Simple UB Zombies

Standard* Hidiot


Eskimole says... #1

This deck wants to be as aggressive as possible. To do this, I'd take out the Think Twice s, card:Ghoulcaller's Chant and a Vile Rebirth . You want to max out on Diregraf Ghoul Tragic Slip . You shouls also include at least 2 Mortarpod s. They get pretty annoying and ridiculous with Gravecrawler and Black Cat .

If you get the money, you shouls definitely include card:Geralf's Messenger as a 4-of. He is simply amazing in general, but especially when used with Mortarpod .

You might want to also take out the Infinite Reflection . It costs too much and there's no real point to copy most of your guys anyway.

Hope this helped!

September 2, 2012 4:32 a.m.

Golithan says... #2

I have a deck almost exactly like this one and I must say having one or two Rooftop Storm instead of the Infinite Reflection will make sacrifice Gravecrawler shenanigans, well shenanigans. Gravecrawler , Grimgrin, Corpse-Born , Rooftop Storm , and one or two Diregraf Captain s is fun, tokens and damage everywhere.

September 2, 2012 5:02 a.m.

Eskimole says... #3

Oh wow, infinite damage/+1 counters... Fair enough. Though I would just go with one Rooftop Storm . Otherwise, they might be dead-draws.

September 2, 2012 5:56 a.m.

Golithan says... #4

Hey man whatever works. Still fun to see an opponents face when you just pick an arbitrary number of times to sacrifice Gravecrawler to Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and he becomes something like one match where I was playing vs my boss' green deck and he had Elderscale Wurm on the field. None of my damage went through but when I notified him that Grimgrin worked out and now was 20,000 power and toughness we both had a laugh.

September 2, 2012 6:07 a.m.

Eskimole says... #5

Hmm.. wonder what Hidiot thinks of this lol

September 2, 2012 6:24 a.m.

Hidiot says... #6

I had the idea of using Infinite Reflection specifically on Diregraf Captain . The idea of having some 7 8/8 Diregraf Captain s on the field felt like a funny win con to me. Granted, it's a pretty vulnerable win con, being an enchantment attached to a creature.

I know how funny Rooftop Storm can be, as I have toyed with a mess of a deck that revolved around it and a lot of recursion in casual play a bit, a while back.Although the Grimgrin, Corpse-Born - Gravecrawler - Diregraf Captain combo is an instant win with Rooftop Storm out, it's a 4-part combo, 2 parts of which are costly and of low card count in the deck. Personally, I'd save that combo for a more controlly deck.

Thanks for reminding me of Mortarpod , I had considered it for a while, but ended up forgetting about it.

I know having at least a 3rd card:Geralf's Messenger would make him a mainboard guy, but I only have 2, and I'm still missing 3 Gravecrawler s.

I'll consider removing the card:Ghoulcaller's Chant, although I find it pretty useful to have under my current Infinite Reflection win con, to have the most non-token creatures out that I can when I use it.

Thanks for your comments, I'm always open to advice.

September 2, 2012 4:56 p.m.

DNSolver says... #7

Do you have any...


Birthing Pod s?!

They're really great if you are going for this kind of thing, and they're at an all-time low price now. Used to be $10, now you can find them for $2-3.

If not, I would support taking the Infinite Reflection out and putting in Rooftop Storm , because it goes well with your card:Ghoulcaller's Chant. I would also put in as many copies of card:Geralf's Messenger that you can get your hands on.

Sideboard notes: Master Thief , Undead Alchemist , Mikaeus, the Unhallowed , and maybe some Crypt Creeper s should be in Sideboard, both with and without Birthing Pod .

September 10, 2012 3:09 p.m.

Hidiot says... #8

I'm trying to keep it standard, preparing for post-rotation, so I won't consider Birthing Pod (I have none anyway).

I decided to replace my 2 Unbreathing Horde s with my 2 card:Geralf's Messengers, probably will add more if I get more.

I still want to playtest the deck with Infinite Reflection for a bit, just to see if my funny idea is worth it (even if not the best).

And of course, sideboard needs a bit of thinking too... I need to check the Avacyn Restored and M13 zombies a little more.

Your suggestions are appreciated.

September 10, 2012 3:45 p.m.

thedemonsday says... #9

Maybe its just me, but I am a huge fan of Grimgrin, Corpse-Born . Unfortunatly I am not sure if he will fit your curve, but he might be worth looking into if you are on a budget and he is jun with Diregraf Captain

February 5, 2013 6:22 a.m.

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