
Welcome to the most absurd but effective deck I have ever created.

Well to put it simply it's a legendary tribal combo reanimator weenie deck. But I guess that doesn't really explain too much so I'll get into detail here. Basically, I have created a deck that is as synergistic with itself as possible. The focus of the deck is that the batch of mostly legendary creatures with cmc of 3 or less or with 2 or less p/t, can be brought back about, back and forth through different means, most notably our almighty Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle. The deck is equipped to be a toolbox so that you can either put the right creature or card into your hand or graveyard when you need them using our commander or other cards we can easily draw into to from one of our many combos to finish the game.
This deck was inspired by a really janky deck I made a while back that had Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit as the commander and the focus was on being aggressive while reanimating 3 drops, which was the entire deck, it didn't win a lot, but it was satisfying when it did. But I wanted to create something with that idea that wasn't mono white, originally my plan was to try and find another 3 or less cmc legend that could trigger Teshar as well as fit into other categories for easy reanimation and then go wide across the colors to find interesting combinations, what I stumbled upon was Tymna the Weaver and Tana, the Bloodsower, which worked well, but I wanted to see if I could expand to blue, and Sisay, Weatherlight Captain turned out to be a great option because it acts as a way to boost certain aspects of the deck already, like mana with Selvala, Heart of the Wilds or just being able to use her to pull things out of the deck when I go off is pretty darn useful.
There are a number of wincons in the deck, how you want to win is all up to you, we've got different win conditions for different people. Generally speaking the buildup to the wincon involves grabbing what can be played based on your hand and your opponents. Got a tutor? Grab an Eternal Witness so you can do it again or repeatably. Try to play the game so you're constantly able to have gas while also keeping your opponents in check, keep tutoring for more ways to consistently abuse the reanimation in this deck and stop people from running away with the game.
Intuition should be first grabbing Eternal Witness, Imperial Recruiter, and Recruiter of the Guard, that way you'll always be grabbing another body with a tutor on it (technically) while putting more tutor bodies into your grave. If you only have Sisay, Weatherlight Captain for your first number of turns for whatever reason, first go for Rhys the Redeemed, then one of the tricolor legends, then Selvala, Heart of the Wilds for the most amount of mana. Always try to save Goblin Engineer until it has haste and you have the mana to grab a piece, most likely Cloudstone Curio.

(This is going to cover all of the cards in the deck and is a long read, but is necessary if you want to know the specific reasons why I have made certain selections in the deck) Lands:

Our land package includes all of the original dual lands (since we aren't worried about price), all of the fetch lands, and the shock lands that are in here are more leaning on the Forest types since our ramp mostly involves grabbing forests from our deck. We have 1 basic each because some people run Back to Basics.


Alesha, Who Smiles at Death - An easier to cast legend that can grab specific creatures from the grave on attack, useful as a backup button.

Anafenza, the Foremost - Acts as a tricolor legend for Sisay, hates graveyards, and can pump creatures if necessary, though it's not really needed.

Anger - One of our haste enablers, it can be easily sacrificed if need be, discarded to Survival of the Fittest or just milled by Entomb or Altar of Dementia

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician - Acts as a tricolor legend for Sisay, add mana, tap permanents for opponents (politics), untap your mana base and tap ability creatures, and can go infinite with Najeela, the Blade-Blossom.

Dockside Extortionist - One of our main combo enablers, shouldn't worry too much about not having opponents with enchantments/artifacts since everyone runs at least some. If it doesn't make you go off it still gives you a heap ton of mana usually.

Eternal Witness - Recursion of any card from your grave on enter means you can repeatably casts instants/ sorceries from your grave, grab artifact pieces, creatures, etc.

Goblin Engineer - Acts mainly as a tutor to grab artifact pieces for either itself or Rona, Disciple of Gix to grab. Being able to grab any artifact (3 or less cmc doesn't matter as much here since most of the ones in our deck are 3 or less) is useful late game if there was a nuclear war.

