Sinful Devils

Standard Hobbez9186


Hobbez9186 says... #1

Playtesting this actually proved to be kind of good, actually. It can get pretty wide pretty quickly and the high cost wasn't really an issue like I thought it would be for the first 4-6 turns. Delirium is also pretty easy to achieve, especially since it is likely that an opponent will make you drop land revealed by Sin Prodder since it won't hurt them. The missing cards should be pretty easy to come by and I think I might put this one together as another option at our weekly home game. It's nice to see decks that aren't all just variations of the same cards, and nobody is using any of these lol.

April 22, 2016 10:32 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #2

So I ordered the other half of the deck on that I didn't have on Amazon and it cost $11 lol. I even ordered extras so I didn't have to pull anything out of any other deck, like the Avacyn's Judgments and Impact Tremors.

I'm excited, this budget (extreme budget) deck should work out against the aggro heavy meta at our home games, but might actually be a fun surprise to bring to FNM. Probably not though. I have other decks in Standard that are proven to perform, but who knows, this might be a left field blowout :)

April 27, 2016 9:57 p.m.

NestorCoelho says... #3

Nice deck!

Very funny and has lots of nice interactions!


April 28, 2016 8 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #4

Thanks :)

Budget decks are fun to play around with, and this one seems to actually be awesome. This is probably the cheapest deck I've ever ordered lol

April 28, 2016 8:11 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #5

Holy sh1t this list is so good. I might just build this...

Thanks! +1!

April 28, 2016 8:12 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #6

Also if you were to upgrade this, how would you go about it?

I am curious...

April 28, 2016 8:15 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #7


April 28, 2016 8:15 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #8

You know, I'm not sure.

I need to play it against a few different deck types to find out. I'm pretty sure I'll have a stranglehold against another aggro deck, but control might be an issue. I'm up for suggestions, but I feel like mana will be the most likely problem. It works fine if you get a Vessel on turn 2, but games where you miss it might be too slow to get going.

Even a Gibbering Fiend and a Sin Prodder alone can do some cool things like extra draw and/or free damage which might be enough. I don't know just yet, but I'll find out for sure in 3-5 days :)

April 28, 2016 8:21 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #9

Are you taking this on game day? I would probably suggest adding some more burns in like Chandra's Ignition or Exquisite Firecraft. Chandra's Ignition, with your big creatures around, can wipe out an entire board...

If Sin Prodder is around, you'd probably get their damage in even if the opponent discards them.

I think Goldnight Castigator interacts well with Flameblade Angel. Goldnight can tank the damage and Flameblade can dish it right back. Because the damage doubles from Castigator, I assume that the damage fired back by Flameblade is doubled +1. So if Castigator takes 2 damage, her ability would make that 4 and Flameblade would trigger right back with 4+1... Correct me if I am wrong.

What do you think?

April 28, 2016 8:27 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #10

Hmm. In regards to the Goldnight Castigator I think it still would only hit an opponent for 1 since the doubled damage is still just one instance of damage so it only triggers Flameblade Angel once. The part that really scares me about Castigator is the part where you take double damage too. That wouldn't trigger more damage either as it is still just one instance.

I like Exquisite Firecraft better than Chandra's Ignition. I don't know if it's better than Fiery Temper though since it doesn't have the Madness option. One more damage for the same cost is nice and it can still target a player, which I like. Ignition is too expensive and basically accomplishes the same thing as Seismic Rupture but costs 2 more. It doesn't have the direct damage, but it's a cheap way to wipe my own tokens which can be enough to be lethal if I have even one Embermaw Hellion. It might be a good option to run one in sideboard to deal with the 2/3's and 3/3's that litter standard right now though. I can't stand Bounding Krasis and Reflector Mage...

Thanks for the input, I'll keep weighing my options and see what works.

April 28, 2016 8:51 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #11

Ill work out the kinks from my end as well.

I'm going to stick with the deck build. I playtested it here and I draw out Vessel consistently. Turn 4 i already got an angel out.

April 28, 2016 9:02 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #12

It doesn't have the direct damage, but it's a cheap way to wipe my own tokens which can be enough to be lethal if I have even one Embermaw Hellion.

