I know this is budget, but to spice things up a bit I would add in a couple Pyromancer's Goggles instead of the Molten Vortex. 4 devils for 4 mana with Dance with Devils and 8 devils for 6 mana with Devil's Playground sounds nice. I've built a similar deck and consistently drop Goggles on turn 3 with the Vessel.
April 29, 2016 11:36 a.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #4
Lol that would be nasty. Triple the price of the deck, but a nice touch lol
April 29, 2016 12:08 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #5
There is something satisfying about beating a deck that costs hundreds of dollars with a budget deck of cards nobody plays with :)
April 29, 2016 12:35 p.m.
Meanwhile this red deck took home the bacon 5th place last week: 5th Place States Toronto Mono-Red Aggro...
May 1, 2016 4:19 a.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #7
I finally got the last few cards for this, there was an issue with insufficient postage on the main part of the order...(you know who you are...), and now that I have this in it's entirety... Holy crap. This is just crazy, especially for multiplayer. Especially if I'm sitting at the head of the table for a big 6 player game of Emperor or even Two Headed Giant. I didn't really consider how much damage gets thrown around to all opponents. Delirium is so easy to hit consistently between Tormenting Voice, Sin Prodder, Vessel of Volatility, and even Molten Vortex. Because of this and the inclusion of 4x Impact Tremors in the main board, it just melts multiplayer games. If you can get even one Embermaw Hellion down on top of the Tremors, it just gets completely out of hand. So much face damage from just playing the creatures and having them sit there as body blockers and letting the Fiend do his thing, I moved most of the damage spells to sideboard. I still prefer Avacyn's Judgment in main over Fiery Temper and Dual Shot because I can choose to target multiple players and Hellion takes the damage that gets spread out and amps it up. If I'm up against a more aggro heavy deck I can always swap that out for Dual Shot or Fiery Temper, but I'm pretty sure I want to win from all the ETB effects and leave everyone open for blocking unless there is an opening. I love how any kind of damage I do gets bumped with Hellion and any damage my creatures or myself receive dish damage back with Flameblade Angel, and almost all of it will punish the whole table except myself. Granted the Angel has seen the absolute least play, it still makes for a good discard sacrifice to Tormenting Voice to speed up everything else, or make those hard sideboard decisions easier to make.
I. Love. This. Deck.
May 15, 2016 8:15 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #9
Haven't tried it yet, but I'm confident. Apparently I'll get to try it out against some "killer" decks at our next home game. I heard about a new mill deck, a token deck, and a zombie deck that are all quite nasty in duels. If nothing else, I hope to have fun. As always though mono-red doesn't fare well against Sphinx's Tutelage, but this one is almost entirely creatureless (runs 4 main) so I'll be able to attack pretty freely on top of the rest of the damage and might be able to edge out the win before I get milled, but apparently I only have 6-8 turns to win before it's set up, and then probably only 1-2 turns after that. My best contingency plan against Sphinx mill is to add all 15 sideboard cards and hope for the best :)
Either way, fun will be had.
May 16, 2016 7:48 a.m.
I really miss using my Mardu Token Burn deck, and I feel this is a MUCH better version of that. I will really enjoy seeing this deck in action! Have you thought about Descent of the Dragons to pop all of your devil's for damage and then have an army of dragons?
I'll be piloting my latest version of Izzet Time for More Spells? and hopefully also my Mystery in the Woods and Sphinx Mill.
The one issue you'll have is that things like Displacement Wave and Profaner of the Dead are going to be killing your guys without you getting to deal their damage :(
Also, Mark is on here now, but he hasn't sent me his info to add him as a friend yet. I'll get it from him tonight and we can maybe start working together on some of these decks. He's going to take his decks to Origins in a couple months to play in a couple tournaments. Probably his Zombie deck or his Selesnya token deck... both are pretty nasty!
Can't wait to see you tonight with a couple new decks :)
May 16, 2016 12:36 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #11
Awesome, yeah we'll have to find him. I'd love to see some of his brews before he has the cards and see what happens. Thankfully I can do a lot of damage even without the tokens dying, that's just a bonus so I think I'll manage alright :)
May 16, 2016 1:20 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #12
Oh my god this was so much fun to play tonight... I've learned that it is important to have plenty of mana though and 20 just doesn't quite do it here. I'm going to move a couple cards around to make it fit, but I slow rolled a game and let myself get down to 2 life before exploding against a mono green counter deck (wasn't standard). I did 12 damage by playing Dance with the Devils with two Impact Tremors on the board and a Hellion and blocking with the tokens to deal the damage to the player, then played another Dance on my turn for another 8 face damage for the win. They had to have had like 8 creatures on the board too and attacked into me for what would have been more than lethal damage but I sure did surprise them :)
Going to move 2 Angels to sideboard and add in 2 land and cut Temper down to 2. Vortex was a really funny play and I just have to keep it. It sat there and 95% of the time did nothing. I got one almost every game for turn one and it taunted my opponent into thinking I might use it. Had I ever been in a situation where I drew more than 6 land I was fully prepared to just start throwing mountains at things, I just didn't get that lucky. Bumping up to 22 should make all the difference. The Angel actually did win me one game as it sat there ready to block and send damage back, which she did 2-3 times. It was plenty because I was able to hold off enough turns and do just enough damage to play a Devil's Playground with an Impact Tremors on the board for 4 damage and then just attack in the air to finish the job. That was another game I finished with like 2 or 3 life left :)
I'll have to play against more decks to really fine tune, but I was really pleased with the games that went in my favor. Most of the ones I lost I can absolutely chalk up to having the wrong mana and would love to see some rematches after minor adjustments.
