I need to pick up a copy of Crucible of Worlds and Ramunap Excavator now that I am running all the Onslaught fetch lands I can and most of the Zendikar fetch lands I can. Once I get the chance I will add them to the deck. I don't like lands that ETB tapped so I will pass on Simic Growth Chamber, Terramorphic Expanse, and Evolving Wilds. I ran Seer's Sundial for awhile but cut it for Tireless Tracker as tracker lets you chose when to pay the to draw a card. My playgroup is somewhat casual and don't like cards that mess with other player's land (this deck is on the limits of what they will allow). However I am thinking of making a sideboard for this deck (once I pick up Crucible of Worlds and Ramunap Excavator) with the "unfun" cards in it when I'm playing more try-hard EDH players. I was thinking of putting Sunder, Wasteland Mana Breach, and Strip Mine in it. Sunstone and Constant Mists seem very situational as I have played against and played plenty of decks that can win without ever using it's creatures to attack. However I might put them with other situational cards in the sideboard too. Thanks for giving me so many new ideas for the direction of this deck.

August 21, 2017 8:56 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #10

Interesting alter, I like it. Has a Mike Mignola feel.

August 27, 2017 8:24 p.m.

LeonSpires says... #11

At Forkbeard I'm glad you like the alter. I'm really happy someone recognized it. You made my day. Yeah I'm a big fan of Mike Mignola, Hellboy and BPRD. I also like Lovecraft and as Kruphix, God of Horizons is a god card naturally Cthulhu fit. It just took awhile to settle on how I wanted to alter the card.

Do you have any suggestions for the deck? I know I want to run Crucible of Worlds, Ramunap Excavator, and Scapeshift but am unsure of what to cut. Is there any other cards I should run? The only restriction is I don't want to run anything that messes with my opponents lands main deck.

Thanks again for making my day

August 28, 2017 8:38 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #12

Right on, happy to be of service! The 3 cards you've mentioned would be amazing in this deck, especially considering the amount of fetches you're running. As for other cards to run, I noticed it's a tiny bit light on removal spells. Perhaps spot removal isn't as necessary considering the control package you've got, but a couple of emergency cards like Beast Within or Krosan Grip might be handy in a pinch.

As for what to remove, that's a difficult question! It looks like a finely tuned list and I can find reasons for each of your chosen cards as to why they're here and the purpose they serve. Thinking of what to cut is the hardest part, I sympathize :D

August 29, 2017 4:51 p.m.

Cybersix says... #13

Love this deck. If I made it, I'd have to cut Scapeshift for budget reasons and probably add another 'no maximum hand size' like Thought Vessel.

October 26, 2017 6:32 a.m.

LeonSpires says... #14

At Cybersix I'm glad you like the deck. It's a lot of fun to play. Yeah you don't have to run Scapeshift to make the deck work. I wouldn't run Thought Vessel though. Kruphix, God of Horizons gives no maximum hand and tends to stick around after he is cast being an indestructible enchantment. Some cards that I've run in the past that have worked well but I cut for other things are Harmonize, Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Explore, Seer's Sundial, Soramaro, First to Dream, and Mana Breach. If you build the deck I recommend the first non budget things you pick up would be the fetch lands as they trigger more landfall for one land. If you have any questions or need any help just let me know.

October 28, 2017 9:48 a.m.

Nightmere says... #15

Have you thought about Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant and Kefnet the Mindful? with your deck could be very useful

November 24, 2017 1:11 a.m.

Murphy77 says... #16

OK - I am just going to throw in some random ideas that might, or might not fit with your vision for the deck.

At one stage I played around with a modern deck based on Sylvan Advocate , Sylvan Awakening and accelerated landfall. Does Nissa, Who Shakes the World make this a viable theme/sub-theme in Commander?

I think that Kasmina's Transmutation and Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor could fit into your deck. If, however, you are going to start to introduce Planeswalkers to your deck, you open up a whole alternative strategy and want to start considering cards like Evolution Sage , Flux Channeler and Bioessence Hydra (although this card works best in a Superfriends, Standard or Modern deck).

Two other cards from the new WAR series that I like for your deck, but will not even try to suggest where they might fit in, are Devious Cover-Up and No Escape .

May 14, 2019 5:16 a.m.

LeonSpires says... #17

Murphy77 Thank you so much for your suggestions!