I didn't see that at first, but you're on to something with wiping out your own tokens with Hellion around. That's a lot of face damage...

Lemme do the math

Assuming, we use the Rupture on 4 1/1 tokens. Rupture deals 2+1 damage per token so they're redirected so 4 x 3 = 12. from Hellion's ability and your tokens leave for another abuse... Finish off with Vessel for a massive Burn from Within...

That's 12 total damage from 1 rupture.

April 28, 2016 9:05 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #13

Flames and dead tokens all over the place... do it right after attacking with everything for maximum carnage :)

April 28, 2016 9:09 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #14

Oh wait. I'm confused about Embermaw Hellion's ability. The damage doesn't redirect. It simply adds plus 1, so with the number of dead tokens that's only 4 damage to the face...

April 28, 2016 9:19 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #15

Oh wait. It's the ping from the tokens that's multiplied. It's 8 damage, not 4 or 12... Because 1 damage + 1 from Hellion... If you have 3 hellions out, that's (1 + 3)x4... 16 face damage from 4 tokens...

April 28, 2016 9:21 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #16

And if your opponent sucks at math, pull a fast one and it's 30 damage lol

I've played several decks that pretty much require a calculator to be fair. This fits just fine for me :)

April 28, 2016 9:24 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #17

Anyways, this seems like a solid RDW and we might be looking at devils from another perspective after this deck...

April 28, 2016 9:27 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #18

The thing I like is that it all adds up and the more you are allowed to spread out the faster that damage adds up. Trample on the Hellion and Flying on the Angel and Menace on the Devil can all win by themselves, it's just nice to have a crazy amount of extra threat all over the board too making it harder for your opponent to decide what they want to deal with.

Languish would suck since it isn't damage, but the tokens would still trigger as a death for 1 damage each. Declaration in Stone would suck worse because it isn't killing the tokens at all. Descend upon the Sinful would suck the most, and has the perfect title against this deck lol

April 28, 2016 9:34 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #19

That's all I could ever hope for - starting a thing :)

Thanks for the support, I appreciate it.

April 28, 2016 9:35 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #20

With a Hellion around, creature removal becomes a punishment. That's why Vessel should be saved for burn from within... you have 2, pay 4, get 8 mana, then burn from within. that's 9 face damage...

For Declaration, yeah the intention is to remove the tokens or the big creatures. Either way, they still get to choose.

Descend upon the sinful is your biggest threat here.

April 28, 2016 9:36 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #21

That's all I could ever hope for - starting a thing :)

I run with a Werewolf deck so I know the feeling of being one of the few who's on to something -

Gruul Werewolves with Removal - Budget

Standard snarlmkiv



You might be on to something here with your deck. A couple of spells or creatures could turn it into a tier 2 combo deck at best... That's why I'm willing to help you with this one... I might assemble this deck after Game Day and play it during casuals... My game shop is riddled with aggro players so they should provide a good benchmark...

April 28, 2016 9:39 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #22

Though I don't know how you can trigger Molten Vortex, apart from punishing players for discarding lands from Sin Prodder, but I feel that you're better off with this card as a sideboard. Seismic Rupture should be a good replacement for a good boardwipe...

April 28, 2016 9:40 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #23

Yeah Vessel is huge for red. I love how it works for early ramp or late overkill. You can let one sit on the board all ominous and threatening. Even if you don't have anything to play, your opponent doesn't know that. In this deck I see myself holding land once I get six on the board for the psychological effect, but also as finishing fuel for Molten Vortex.

April 28, 2016 9:43 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #24

Unfortunately Sin Prodder isn't actually discarding since you have to reveal it before it goes into your hand. I like it because of all the games where drawing excess land is useless. With Vortex, it turns those lands into Shocks, and since you don't have to tap it you can unload as many as you have for up to 14 damage (if the game is still going for enough turns to hold 7 lands).

April 28, 2016 9:48 a.m.

snarlmkiv says... #25

That makes sense. Ill try to see how things go...

April 28, 2016 9:54 a.m.

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