Vergil_Redgrail says... #6
What are you doing to do when Embermaw Hellion, Molten Vortex, and Impact Tremors rotate out?
June 19, 2016 3:03 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #7
Cry in the fetal position.
Actually, the biggest loss is the Hellion. The Tremors are very nice, but without the Hellion it wouldn't be nearly as potent anyway. In fact, most everything is less potent without it. I won't really be able to answer that until I see what lies behind the Eldritch Moon.
June 19, 2016 3:12 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #8
So with the Eldritch Moon spoilers I can say that Make Mischief has my attention as a slightly cheaper way to bring down a Devil Token while also possibly picking off a creature. The nice part is that it does work better after I get Impact Tremors and Embermaw Hellion on the board, which I can have both by turn 4 (Vessel of Volatility on turn 2, Hellion on 3, Tremors + Fiend on 4). With both of them down this spell would deal 2 damage to a creature or player, and then another 2 damage to the player, and I get a token that can block to deal another 2 damage to a creature or player all for 3 mana. I only wish that it was an Instant to use as a combat trick, but then it would probably either cost more mana or move up in price as there's no way it would still be a common. I do like how it didn't even get attention from popular spoiler videos, so I'll be bringing this sleeper to life myself. I'll most likely be replacing Avacyn's Judgment with a pair of these, mostly for flavor, but I also like the effect more and I don't get to use the Madness clause of Judgement often if ever.
The only other "Tribal" card shown so far is Bedlam Reveler. I love how the 8 cmc would work with Sin Prodder since I'd almost surely always get to keep it, and it's ETB effect helps get to Delirium for Gibbering Fiend while also lowering the cost of subsequent Revelers AND getting to draw 3 cards. I like how mid game this becomes a 2-4 cost 3/4 creature with prowess and even if my hand is empty I get to draw three cards. I probably wouldn't run more than 2 of these in the deck, but I still very much like what it could bring to the table. I wish it had 5 toughness so that it wasn't still in range of Languish, but there's certainly a lot of other removal out there anyway. This would probably take the place of a Dance with Devils and a Devil's Playground and would be an easy target to swap out for sideboard if it doesn't work out.
Now for the "Fire and Brimstone", I love the two new burn cards that I've seen with Collective Defiance and Incendiary Flow. 3 damage with Exile for 2 mana is great to get rid of a lot of those Bant 2/3's and 3/3's, especially that friggin' Deathmist Raptor. Defiance is just an amazing card with all kinds of value. I'm worried that it's going to have too hefty of a pricetag because of how powerful it is. If I can grab a set of them cheap enough, I'll be using them for sure. Redrawing your hand, 4 damage to a creature, and 3 damage to a player for 5 mana is just nuts anyway, but combine that with a Hellion on the the board and now you get 5 damage to a creature and 4 damage to a player. It's too good not to, but sadly I think this card will be expensive. I'll be opening packs with scissors made out of horse shoes covered in four leaf clovers to try to get these and all the other amazing cards I'm excited about. And there are many.
July 8, 2016 10:30 a.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #9
Ooooh, Impetuous Devils! I love it! So excited to start ripping open packs next week... Shreds of Sanity looks nice too to get back lost treasures... More of a sideboard perhaps, or just not worth a slot. Those Impetuous Devils though, I've got to have them...
July 8, 2016 11:15 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #10
Well I broke down and picked up 2 Pyromancer's Goggles. I was able to get two copies for about $7 (total) which works out for me, I avoided it before because they were nearly $20 a piece. Even if I'm only able to drop Devil's Playground twice for a kill once before they rotate out I'll be happy :)
I'm also extremely excited for Impetuous Devils. This was the last rare card revealed and I couldn't be happier. Not only does it work wonderfully with this deck build, but I've wanted Ball Lightning to come back in some way forever now, and this is just great. I am happy to pay an extra mana to be able to force a block and deal with whatever creature I want. Love it.
Make Mischief is just so flavorful, I have to have it. Again, with this build it is a very potent card, but I also like how it gives me another option on turn 3 if I need it.
This weekend can't come fast enough, I'm just so very excited...
July 12, 2016 12:05 a.m.
Add like an Evolving Wilds or something to help get delirium for your Gibbering Fiends.
July 16, 2016 12:17 a.m.
Or actually never mind, since Sin Prodder is going to make you lose lands.
July 16, 2016 12:22 a.m.
Awesome, Awesome. I am definitely putting this on my list of cheap decks. Love EDH decks under $50!
July 16, 2016 1:32 a.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #15
Molten Vortex also helps drop land and I rotate the main/side configuration on my paper version quite a bit too and when I'm using Tormenting Voice to draw cards I'll discard a land if I'm flooded.
I don't know that there's enough cards to put one together but it would be interesting to make an EDH variation of this. No idea what commander to use, but Vexing Devil was fun. I'm sure I can fill in the many card gaps with interactive red cards. There are other Hellions like Cinder Hellion too, and cards like Browbeat and Book Burning to give your opponent more decisions to make.
Hmm. Project for another day :)
July 16, 2016 6:09 a.m.
BlackKnight96 says... #16
I would actually want to bring this deck to some FNM's. Looks great. I was wondering if I were to play Hanweir Garrison as a faster creature w/tokens for impact tremors what would I replace it w/ and how many? Also 2x Hanweir Battlements for 2 mountains to give everything haste to finish off games seems rather good(Meld being another win con). Also, Incendiary Flow seems too efficient not to play, even though it does fill the devil theme.
July 21, 2016 11:06 a.m.
BlackKnight96 says... #17
I meant does not fot the devil theme in my previous post.
July 21, 2016 11:07 a.m.