May 17, 2016 3:02 a.m.
Vergil_Redgrail says... #13
Interesting. I'll try it against my own Devil deck and let you know how it goes. Mine's not quite the same thing, but this is an interesting idea as well.
May 19, 2016 8:30 a.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #14
Awesome, more devil love :)
Wait, that sounds bad...
I'm very interested to see your deck, and can't wait to hear how they match up.
May 19, 2016 8:45 a.m.
We didn't get a chance to play on Monday. Probably a good thing. I was definitely having an off night. Well, I'll keep tweaking and have my decks ready for next week.
May 19, 2016 6:39 p.m.
I built this deck and tried it yesterday at a casual table magic evening. We did a tournament.
First match up 0-2 against a rogue / Fairies deck. Hard to counter this creature with Fear... I didn't mulligan for vessel so the Mana Ramp was quite long to get.
Second Match up 0-2 : Blood Artist match up very hard against the devil synergy ... I sideboard Dual Shot but I lost them to Sin Prodder
Third Match up 1-2 : Mill Deck with some Creature that get +1/+1 for the number of creature in my graveyard. Getting more the hang of the deck. Still a bit slow at times though.
May 20, 2016 5:06 p.m.
Vergil_Redgrail says... #17
It's a Standard deck. What did you expect against non-standard?
May 20, 2016 5:52 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #18
It also still falls under casual, but also works absolutely best in multi-player. In all standard I think it has a shot mostly because it won't have been seen before at FNM, so it's very unlikely they will know what you are going to do. That said, at FNM I would probably thin everything that costs 4+ mana down to 3x and replace them with land to speed up the deck. You either need a perfect hand or to be able to drop a land almost every turn to be competitive I think. Besides, Vortex becomes stronger the more land you have anyway, and you really only need to keep one Tremors and one Hellion on the board to be dangerous.
Sorry you didn't fare better, but I learned a ton about play order and mulligan strategy just by playing games. The more you play the more you learn and can adjust.
I'm excited that you were able to put the deck together though, thank you for sharing :)
May 20, 2016 6:20 p.m.
Correct, I knew it wasn't a standard night. but thats the fun about casual magic.
I will be trying a variant using some Green Cards. I'm looking to add From Beyond and Second Harvest and maybe some Westvale Abbey Flip. I also have 3x Arlinn Kord Flip that would fit nicely I think. Finally maybe some Cryptolith Rite to even curve out better
I will let you know how the addition of the Green goes in this deck.
I really want to have those devils explode and see my opponent's face while he cannot do anything about it :)
May 24, 2016 11:25 a.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #20
So last night I was on fire with this deck. I got the Angel and Hellion out together along with 1-2 Tremors multiple times, and when I played anything, it hurt.
My favorite line of the night that I got to use multiple times was: "I attack with all of my tokens. If you block me, you die. If you don't block me, you die."
Gibbering Fiend and Sin Prodder did their jobs wonderfully and any time I played devil tokens, it shook the table. I got to play duels and multi-player, and I couldn't have been happier. I didn't win every game, but every game was exciting and very close and very interactive.
I misplayed a turn against a Managorger Hydra where I should have used Molten Vortex to kill it as a 2/2 since I'm not playing a spell to do the damage. Now I know.
Love. This. Deck.
May 24, 2016 11:40 a.m.
Whats your current strategy for mulligan ?
One one point I had 2 tremors, 2 hellion and lets say that playing a devil spell was very irritating for the others :)
On another game I discarded 2 lands for 6 damage to the face for the finishers.
Fun deck indeed.
May 24, 2016 11:56 a.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #22
Love it.
So I need 3 land in hand to keep it unless I have a Vessel and something to use it on. It's preferable to have a Tremors and Gibbering Fiend in hand as well, but really the main thing is knowing you start with at least enough to play Fiend, Prodder, tremors, vessel, voice without waiting for more land. Voice and/or Prodder are great to open with even with nothing else because either one will accelerate your draw.
I prefer to play prodder, or even 2, once I have 6 mana down so that I know, and they know, that whatever I'm told to keep I'll be playing. Really puts the screws to your opponent because either way, it's going to hurt.
I did find that a t3 Prodder is great acceleration, but you can just as easily be forced to drop land cards. Helps delirium for Fiend and if you have a Hellion also once you hit delirium, that's quite a bit of pass damage every turn.
It's all fun though. As long as you don't get mana screwed and have a few of anything out, your opponent is forced to make difficult decisions. Saving your dance with the Devils for your opponents combat phase is awesome too because playing them causes damage, blocking with them can cause damage, and them dying causes damage again. Having Hellion, tremors, and an Angel out is just sheer joy.
May 24, 2016 12:16 p.m.
Hobbez9186, I really love the deck. +1 from me. I might make this as an option to my monoblue-counters on standard, which is also budget. I normally love Blue and Red colors, they're all about magic! Also love devils =P
Tide Counters ($40)
May 26, 2016 5:07 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #24
Thanks, and I'll have to take a look at that. Budget magic, few :)
May 26, 2016 5:25 p.m.
Sych0_Squid says... #25
Totally sweet deck, it works wonders for its price.Keep up the good work +1
snarlmkiv says... #1
I posted your decklist here: http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/standard-type-2/deck-creation-standard/683637-r-x-aggro?page=11
(I linked to this page, of course) because it's a template for a possible Red Deck Wins.
April 28, 2016 8:09 p.m.