Imperial Recruiter / Recruiter of the Guard - Two tutors that can grab most of the creatures in the deck, if one can't grab something, the other likely can.

Judith, the Scourge Diva - One of our game-enders; Judith either kills people from infinitely saccing creatures, gives Sisay extra power for power related effects, and acts as easy removal.

Lavinia, Azorius Renegade - Mostly acts as a tool against spellslinger decks or just to make sure your opponents are playing fair while you're not.

Loyal Retainers - Another backup button, it also acts as a combo piece alongside Saffi Eriksdotter.

Magda, Brazen Outlaw - She's mana in a pinch and a tutor if we have it, she's cheap and works well with our treasure setups.

Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist - Makes your creatures mostly unblockable, as well as stops your opponents with swinging their army into you, typically used to help win games.

Najeela, the Blade-Blossom - Mostly acts as a way to get infinite combats or just 1 or 2 extra combats, but creating tokens is pretty useful considering a few of the legends in the list are warriors.

Old Stickfingers - Experimental. Dumps creatures in our yard with high efficiency and can become more powerful than Sisay for power based effects.

Plaguecrafter - Removal that can very possibly be repeatable, it can either wipe the board or hurt your opponent's hands, which are both good things for us.

Priest of Fell Rites - 2 drop emergency reanimator. Faster than other options at the cost of life, which we will have enough of.

Queen Kayla bin-Kroog - Dumps your hand for a new one, which is what we want, then gives you free creatures and artifacts in a range of mana values that we will certainly hit.

Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer - Cheap legend for casting/enering/ltb triggers, can be a fast way to grab a treasures early on or if we need it. Incidental card draw can also come in handy.

Reki, History of Kamigawa - Card draw galore when you need it.

Rhys the Redeemed - Having a 1 drop legend that has two colors is VERY useful for Sisay if you have no other legendary permanents, it's a cheap way to go off with the Cloudstone Curio infinite mana combo, and the token generation can act as a backup later in the game if we need it.

Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer - Though expensive, she acts as 3 colors for Sisay and she can be used to tutor for something.

Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh - A 0 drop legendary in our midst is extremely useful to us with Teshar, he triggers Cloudstone Curio with ease, Rona loves him, and he's a really good attacker when we have the Heroes' Podium setup.

Rona, Disciple of Gix - Let's you cast a historic card from your graveyard on its etb basically, very useful after putting a historic combo piece in your grave or to get more triggers off of Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle.

Rona, Herald of Invasion   - Once had Jace, Vyrn's Prodigy in this slot, but even though there were janky interactions with Cloudstone Curio + Baby Liliana, I felt Rona was almost strictly better for the same mana, getting to untap when casting a spell is pretty absurd with this deck.

Saffi Eriksdotter - An insurance policy for a specific creature in the case of a boardwipe, useful for creating additional etb triggers, and can easily combo off with Loyal Retainers for infinite etb's and death triggers.

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds - Can give us infinite mana with the right tools and in general is a great way to get access to easy colored mana for Sisay or others.

Slimefoot and Squee - Three colors, and the reanimation can be quite nice to have as a backup if we still have a Saproling around. Niche, but it's appreciated.

Spellseeker - Tutors for your tutors or removal spells like Cyclonic Rift.

Squee, Goblin Nabob - Can come back from our grave to our hand, making it great discard fodder as well as sac fodder and can be useful if we need a historic spell for Teshar.

Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle - The main inspiration for the deck, can very easily reanimate our creatures for etb effects that give us a ton of card advantage or mana.

Toluz, Clever Conductor - Turns our discarding into card advantage when we sacrifice her, acts as a tricolor for Sisay, and loots on etb.

Tymna the Weaver - A great source of card draw for all stages of the game.

Wood Elves - Ramping repeatably isn't a bad idea and since it grabs a forest untapped it makes it infinitely more useful.

Yahenni, Undying Partisan - One of our sacrifice outlets, it basically has indestructible, goes infinite, and can get huge after a nuke.


