I picked up two Master Biomancer and two Breeding Pool
before the tournament started so I put those in for the night.
Game One: RWU Control loss 1-2 everything I put out was either Counterflux, Dissipate or some other way taken out of commission. Game three was going well until Talrand, Sky Summoner dropped on his side and 2/2 drakes came flying out of his arse.
Game Two: Loss 0-2 G/W Thragtusk, Angel of Serenity unburial deck, I got destroyed, mana screwed.
Game Three: Win 2-1 Boros aggro, got me to 3hp couldn't pull a Searing Spear or Skullcrack, I was swinging 20 with trample at the end of the game.
Game Four: Win 2-0 Another Boros Lived with 1hp while he had 20 until I took him down to 0 with Cloudfin Raptor and Elusive Krasis. Next card on his deck was a Searing Spear, never look at the top card when you lose or mulligan!
Game Five: Loss 0-2 W/B/R Human Vampire deck, mana screwed got him to 8 before he dropped Cartel Aristocrat and Falkenrath Aristocrat, second game was looking good until Champion of the Parish, 2xBoros Elite, Silverblade Paladin and Falkenrath Aristocrat hit the field within 2 turns of one another.
Decided to drop:
Sapphire Drake, Hindervines, Wolfir Silverheart, Simic Manipulator, Strangleroot Geist, Adaptive Snapjaw, Clinging Anemones, Leyline Phantom
I added:
3x Quirion Dryad I know, it seems strange, but I have 24 spells that would "evolve" them, they are an early drop can grow huge fast, give me card draw with Zameck Guildmage and overall I think could be a key part to the deck.
3x Bioshift Really not sure how I feel about this decision as of yet, but I know if I had this card I could have won a game or two throwing the counters onto my attackers last minute. Will be used as a surprise to what seems like a chump.
3x Drakewing Krasis I had a little issue dealing with flyers, I was hesitant to chump a Cloudfin Raptor so I think this could help, I can get counters on it with Ivy Lane Denizen or Bioshift so it could become a threat in the air pretty easily.
1x Garruk Relentless
Flip I would prefer he was Garruk, Primal Hunter but he is what I have at the moment, If Ivy Lane Denizen is out when he comes into play the generation of wolves will let her add counters and if a Master Biomancer or two are on the field the wolves themselves would be a threat.
FNM tomorrow, will report with new findings!
Please leave comments/suggestions below, anything is welcome even if you think it is terrible, as long as it is constructive. Thank you!