Sisay's Legends

Commander / EDH MagicofMTG


MagicofMTG says... #1

I'm always looking for more ideas for this deck. I'm actually considering taking out some more of the non-legendary cards to put in some more searchable cards. Ideas for new legends to add to the deck are always encouraged.

January 6, 2015 6:57 p.m.

enpc says... #2

Your deck has too low of a land count, especially with your curve the way it is. Not to mention that fact that you have little to no low end ramp. With Captain Sisay, you actually get better performance out of the deck if you don't cram it full of legends just because they are legends. Also, whats the point of the enchantment subtheme? did you add it because you had Krond the Dawn-Clad and wanted to make him work? I think you can make the theme work, but you need to re-evaluate which enchantments you're running as most of these don't add much.

January 13, 2015 7:05 p.m.

Monsmtg says... #3

Maybe Honor-Worn Shaku? Tap a bunch of legends and play Ulamog. Also Day of Destiny.

January 13, 2015 7:08 p.m.

enpc says... #4

so first thing - I would bump your land up to 35/36. After that, good examples of low end ramp would be Rampant Growth, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Selesnya Signet, Nature's Lore, Three Visits, Skyshroud Claim, Search for Tomorrow, Harrow, Chromatic Lantern, those kind of things. None of them rely on anything other than themselves to ramp. Honor-Worn Shaku is ok, but realistically you'll only be tapping it for 1, maybe 2 mana a turn anyway so you're probably better off just running Worn Powerstone / Thran Dynamo. Oh, and on the topic of ramp, I'm not suggesting putting one or two ramp effects in, think more along the lines of 10 - 15 total forthe deck. My competetive decks run somewhere between 15 and 20 dedicated ramp effects (for the one that runs 15 it can recur them so its not so bad). I'm not saying you have to build for a competetive meta, but the key to a deck that works is consistency.

As for Day of Destiny, once you've got ramp, for faster plays, you're better off just getting an Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. She does whay Day does, just better.

January 13, 2015 7:24 p.m.

MagicofMTG says... #5

I've thought about adding a bunch more ramp to the deck, but playing it out I've never actually hurt for mana. The turn I spend getting a ramp spell I'm usually casting a legend instead. I appreciate the suggestions though. Originally, the heavy enchantments were for things like Serra's Sanctum and Celestial Ancient. However, I'm making some more changes to the deck that I hope will make it even more competitive without sacrificing my desire for lots and lots of Legends!

January 21, 2015 1:35 p.m.

enpc says... #6

My only concern is that you're trying to make the deck more competitive, but in keeping theme it will be slow. You're not a combo deck, nor are you a control deck. Your deck is based around creature beats. But most of them are big and slow. On top of that, until your general comes down, you can't guarantee the land drops you need. So realistically Sisay won't hit the field until turn 4. Then you can dig for Gaea's Cradle, but with only one or two creatures, you don't see much benefit. So maybe you can get Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre down turn 8 or so, but in the competitive meta, the combo decks have already outpaced you. And the control decks have enough resources to stop you. And ob top of that, if you don't have a 4 land hand, you cant guarantee Sisay. Not to mention if she got tucked, you'd be screwed.

I understand you reluctance to remove legends and run more lands, and hey, against the decks you're versing now it might do pretty well. But if you want something competitive, especially without the aid of blue, you NEED to be fast.

Because even though you'd rather be casting a legend a turn, think about the fact you could do it two to three turns earlier. And with your general, it doesn't matter if you draw into ramp because you can tutor into value.

At the end of the day, it is your call. And if that's not the direction you want to take your deck, that's totally cool, and I'm more than happy to help you actualise that direction. But if you want a competitive deck, as somebody who has played in a lot of Commander leagues, I cant even begin to overstate the idea of proper ramp and consistency.

January 22, 2015 4:11 a.m.

MagicofMTG says... #7

I generally tend to rely on the enchantments for ramp and protection, at least in the meta that I usually play it in. One of the other reasons I've tried to avoid too many ramp spells is for the Genesis Wave and Primal Surge, both of which generally win me the game the turn they're played.

I know I could use more ramp and I do in things like Mayael or other decks that are similar to this. I may design a version that switches a lot of the enchantment portion of the deck for more ramp. I am thankful for the suggestions though. Hence why I post things here for the advice.

January 22, 2015 10:06 a.m.

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