Oloro's philosophy: just sit back and relax.

Commander / EDH Pheardemons


MrHighscore says... #1

Vizkopa Guildmage goes well with Beacon of Immortality.

What is Ad Nauseam doing for this deck? Same goes for Omniscience?


December 12, 2015 2:02 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #2

MrHighscore, first off thanks for looking!

Omniscience is in the description, but it's there to try and combo with Vedalken Orrery and/or Leyline of Anticipation. I want to be able to cast anything and everything for free. With all of the enchantments and counter spells (The final deck has less counterspells than I want. When I get all of the cards I'll playtest more and be able to decide what is good and bad), I just cast anything in any situation to protect me. Also with Starfield of Nyx it becomes a 10/10 creature. That was the thought process was anyway.

Ad Nauseam is a card definitely needed playtesting, but an alternate win condition is Laboratory Maniac. If I can gain enough life, which is definitely a possibility, I can draw many cards out of the deck. Another possibility was to play it when Future Sight is on the field. If I'm in a jam I can play it to try and draw something to protect me or turn the tide. With Future Sight I can always look at the card before I decide to stop or continue with Ad Nauseam's effect.

Vizkopa Guildmage would absolutely combo well with Beacon of Immortality. Thanks for the suggestion! In all honesty though I'm trying to make this deck a little more enchantment based so I have Sanguine Bond in for that effect. That particular combo is also listed in the description. However I do understand redundancy, especially in a format like commander, if you think I should make room for it in the deck, what do you suggest I take out?

December 13, 2015 12:55 p.m.

Sk0oMa says... #3

all I can say is that Mana Drain needs to be in my folder instead of your deck...

December 14, 2015 11:33 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #4

Haven't bought it yet, but yea it is steadily climbing. A lot of hype about all of the cards on the reserved list have steadily brought prices up for the old gems. Force of Will went up about 30 dollars and is still climbing.

December 15, 2015 8:19 a.m.

Pheardemons says... #5

Glad you like the list though!

December 15, 2015 8:21 a.m.

Oddyst says... #6

I'm returning the favor!(I'm not an EDH expert or any deck expert at that,but this is my opinion on it.)

I really love the deck!(You thought my opinion was gonna be bad didn't you XD?)One thing I was wondering about was the inclusion of Rhox Faithmender? It's basically just your other life-doubler. I read the description of course, but I love the fact you don't want to include any infinite combos. Other than the thought about Rhox Faithmender, I really love this!

December 17, 2015 3:48 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #7

Lol I didn't think it would be bad. I just like to have different perspectives. You make different types of decks that seem off the wall to me. I like having radically different perspectives, because usually they will help build the deck with thoughts that one would never have considered because it isn't their playstyle.

Onto Rhox Faithmender. I actually own a copy and it was in the original 100 cards. I've remade my oloro build at least 5 different times, but I feel this build is competitive and the way I always wanted it to be. Rhox Faithmender didn't make the cut this time because I wanted less creatures (as you can see by the many enchantments) and wanted more lifegain triggers for Karlov of the Ghost Council. Also in EDH true lifegain doesn't mean as much as some people think. Commander damage, infect, infinite combos, and whatever else you can think of. I have two other cards that have the same effect like Rhox Faithmender. Thanks for the comment though!

December 17, 2015 10:37 p.m.

Oddyst says... #8

No problem! Like I said before, I'm not an EDH Expert XD!

December 17, 2015 10:40 p.m.

Sk0oMa says... #9

Ok bud, sorry it's taken so long to reply...I really wanted to get a good grasp of the deck before I rattled off some shit...first, I play a very competitive mono black list in EDH, and a VERY evil (but fun) U/B list for multiplayer games, so it's kind of hard for me to look at this and not want to recommend some of the awesome combos etc that you could run to make this better lol. That being said, I will say that there are a LOT more really good tutors you could be running to make your deck more efficient...I think your first goal of every game should be to assemble the Greater Auramancy and Copy Enchantment/Clever Impersonator combo...from there, you have a lot of awesome options that you are not running, such as the several Leyline of Sanctity type cards, Bitterblossom/contamination combo, Forced Fruition/Underworld Dreams etc...and to find and set these all up, you have several more black tutor effects, you also have Idyllic Tutor, Rune-Scarred Demon, and such. Mystical Tutor,Mystical Teachings,Merchant Scroll...