Altar of Dementia - One of our sacrifice outlets, usually it;s used to mill ourself to give us options in the graveyard, but it can be used to mill your opponents out if you have the boardstate or an infinite.

Altar of the Brood - A card that can be played early to put pressure on our opponents or can be used to end the game by milling our opponents with an infinite.

Arcane Signet/Chromatic Lantern - Our choice of mana rocks, Sol Ring isn't here because I needed colored mana more than anything, the Lantern is really useful to help with color fixing.

Cloudstone Curio - An infinite combo piece that causes infinite etb's if you can cast the cards from your hand. Can also be used just to create card advantage at the least.

Hammer of Purphoros - Our second haste enabler, it can be grabbed by Sisay right from the deck and can be brought back by Goblin Engineer or Rona, Disciple of Gix.

Heroes' Podium - A way to boost our creatures for combat to either quickly end the game or take out one of our opponents. A little harder to use since Goblin Engineer can't grab it, but it's very useful when going with one of our Selvala, Heart of the Wilds mana combos or just enables a ton of mana off of her.

Instrument of the Bards - Somewhat expensive, but repeatable, tutor effect. Two turns isn't long of a wait to start getting important stuff, though might be slow overall. Experimental.

Nim Deathmantle - An infinite combo piece that also acts as insurance policy for dying creatures.


Demonic Tutor/Diabolic Intent - 2 drop tutor, one sacrifices which makes it either easier or harder to use, while one doesn't. You can grab diabolic tutor if you can reanimate whatever you just sacrificed for additional value.

Damn 2 drop board wipe.

Nature's Lore - 2 drop ramp.

Sevinne's Reclamation - Reanimation spell for any permanent with cmc 3 or less, including lands if it's needed.

Three Visits - 2 drop ramp a forest.

Urza's Ruinous Blast - Can't be searched for like the others, but having it can wipe most other players' boards while keeping yours untouched.

Winds of Abandon - 2 drop wipe that doesn't affect you. ONLY PLAY TO END THE GAME, will screw you otherwise.


Assassin's Trophy - Removal for any permanent that can be grabbed by Spellseeker.

Aurelia's Fury - I could have chosen any Fireball like spell, but I chose this because of its toolbox nature, it can be grabbed by Spellseeker and can be used for a variety of reasons, including to kill everyone else at the table, also it has really awesome art.

Cyclonic Rift - A classic, can also be grabbed by Spellseeker

Despark - 2 drop exile most important permanents in the game.

Entomb - Instant speed put something into your grave, this can have a number of uses, like putting Anger in there before your next turn or put something in there for Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle, Eternal Witness, etc. to grab right away/ on your turn; can also be grabbed by Spellseeker.

Intuition - A political card as much as it is a tutor, you can make friends or enemies, but it grabs three things total for 3 which can't be passed up, just use with caution.

Nature's Claim - Instant speed remove a artifact/enchantment. Can be searched with Spellseeker and can either be used immediately or kept to put social pressure on your opponents.

Rushed Rebith - Instant speed 2 drop niche tutor. Doesn't get every card we might want but it works well in grabbing some of the important 2 or less creatures like Magda, Priest of Fell Rites, Rona, etc.

Swords to Plowshares - Instant speed remove a creature. Can be searched with Spellseeker and can either be used immediately or kept to put social pressure on your opponents.


Updates Add

Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer is a strictly better Zurgo Bellstriker, so automatic replace, Plargg, Dean of Chaos  Flip is coming in place of Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant  Flip due to the fact that Rune is only effective if I go unanswered and go off early. I also took the liberty to add some cards to the maybeboard like Damn and Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire for those that have those/ would rather run them.



99% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

66 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.43
Tokens Copy Clone, Elf Warrior 1/1 GW, Enchantment Golem 3/3 C, Saproling 1/1 G, Treasure, Warrior 1/1 W
Folders Assistive Template
Ignored suggestions
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