You can totally build an EDH deck around turning lands into creatures. The deck would definitively run a lot of the ramp that I run in my deck. However in EDH with Wrath of God , Damnation and many more field wipes in existence it is a risky strategy. Eldrazi Monument would be an auto include for this idea as well as Ramunap Excavator and Crucible of Worlds .

As far as planeswalkers: If I were to build Simic Superfriends I would run Gilder Bairn , Deepglow Skate , and Doubling Season in addition to a lot of the Blue and/or Green planeswalkers. However as far as this deck I like winning too much off of Avenger of Zendikar , Rampaging Baloths and other landfall triggers. If I was to add in a lot of planeswalkers I feel that I would cut down on the lands matter synergy and end up weakening the deck as a whole. Not to say I wouldn't run a planeswalkers. If wizards printed a planeswalkers with a good + ability Kiora, the Crashing Wave 's -1 and and Nissa, Vital Force 's -6 ability or something similar I would totally run it. But as it stands there aren't any planeswalkers that fit the synergy of the deck enough for me to run with out changing to Simic Superfriends.

As for counterspells other then Force of Will which I would include if it cost less money. I have been considering Familiar's Ruse for the shenanigans that can be pulled with Eternal Witness and other ETB triggers. However I don't know if I have enough ETB triggers to justify it. I plan on testing it soon. Now that general tucking isn't a thing I typically try and not run counterspells over the CMC of 2 that don't have alternative casting costs. As for Rewind I would not run it in cEDH. But in a deck that can dump lands out and with Kruphix, God of Horizons 's ability to float mana on the opponent's end phase before your turn it is basically in this deck is a free counterspell and nine times out of ten you aren't losing the mana for.

Thanks again for the suggestions. I noticed you have a lot of standard and modern deck on your page. Are you thinking about getting into EDH? If you need any help I would be happy to help!

May 15, 2019 12:30 a.m.

Murphy77 says... #18

Although I have been collecting MTG cards for about 40 months, I still consider myself to be a bit of a nooby, in that I only get to play about twice a month and normally in Standard FNM's. I try to play a different home-brew each time that I do play, but have put together 2 EDH and 2 Modern decks that are quite competitive. I suppose that, at the moment, I get most entertainment from brewing different ideas and am getting better at that, but a lot more slowly than I would like. In my 40 month career, I have won 2 FNM's, 1 Standard showdown and 1 EDH competition - no great shakes, but I am still enjoying putting together different decks.

May 15, 2019 8:53 a.m.

Skinken says... #19

Concordant Crossroads could be replaced with Savor the Moment . Savor is often overlooked because it doesnt grant haste, but it gets rid of summoning sickenss. I would argue for your deck it migt be even better since it also acts as an Explore that untaps your creatures.

Planar Portal seems very very bad. A 12 mana tutor is not worth it unless you use it in an infinite combo with extra turn spells like Nexus of Fate . I have played Planar Bridge for a while in mono white though, and i've been very pleased with it. As soon as they let the ability resolve you are free to find any combo piece you might want. If you really need a 10+ mana tutor, I would suggest Bridge over Portal.

Disallow is better than Voidslime . With Kruphix the difference between and is significant.

Storm Cauldron is a gross card, and your deck even has synergy with it. I play it with little to no synergy and I have great success with it.

Solemn Simulacrum is not a bad card, it is just not a good card. It ramps, blocks, draws, but you could also just play Explore or Growth Spiral for a similar effect.

I sense that you might be scared your colorless mana will go to waste. Solemn Simulacrum and Planar Portal are bad sinks though. Just play stuff like Stroke of Genius instead.

May 17, 2019 11:17 a.m.

LeonSpires says... #20

Thank you so much Skinken for bringing Savor the Moment to my attention. I didn't know that card existed. This deck hungers for giving it's creatures haste when it goes off. I had tested out Concordant Crossroads in the past and never was fully happy with it. I have ordered a Savor the Moment and it will be going in the deck as soon as it arrives. At worse Savor the Moment is a blue 3 CMC Explore and at best it wins you the game.

Yeah Solemn Simulacrum is a bit lackluster but I also find Explore and Growth Spiral lackluster. I might cut Solemn Simulacrum to add in the Savor the Moment .