Also, you are in the colors to run damnation and wrath/day of judgement... Hope this helped a bit.

December 17, 2015 11:40 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #10

Skooma!!! It's ok. I know that skooma is a powerful drug and you just lost track of time and space. Also dude how am I supposed to tag you? I tried skooma, sk00ma, SkooMa, and all of those went somewhere else. What is your specific tag?

Forced Fruition and Underworld Dreams I do like actually. And no I did not know of that particular combination. My problem with the deck was the 100 card limit. I put in the combos that were the entire reason for the deck, then built around them. This is like the 5th revision of my Oloro build.

What other leyline cards do you believe I need for the deck?

I do know of more tutors, but I took them out because I had some of the main low cmc ones, and then this deck is built around drawing.

If you believe there are some combinations that should go in here, or cards in general, definitely mention them and maybe some cards to take out.

December 18, 2015 8:33 a.m.

Sk0oMa says... #11

Lol it's S k 0 (<-that's a zero) o M a. As for combinations etc, I'll go through your list again and suggest some cards to replace a bit later, but for now I really think you should have the Bitterblossom/Contamination combo for sure!

December 18, 2015 12:50 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #12

Yea take your time Sk0oMa (mwaha got it thanks!) And that seems like it is a Blood Moon type effect for EDH. Interesting. I'll take a look and consider it.

December 18, 2015 1:35 p.m.

Sk0oMa says... #13

Yes, obviously it's way more deadly in a mono black deck, but if you build your deck right it could still be awesome.

December 18, 2015 2:25 p.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #14

Maybe these will help:

February 1, 2016 2:39 a.m.

Pheardemons says... #15

Thanks for looking Matrixxx999!

Brainstorm, Dark Ritual, Disenchant, and Swords to Plowshares are all very linear cards that, granted can help, would probably end up sitting in my hand. I have Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, Karmic Justice, Oblivion Ring, Grasp of Fate, as well as board wipes if creatures became a problem. For drawing I have Phyrexian Arena, Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, Sensei's Divining Top and Copy Enchantment and Clever Impersonator to double if they are needed. Utter End is a more universal Disenchant and Dark Ritual is a little lackluster if it is a late draw.

Vindicate and Toxic Deluge were in the deck at first, but taken out to meet the 100 card limit, plus I believe I have other cards that do similar effects.

Lim-Dul's Vault has been considered, but taken out to meet the 100 card limit. I do like the card though. Any thought on what I should take out for it?

Crucible of Worlds was a card I had not considered. Armageddon I'm really only going to play when I have Omniscience on the field so my opponents are slowed, but I am not. However, if they destroy Omniscience then I'm in a similar boat. I will definitely take that into consideration. What would you suggest I take out for it?

February 1, 2016 2:48 a.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #16

I looked at the deck more closely...

First of all, i will try to suggest what to take out:

  • Black Market - Very slow and situational if you want to store mana from your opponents creatures death, and you do not run enough creatures and sac outlets for it. I used it in my Sidisi deck with a lot of creatures and sacrifice spells, but in the end it was replaced.
  • Declaration of Naught - you have Nevermore, i think that is more effective and is enough
  • Painful Quandary - slow, cause hate, not so effective as it seems
  • Laboratory Maniac - don't understand for what purpose it is in your deck, maybe I missed something. If it is just for interaction with Jin, then in most time of the game it is vanila creature for 3 mana
  • Utter End - you mentioned that it is more universal, but think of it as spot removal for 4 mana, it is cost to much for that purpose I think

Also you could add something like High Market for Rector and Aura Thief

As for Dark Ritual, I think it is better to have it in late game, then have some of high cmc cards in early game (wich you have many) and not enogh mana to play them as fast as possible. I think that speed prevails all in competitive play, and Dark ritual provides the necessary speed.

Hope that will help.

February 1, 2016 8:07 a.m.

Pheardemons says... #17

Matrixxx999 it all definitely helps. I love hearing suggestions from different players because different eyes can show/open new strategies and cards I did not know of.

1) Before telling you my thought process on some cards, I do want you to know that this deck is mostly built for multiplayer games, probably should add that in the description. I didn't mean to mislead anyone, but the deck can still function quite well in one Vs one games due to the stall enchantments.