TheRedGoat says... #18
No love from the new set for Emrakul, the Promised End? I kid. Actually you should look at Mirrorwing Dragon (and that Emrakul) to replace the eventual loss of either Goggles or Embermaw since you'll be able to target it with Make Mischief and burn your creatures to burn your opponent to then replace each devil you just burned.
Also, Embermaw works better than you realize as it increases the damage from ANY red source you control.Tremors goes up by one, the devils dying damage goes up and they deal more damage in combat. And Flameblade's burn also increases by 1. And, if I'm not mistaken, each copy of Hellion on the field stacks, so having all four out would make tremors deal 5 per devil you make. It will be sorely missed come rotation.
On the other hand, you mentioned EDH, and I'm thinking your best bet is actually a Wort, the Raidmother tokens deck. Besides the green double token effects, Wort gives conspire so that you can make even devils from copying your spells.
July 21, 2016 11:43 a.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #19
I hadn't considered Hanweir Battlements for this deck for two reasons, the first being flavor and the second not really requiring haste. I encourage you to try it and let me know, but in most cases I find myself winning without really even declaring attackers. I do like Incendiary Flow as well, and will likely be putting them in the sideboard. I usually prefer to go all out main strategy in my decks, which will not typically involve a whole lot of control (unless it's a control deck) and then sideboard in the right answers to problems that might come up depending on who I'm playing.
Mirrorwing is a fun card. I have other ideas for Mirrorwing, check out my Jund Aristocrats deck that does some fun stuff with Emrakul's Evangel, Mirrorwing Dragon, and Otherworldly Outburst.
Holy Aristocrap!
Also, I know how deadly Embermaw is, I just only took the time to explain it briefly in terms of the tokens themselves since there are so many angles to cover. For example, if I were to block a 4/4 with one of my 1/1 Devils the token deals 1 (+1) and the death trigger deals another 1 (+1) so my token will kill your 4/4. Same crazy thing with the Angel, if you attack me with 5 creatures you take 5 damage no matter what, but if I have an Embermaw you will take 10 damage instead, and if I were to block any or all of those creatures with devil tokens and they die you will take up to another 10 damage and effectively kill yourself even from full health. There's times when I've been able to keep extra copies of either card on the table and when that happens the game is essentially over. Casting Dance with Devils before block step (say there are 2 attackers) with an Embermaw, Impact Tremors, and an Angel on the table deals 4 damage on ETB, 4 damage from blocking with the tokens, and another 4 damage from those tokens dying. That's 12 back at their face during their turn while also mitigating damage from their creatures. If I happen to do that same thing with Goggles and double the tokens that would be 8 Tremor damage, 8 Angel damage (assuming all 4 tokens take damage) and another 8 death trigger damage for 24 overall damage. It's not all that uncommon to have two Tremors on the table either, so the damage just goes up from there.
I've actually won quite swiftly by having a single Impact Tremor on the table and an Embermaw Hellion and then just casting Devil's Playground for 8 damage. The tokens just being on the table prevented my opponent from attacking and when it was my turn to attack they would die whether they blocked or not. Pretty common scenario in this deck, and I love it.
Wort is interesting. I haven't dug into the EDH version of this too much yet but I'll have to keep that in mind. I don't know if this deck will survive the loss of Embermaw and Impact Tremors next rotation to stay standard, but I actually have pretty high hopes for Red in Kaladesh so we'll see.
July 21, 2016 3:08 p.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #20
There, I updated the sideboard to include Incendiary Flow and Collective Defiance. I removed 2x Tormenting Voice since I've found that with other changes it has gone down in value for me, I also removed 2x Fiery Temper for the same reason and Flow is cheaper to just cast since I don't have a reliable discard outlet, and finally I took out 2x Avacyn's Judgment for basically the same reasons again. Collective Defiance does for me what those others could do but better.
I'm torn about the Bedlam Reveler. I think I'd need more spells to be worth while. In games that last longer I can see it being awesome, but I don't have enough spells to take full advantage of him and games don't typically last longer. I'll playtest with him, but I think if anything he'd go in the sideboard. Too bad, I do really like the card.
July 21, 2016 3:57 p.m.
When those cards are gone you should give Mirrorwing Dragon and or Bedlam Reveler a try.
July 21, 2016 5:14 p.m.
BlackKnight96 says... #22
I just like Hanweir since it gives another Win Con and the tokens w/ Impact Tremors is nuts!
July 23, 2016 2:08 p.m.
I would hate to see this played against me, but I thought I should say it anyway... have you thought about Structural Distortion? Used with the goggles, you'll be doing 4 face damage plus killing 2 lands for 3 mana and the goggles... that's a DEVESTATING interaction.
I know this because I was working on a mono-red deck using a combo of Pyromancer's Goggles, Brain in a Jar and Harness the Storm to be able to play a spell a stupid number of times at once lol. I'm still working on it, but it's not quite there yet. I may post it to get some advice.
August 12, 2016 10:39 a.m.
Hobbez9186 says... #24
Hmm. Well, that actually would be pretty nasty. I'll have to think it over. I think it would be batter than Seismic Rupture in the sideboard since it can deal with Abbey before it can flip and also would be pretty sweet against multicolor decks in short supply of a particular color.
Yeah, I'll give it a go :)
August 12, 2016 10:46 a.m.
TheRedGoat says... #25
Okay, quick non-devil suggestion, Otherworldly Outburst x4 and 2 Mirrorwing Dragon to replace the eventual loss of your Hellion and Molten Vortex?
Also maybe Harness the Storm for the Goggles?
Hawtmama says... #1
I'm really intrigued by this deck. The interactions look sweet. I'm going to give it a try and see what happens I think.
June 13, 2016 12:20 a.m.