Believe it or not, but you are not the first to suggest cutting Planar Portal for Planar Bridge . I would be inclined to agree with you if I wasn't running Seedborn Muse , Alchemist's Refuge , and Leyline of Anticipation . This deck plays more like a combo deck then your normal Simic big creature Timmy deck. Being able to fetch any response to any situation on your opponent's turn is a dream come true. If they don't force you to answer something you can fetch a combo piece and play it. Now you might think getting Planar Portal , Seedborn Muse , and Alchemist's Refuge / Leyline of Anticipation into play at the same time might be a bit challenging. However thanks to Genesis Wave this is not as hard as you think. As long as you hit Planar Portal and one other piece Genesis Wave typically gives you enough lands to fetch and play the last part of the combo. Planar Portal has won me enough games for me to never consider cutting it. The card just has way too much flexibility.

Yes Disallow is better than Voidslime . Thing is I own a Voidslime and don't own a Disallow however I have never found the mana cost to be preventive of me casting Voidslime ... Also I like the art and flavor of Voidslime better (call it personal tastes)...

I have tested out Storm Cauldron in this deck granted it was when this deck was not as good as it is now. However even in this deck it is very hard to play around it. To me Mana Breach is the perfect balance of slowing opponents down and helping me hit landfall triggers.

It is possible to get infinite mana in this deck but I have never had it happen. Stroke of Genius and Blue Sun's Zenith are much better suited to decks where the main goal is to achieve infinite mana and in my opinion they aren't that helpful to this deck.

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my deck and give your recommendations. You are truly a godsend for suggesting Savor the Moment .

May 18, 2019 4:33 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #21

Hello there. Nice list. I too, have had an affinity for the Moonfolk for some time, and tried my damnedest to build around them when I was a young player during the Kamigawa block, with some success (they were just casual decks at the time, not EDH). I've found that in EDH, they can be played around with some more viability. I've got two Simic decks that have a bit of a Moonfolk subtheme in them, one with Kruphix, God of Horizons at the helm, and one with Tatyova, Benthic Druid at the helm. I don't really have any suggestions for you deck here, but I'll shamelessly share mine for you to take a look at, to see if any idea strikes your fancy.

This one I cobbled together on my. Tatyova is pretty much a lands-matters deck. Tatyova, Benthic Druid

chaosumbreon87 helped me put this one together. Kruphix here is about filling my hand size and making big threats. Kruphix, God of Card Draw

Maybe they'll give you some ideas. +1 for your build!

May 24, 2019 6:06 p.m.

LeonSpires says... #22

@ bushido_man96 thank you for the +1. Yeah My title is a little bit misleading as I have cut down the moonfolk to only running 2 of them. Although I am really hoping that we get a return to kamigawa and they give moonfolk a better ability that still synergizes with lands matter. I've tried Tatyova, Benthic Druid as the commander of this deck. She has a lot more synergy with the theme of this deck but I lose the ability to run all the high CMC cards I like and to be able to get them off consistently. Don't get me wrong she can definitely make a wonderful lands matter commander... I just prefer her in the 99. I'll be sure to check out your Tatyova, Benthic Druid I have more understanding of lands matter simic then I do the standard built of Kruphix, God of Horizons . Again much appreciation for the +1 and taking the time to look at my deck.

May 25, 2019 4:58 p.m.

wow i havent been here in a while. have you considered kydele and thrasios partners? ezuri? rashmi? momir vig?

May 26, 2019 6:48 p.m.

LeonSpires says... #24

@ chaosumbreon87 Thanks for you comment. I haven't tried any of them. I know Kruphix, God of Horizons dosen't fit the landfall theme but he is very good utility and helps ramp out big spells that let this deck win out of nowhere. If I was forced to change the commander I would probably grudgingly switch to Tatyova, Benthic Druid and cut some of the high CMC spells I am running. Of the legendary creatures you listed the only one that fits lands matter theme is Thrasios, Triton Hero . I have thought about running Thrasios with another partner commander to add another color to this deck. I would love to run the cards Knight of the Reliquary , Ob Nixilis, the Fallen , and Omnath, Locus of Rage . But if I changed this deck that much by adding more colors I feel that the core combos of the deck start to fall apart. I just wish Kruphix, God of Horizons had partner. Hopefully Wizards of the Coast gives us some more awesome landfall cards in green, blue, or Simic.

May 26, 2019 11:03 p.m.

no problem, (gonna ignore the missed opportunity with arixmethes). ive lately been a fan of cards serving a purpose. commander included. whether meme, sentimental or optimality

June 1, 2019 2:05 p.m.

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