2) Black Market is mainly in the deck to add mana to the mana pool, but I took out Exsanguinate, Debt to the Deathless, and Death's Grasp where Black Market would really shine. I left it in as a 5 mana enchantment (5/5 creature with Starfield of Nyx) and to add mana if I could get Academy Rector or Show and Tell to cheat out Omniscience and it would maybe help hardcast it. I have been debating on taking it out because I agree that it is situational.

3) Declaration of Naught is in there in addition to Nevermore to help in multiplayer games. If I can get both I can effectively shut down two troublesome commanders. Or if there is decent amount of enchantment hate it is redundancy to shut down one at all costs if necessary.

4) Painful Quandary I agree is slow, but I disagree when you say it is not as effective as it seems. Yes there are plenty of commander decks that it isn't a problem for, but it always causes second guessing when casting spells, and when life comes into play they are stuck if lifegain isn't apart of their strategy. This is a relatively new card to the deck and definitely needs more playtesting, but that was my thought process.

5) Laboratory Maniac is there as an alternate win condition. Nothing more. With Phyrexian Arena, Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, ad nauseum, and Alhammarret's Archive with the overall control/stall aspect of the deck, decking myself is a possibility. With Vedalken Orrery and Leyline of Anticipation I can flash him in at the upkeep and surprise everyone with a win.

6) Utter End is a little expensive, but my thought process over Vindicate was the exile effect. Targeting is in both so hexproof and shroud don't make a difference with either one, but Utter End can kill indestructible creatures as well. That was the only difference in the choice of either one.

7) Thanks for the suggestion of High Market, but I'm not sure it is worth the land slot for literately just two cards in the deck, however I'll take a closer look.

8) As for Dark Ritual that one may just be preference. I truly do not believe it has a place in the deck beyond turn 3 or 4. I have Grim Monolith, Gilded Lotus, and looking to add in Mana Vault so I'll have the mana ready when needed.

Thanks for your feedback man! If there are any thought processes here you truly disagree with just let me know and I'll take a second harder look at the deck, and consider the way it has playtested. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions, or any other arguments for cards to take out or put it. Thanks again!

February 1, 2016 5:56 p.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #18

Always glad to help!

I think you should look closely at Laboratory Maniac. In your deck he is a dead draw. In most situations it does nothing. If you're plan is using it before you decked yourelf with Phyrexian Arena, Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, Necropotence or ad nauseum, then I should ask you about how often it happened when You played with this deck? I would understand the use of Laboratory Maniac, if you would use combinations with infinite mana and infinite draw spells (Blue Sun's Zenith/Enter the Infinite + Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron ), but you decided to avoid them... But if it plays well in your meta then it is ok, it is just what I see when I look at your list. Actualy I have Oloro deck where I use all the good combinations to empty the deck in one turn Somebody stop me!, and I considered Maniac, but in many games it was dead draw, cuz outside of combinations it does nothing to win the game. Additionaly it is pretty dangerous strategy, when Maniac hits the table, all your opponents will be ready for your combination, and when you'll try to deck yourself, anyone can just play something like Swords to Plowshares in respons, and it is game over. If you'll dicide to keep this guy in your deck, then I would suggest to use even more card advantage spells, for example - Consecrated Sphinx. Alhammarret's Archive + Consecrated Sphinx - insane draw engine.

February 1, 2016 8:46 p.m.

Dr.Gibbles says... #20

March 26, 2017 7:06 p.m.

Dr.Gibbles says... #21

Seems Legit

March 26, 2017 7:07 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #22

Thanks Dr.Gibbles, but they are both in the deck, and I do have a sac outlet of High Market.

March 27, 2017 7:19 a.m.

EchoSpice says... #23

another combo i think fits the theme of you deck is Wall of Reverence+Serra Avatar. double your life total every turn and remain untouchable until someone either concedes or goes infinite, and if you have Sanguine Bond in play its an even better wincon.

April 25, 2018 2:48 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #24

EchoSpice - First off, thanks for the comment and suggestions. Secondly, This deck is more centered around the enchantments than lifegain in general. While this combo is definitely efficient in other lifegain decks, I probably won't include them in here as I am trying to win with stall tactics with enchantments.

April 26, 2018 12:49 a.m.

EchoSpice says... #25

fair fair, happy deckbuilding

April 26, 2018 2:55 a.m.

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