
Creature (1)

Instant (1)

Enchantment (1)

First: An Apology

You came here, eyes wet with tears of a childish innocence broken after you got absolutely and totally R.E.K.T by a fully foiled Leovold deck which cost more than the down payment for a 4 bedroom 3.5 bathroom 3000 sqr ft house and which took all of the creativity of the cough builder cough had to net deck the aforementioned testimony to the idea "Solitaire is the only game I play". The kind of person who says "Darn, they just banned my favorite card from Commander. That won't stop me." and proceeds to do just that.

You are here with the intent to get back at that drop of poison in your community, and before you is... well... the opposite of that.

You see things like Flying Men, Aboshan's Desire , Whippoorwill (a bird with a book's worth of text, not a single one of them "flying").

I will be the first to admit, not all the cards are good.

Fine, most of them aren't good cards.

But answer me this: Have you ever seen a card and thought "Gee, I would love to see that play", or "Wow, that card looks fun but has many strictly better alternatives"?

The people who see Quicksilver Fountain and immediately say "but you are not playing mono blue; couldn't this shut you out of the game?" without (the kind of people who speak with semicolon's knowingly and purposefully) or see Simic Cluestone and say "isn't that just trash?" ( the answer to both of those questions is yes by the way) are not the kind of people fit to wield this +1/+1-culture deck.

And if that is you, that's fine. Be content with your deck's of ever increasing power and efficiency. Keep yourself to only the best cards like Tarmogoyf,Sol Ring, Storm Crow. They will serve you well, maybe even bring you to victory.

But what if you took a step away from optimizing to victory and took a step towards fun? Would you mind giving up the grasp of that temporary glory in the goal of gaining the immortality of "Hey, remember that one guy who hard cast Scornful Egotist ?"

That's what this deck is. It is unapologetically, unabashedly, un-efficiently fun. It doesn't work well, and it doesn't try to.

Aetherwind Basker is a powerhouse of a card, especially with a deck that likes (has) to go wide.

Baton of Morale Hear me out. Do you know what banding is? Do you know how it works? I am willing to bet that you might know of it but likely don't know how it works. Therefore, you will likely misplay, bringing me closer to victory.

Pygmy Hippo First of all, it's a hippo. Somewhat related to Phelddagrif means it to be played, if the Greatest One cannot.

Second, look at this ability! You get to shut them out till their turn and you get their mana.

Darksteel Relic If you have to ask you should already know.

Things like Simic Cluestone , Whipoorwill, they have no place here and they may have no place anywhere. That's why they are here. If this deck had black in it, Fleshmad Steed would be here.

Aisling Leprechaun can have many surprising synergies with other creatures; by that I mean you will be surprised when they happen.

Aboshan's Desire is actually a good card. It is cheap evasion for cheap.


Now this woudn't be a jank deck without a combo, so check this sick filth!!

Force of Savagery + Paleoloth

Infinite etb!

"But where are the cards to reap the benefits of these triggers?" you may ask.

Gyre Sage can get all the way up to 7 counters off of this!! Ain't life grand?

Sick Filth part 2!!

Earthcraft + Squirrel Nest

That earth craft card is really expensive and a bit too useful for my tastes, but, c'mon. Haven't we all wanted to go infinite with Squirrels? But what's more fun than a broken combo?

Breaking a broken combo, by removing earth craft!

Charging Badger + Forest

You think I am being too funny here, but I don't care. This is a 1/1 with trample! I don't think you understand how freaking awesome that is. If you block with anything with power greater than 0, this thing dies, but it dgaf. It has trample, it's a 1/1 for 1. Auto include.

Diligent Farmhand + Muscle Burst

Ramp and combat tricks? What more could you ask for?

The Rules

If you have Whippoorwill out on the board and you have Aboshan's Desire in your hand, you need to let the bird fly. WotC printed the poor thing without flying, and you are tasked with fixing it.

If you have Storm Crow in your hand, you are playing the game wrong. Cast it at instant speed, people will most likely let you.

Bamboozle yourself. It's fun.

T1: Forest,,, Charging Badger , pass.


Play, Laugh, Grow! This deck can win. All it needs is pity laughs and a healthy does of manascrew for your opponents and you will come out on top 100% of the time, 20% of the time.

Who care's about winning? Just enjoy!


One of the best things about this deck is that, since so few of the cards have any value, swapping them out is painless.

Know a fun U/G card, or any color/color combination card which make's you laugh? Let me know in the comments below (#poetDidn'tKnowIt)

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