I made another version of this deck that's probably better here-> All hail Ormendahl, Profane Prince
Sixteen cards fetch, copy, or are
Westvale Abbey
. The mana base is fast and reliable, only Mirrorpool enters tapped.
The core of this deck is
Westvale Abbey
Ulvenwald Hydra
, Mirrorpool, Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter, and Cultivator of Blades.
Sylvan Scrying and
Eyeless Watcher
seem necessary to fuel the deck. I'm still trying out a couple different cards in the optional spots, you can only have four playsets out of the following in the mainboard and you need a lot of ramp:
Highspire Artisan
, Seed Guardian, Blisterpod,
Loam Dryad
, Servant of the Conduit, Key to the City, Ulvenwald Captive
, Blossoming Defense,
Warping Wail
, or whatever other card you can think of. I've made a few changes since the last time I actually played a game with this deck, so you should expect there's going to be some room for improvement, especially if your willing to play good cards instead of limiting yourself to my budget.
Turn five Ormendahl, Profane Prince
is usually an option, and turn four is possible. An early 9/7 flying, lifelink, indestructible, with haste will beat a lot of decks game one. The maindeck gets you there as fast as possible. After sideboarding you have to assume most people will have answers so, the early Ormendahl, Profane Prince
play is going to be risky. The alternative strategy is to first exhaust everything that benefits from having lots of creatures in play. Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter and Cultivator of Blades can play both strategies, making fast efficient creatures and winning games when you have a lot of creatures in play. Don't overlook the option of copying an earlier 1/1 Cultivator of Blades that made servo tokens. Copy it on the opponents endstep whenever giving everything else +7/+7 is enough to win and you suspect they can't stop it.
This deck doesn't need creature removal because it can make the biggest creatures itself. This may be my favorite strategy, no dead cards, just doing your own thing as well as you can. I have survived Emrakul, the Promised End and gone over Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger to win. This can block anything, especially flyers. Emrakul, the Promised End trades for one
Ulvenwald Hydra
if you can block with two Hydras with seven lands. Smuggler's Copter runs into a
Highspire Artisan
or a Seed Guardian from the sideboard. Ormendahl, Profane Prince
attacks into everything.
Ulvenwald Hydra
Westvale Abbey
is like getting two giant threats for one card.
Ulvenwald Hydra
fetching Mirrorpool lets you play Hydra's all day.
Sylvan Scrying's priority will usually be to fetch the games first
Westvale Abbey
, and then start fetching multiple Mirrorpool's. Geier Reach Sanitarium is reliably available when you want it, which is going to be if you've flooded out on lands and usually because you've drawn one or more Sylvan Scrying. A single
Spawning Bed
is sweet, three creatures at instant speed is sometimes exactly what you want late game.
This can get into some comfortable board states where you can start playing in a reactionary style while still adding a giant threat to the board most turns. Opponents can't get very far ahead no matter what they do. If they try to remove too many creatures just sacrifice them to
Westvale Abbey
. In response to removal you can copy any creature with Mirrorpool including Ormendahl. If they risk attacking, use Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter to create a huge creature during combat.
Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter is the most profitable of the late game instant speed options, so the default strategy is to try to wait till the opponents endstep and then make a giant construct token. There aren't instant speed spells that kill a lot of creatures, as long as you have 6+ creatures you can expect to still have enough creatures for
Westvale Abbey
when you untap and can continue to 'protect' them through the next turn.
Mulligan any hand without at least one Forest, just about any hand from the main deck that has between two to four lands should playable.
From the sideboard: Blossoming Defense beats all the removal that could target Ormendahl, Profane Prince
. Blossoming Defense also gives the option of pumping Cultivator of Blades or being used as a combat trick.
Warping Wail
, a 1/1 creature for two at instant speed with the option of mana acceleration is sometimes perfect, but mainly you want
Warping Wail
against board wipes. Seed Guardian comes in against Smuggler's Copter, aggro flyers, or against Control. I haven't had the chance to play with Key to the City yet, it obviously lets you just win if an opponent can't interact a lot. It seems like it will tempt you to make bad choices discarding to Key to the City just to loot when you have better things to do with mana next turn, be careful with this card, you can't afford to waste a turn or lose a card very often.
I've won games against every deck I've played against so far. I honestly tied for 1st at FNM with this, though I only played one opponent who had a lot of experience and a well tuned deck. I've only played the one FNM so far and won't be able to get out again till the new year.
I've made some changes and will continue to tweak this deck for as long as I keep playing it while keeping the budget as low as possible. Upvote if you think this could do well at your local FNM. Click here to Upvote +1, Thanks!