Six Million Dollar Mutant

Unknown WomboCombo


SpaderAce says... #1

Really like this!

May 22, 2013 8:40 p.m.

Saber993 says... #2

I'm not a fan of Unflinching Courage in this deck. The best target for it is traft and even then it feels like it should be that other enchantment with flying (it's late as I'm on my phone so I apologize for not looking it up). The Rancor should be a 4 of and I'm not sure how you feel about him, but in my own experience, the guildmage is kind of... Underwhelming. I wouldn't say take him out completely but I don't feel he should be a 4 of.

May 24, 2013 12:22 a.m.

WomboCombo says... #3

Firstly, cheers for the feedback. :)

I might make Rancor 4 and Unflinching Courage 3. Its still a useful enchant to chuck on Master Biomancer (so that all subsequent creatures come out bigger). I assume the other enchant you mention would be Gift of Orzhova ?If so, it's definitely a good enchant, but I don't feel I have enough white in the mana base to get it out consistently enough.

Zameck Guildmage could be changed, but the ability to remove counters and get extra draw when i need (especially useful on the undying creatures since i can keep doing it with enough mana) has saved me a lot of times. Could use 3 guild mages instead and add 1 to something else, though I'm not sure what.

May 24, 2013 1:13 a.m.

Saber993 says... #4

Nah the enchant I was referring to is blue

May 24, 2013 1:31 a.m.

WomboCombo says... #5

May 24, 2013 1:35 a.m.

Saber993 says... #6

That's the one.

May 24, 2013 1:36 a.m.

WomboCombo says... #7

Hmm, It fits the curve and gives me some good benefits. I'll see how I go with this deck at FNM tonight with the Unflinching Courage in there. If the Trample/Lifelink doesn't turn out to be good enough, I'll probably switch to Spectral flight.

Thanks again for the suggestion.

May 24, 2013 1:44 a.m.

Exiistential says... #8

This is a good list, but I think it could be even faster while staying resilient. I would personally remove 2 Master Biomancer and 4 Zameck Guildmage for 3 Loxodon Smiter and 3 Spell Rupture and I'd probably also use 4 Rancor and 3 Unflinching Courage . I think it's advantageous to trade out Simic Charm for Selesnya Charm , as the trample will be better for you, making a 2/2 knight can evolve your guys and is an instant speed blocker, and the middle ability is good for a lot of stuff out there if it goes long. Spell Rupture is SO good here tho, as usually by turn 3 you can have 3 or 4 power on board, and sit on the counter beating face until they play that key spell (which you counter) and it seals the deal for you. It also might be advantageous to move Geist of Saint Traft to your sideboard to bring in games 2/3 after they board in removal, and instead play Voice of Resurgence main board. Regardless I enjoy this deck a lot and I hope you continue to fine tune it, I feel this could be a serious contender.

May 28, 2013 12:49 a.m.

WomboCombo says... #9

Hey mate, I really appreciate your suggestions!

I already switched the numbers on Rancor /Unflinching Courage . I'm not crazy on the idea of removing Master Biomancer or Zameck Guildmage , just because they both synergize so well with the undying creatures that I have. If i remove them, I'd probably have to switch the undying creatures as well.

I'll add 3x Selesnya Charm in place of 1x Zameck Guildmage , 1 Strangleroot Geist and 1x Simic Charm . I already have plenty of trample in Rancor /Unflinching Courage that I would probably end up using the latter 2 affects more often.

Flashing in a 2/2 vigilance soldier during my opponent's turn then giving the soldier unflinching courage on my next turn seems fairly strong (4/4 trample, lifelink, vigilance for total for 5 mana).

Simic Charm is still very useful for hexproof and bounce.

Unfortunately, I don't have any Voice of Resurgence at the moment and I'm not sure I want to pay $30+ for each one (even though I admit they are super awesome), so I'll probably keep Geist of Saint Traft mainboard for now.

Thanks again. I will keep this page updated with how I go at the next FNM.

May 28, 2013 1:32 a.m.

Exiistential says... #10

No worries man, just some idea that might speed it up some! I get the Voice of Resurgence issue, haha I would also love to play them but not for 120+ a playset. Good luck with your matches and have a good day! :D

May 28, 2013 1:39 a.m.

WomboCombo says... #11

Forgot to add:

Simic Charm also combos well with Rapid Hybridization as a form of removal. Use the Hybridization on an opponent's creature, then bounce the token it produces with Simic Charm to remove both.

Thanks again for commenting :)

May 28, 2013 1:43 a.m.

dbrannon says... #12

this deck is great, i however would replace Unflinching Courage for Ethereal Armor it would give your geist much more survivability. when comboed with rancor its +4/+2 trample and first strike for 2 mana

June 7, 2013 11:35 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #13

Cheers for the suggestion! I'll give it a shot and see how it plays out.

June 10, 2013 7:13 p.m.

reconaissance says... #14

just so you know the last deck is called Peddle to the Metal, it went 24th at a scg open a few weeks ago.

June 29, 2013 11:32 p.m.

Komododragon says... #15

Ever considered Kalonian Hydra ?

August 11, 2013 6:24 a.m.

WomboCombo says... #16

I did consider him, though I haven't had a chance to chuck him in this deck and see how he plays.

Any suggestions what should be dropped to give him a shot?

August 11, 2013 7:06 a.m.

Wombo i suggest you drop Simic Charm for Kalonian Hydra

August 14, 2013 8:27 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #18

I'll give it a shot and let you know what I think.

I'm a bit concerned that I will lose Simic Charm as a combat trick and Kalonian Hydra may not be consistently cast with only 22 land with no ramp.

August 15, 2013 2:32 a.m.

thataddkid says... #19

wombocombo, Kalonian Hydra is also 22$ :P

If it wasn't so expensive, he would be in my Golgari and Simic deck without a doubt.

August 15, 2013 2:34 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #20

I don't mind shelling out $22 for Kalonian Hydra , he's a good card that I may use in a Hydra/Corpsejack Menace deck post rotation. I also managed to pull 2 Hydras during the pre-release :P

August 15, 2013 6:37 p.m.

323Dimitri says... #21

I would take out Strangleroot Geist for 2 Bioshift and 2 Renegade Krasis . The synergy between Renegade Krasis and Master Biomancer I great. Having them both out I you have Master Biomancer out and play Renegade Krasis you can bioshift the two counters on to Master Biomancer and for the rest of the game when you play a creature everything with a plus one counter evolves.

August 16, 2013 8:34 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #22

That sounds like a fun little interaction. Thanks for the suggestion 323Dimitri!

August 18, 2013 6:52 p.m.

SignMaster99 says... #23

Me gusta. (+1)

August 27, 2013 6:26 p.m.

JXB says... #24

Ever considered Forced Adaptation ?

August 28, 2013 6:39 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #25

Sure have, but I feel it's a little bit slow for what this deck is trying to accomplish. Ideally I want to get my creatures out quickly and win by turn 4, 5 or 6. Forced Adaptation is a good card for it's mana cost, but a little bit slow.

Appreciate the suggestion though :)

August 28, 2013 6:55 p.m.

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