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SKRED RED (Mono-Red Control) - For the Watch! ಠ_ಠ

Modern Competitive Control Midrange Mono-Red



Skred RED is a Mono-Red Control deck.

Also known as:

  • Snow Control

  • Lockdown

  • Mono-Red Control

Name Origin:

It's name comes from the card Skred... and part of the deck tries to take advantage of the amount of snow permanents you got:

The lockdown elements include:

Its win conditions mainly include:

Playing the Deck

When playin the deck, you usually want to simply find out what you are up against, then force the hate on them.

Since this deck runs a lot of hate on the maindeck, you should be prepared to face pretty much anything in the field.

  1. Mulligans - First thing i check on my oppening hand, is the quantity of lands. About 3 to 4 would be nice, since we run Midrange Style.

  2. Hates - Besides the mana, I would keep a hand that's got Lightning Bolt or Anger of the Gods and maybe Skred in it and CERTAINLY i would keep a hand with Blood Moon or Magus of the Moon in it. These types of hands block some of the biggest decks in Modern.

  3. Lure Them - Sometimes, when playing against Blue, you need to cast something in order to make them use their counter on a less important thing. Then, you'll feel free to cast what you please.

  4. Sweep Them - This deck runs a loot of sweepers for a reason. You ought to hold your ground against Affinity, Zoo, Merfolk. You have to be able to hold aggro builds. Abuse the sweepers.

  5. Board Them - Know how to sideboard. Trust your deck. This deck is Midrange, you kinda HAVE to draw the right stuff in the right time. But this deck is also FULL of hates. With a deck DEDICATED to hating, drawing that one card you need becomes more like a matter of trusting your deck rather than simply "topdecking".


The deck is made to hinder decks using Blood Moon, Relic of Progenitus, Pyroclasm , Lightning Bolt and put some hard-to-deal creatures to win the game.

It's a nice matchup against decks with a dependancy on nonbasic lands. And it's nice against weenies. Since one of the cantrips of the deck is Relic of Progenitus, you often see a Snapcaster Mage become useles.

It's a deck made of hate against everybody.



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Well... i was used to face Zoo, Merfolk, white weenies, Affinity and all kinds of aggro creature-based decks... but this Saturday, i've faced one Zoo, and a heck lot of combo decks...

This has forced me to change the deck.

The mainboard Ratchet Bombs have gone from 100 to 0 in most matches... And facing so many counterspells (Cryptic Command *list*, Remand etc) has made me add Reverberate and Guttural Response.

This deck was a deck-to-beat in the previous local tournments i played, but in this last one, the usual 3-1 i would get became a 1-3 and that made me realize how well prepared i was against VERY SPECIFIC DECKS... so... yeah, changing the main and the side for more versatile sideboarding.

Nice topdecking, everyone!

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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

14 - 6 Rares

12 - 9 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.51
Tokens Emblem Koth of the Hammer
Folders Mono-Red
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