Skullbriar, Oh Lawd He Comin’

Commander / EDH TwinStags


TwinStags says... #1


Right? My play-group fell apart and I stopped playing. I plan on starting up at an LGS soon, even though I hate most people that play lol. I figured I’d put an new coat of paint on before I get smeared.hows your deck favoring? I’ll check it out after this comment.

Thanks for the compliments though! Over time I realized Skullbriar isn’t worth protecting when golgari is so good at just bringing shit back. I figure the best method is keeping people’s hands empty, graveyards full, and a board full of lock out creatures. I’m writing up a new primer and adding more cards like Sheoldred soon.

A TON of cards are plummeting with the mystery boosters so I’m considering cards I previously hadn’t.

Hydras growth is the best card we’ve received in ages for this deck. I’m so excited for all the new EDH cards coming out this year. Maybe it’ll allow a more counter focused deck.

The discard theme is new but I figure it’s a much stronger protection than just beefing up with enchantments and artifacts: Necrogen Mists, Oppression, Bottomless Pit, Cunning Lethemancer, Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip, and Stronghold Rats

March 13, 2020 6:37 p.m.

McToters says... #2


Sorry to hear about your playgroup! Mine sort of discontinued as well but that’s because everyone just got busy. After this whole Covid-19 shakes out I’m hoping to start playing at my local LGS on Friday nights (that’s their EDH night) and just maybe I’ll coordinate getting the old group back together. I think I’ve played about 6-7 games in the last 6 months. Not at all the amount I wish I was playing.

Yeah that’s a great way of looking at this deck, especially like you say Golgari is really good at bringing stuff back from the graveyard. With my meta, people finally started waking up to graveyard hate though so it became rather null and void if I brought him back from the graveyard or just kept paying the commander tax. Now the lockout creatures and empty hands is also very different too. I’m nearly tempted to adapt the latter (I really want to pick up a Necrogen Mists, brings me back to when I first started playing magic). The board full of creatures I’m sure works, but I feel more comfortable limiting the amount of creatures here unless they are big time plays like Forgotten Ancient or Necropolis Regent.

So I just found out about the Mystery Boosters the other day. Are they available right now and how much are they going for? Is there a list of what cards you can get from those packs? What cards are you considering at this time you werent before because of price?

Yeah you’re not kidding about Hydra's Growth. That card is dope! I actually picked up a Shadowspear a few weeks ago and I have to say that would be another fantastic card for this deck. I’m not sure if I’m putting it in this deck or my Jor-Kadeen brew (it’s more equipment/artifact focused). But my lawd, is that de-hexproofing ability friggin bonkers... I had to get it as soon as I saw that.

March 14, 2020 8:13 a.m.

TwinStags says... #3


All too true. That’s more games then I’ve played! There was a sick fantasy themed bar a short 5 min walk from my house that recently closed. That was the last straw.

Thankfully, if the graveyard gets locked out, you can still play Skullbriar from the command zone. Bojuka Bog can always help if you get overly locked. It might be smart to invest in Bane of Progress or other anti-grave-hate cards. Any other suggestions?

I prefer go wide vs go tall when it comes to creatures. Skullbriar is the only creature I plan on being tall with no risks. Even if you get board wiped, you can easily bring shit back. I consider keeping other people’s decks empty this deck’s equivalent of a Winter Orb.

Check out the list of Mystery Booster cards on tcg player. A ton of card prices are plummeting. I wouldn’t consider buying packs over drafting/box/singles purchase tho.

Shadow spear is super rad. If I notice hexproof/indestructible being a problem when I start back up I’ll add it.

But yeah, let’s talk grave protection

March 14, 2020 7:25 p.m.

McToters says... #4

Hey! Yes, I use Bojuka Bog to hose other’s graveyard shenanigans. Also, Sentinel Totem, Tormod's Crypt, Grafdigger's Cage, Nihil Spellbomb, and Leyline of the Void (I don’t own a Void but that would be another relatively common used card). Anyway, the only real answers to those are artifact/enchantment removal cards. So yes, Bane of Progress is something I could totally add. I own one already but I believe it’s in another deck at the moment. It should be a card I own more of. It’s a fantastic EDH card. Rampage of the Clans is another one I own but have in another deck. I know it gives the opponent’s creatures but I love that it’s removal at instant speed. I’ve used it a few times to great effect. Acidic Slime or Reclamation Sage are handy one-offs, then there’s Wave of Vitriol bit of a bomb card. I use that one in my Gitrog deck.

I know there’s a ton of artifact removal out there that can respond to most of the graveyard hate cards but sometimes when my meta knows I’m running a deck that uses the graveyard they’re prepared.

March 17, 2020 10:25 p.m.

TwinStags says... #5


All great suggestions. I updated the primer above, check out the Problem Solvers tab. I honestly think I have enough, but a full wipe via Bane of Progress is tantalizing. Rampage of the Clans is super fun at instant speed too!

You snag any good deals from the mystery boosters? I picked up a foil Shizo... only to realize I already had one.

Im stoked for the upcoming Ikora release and green EDH reprint thing they’re doing here soon. From the sounds of it, fetch lands will be returning later this year(outside of the stupid secret lair release). Hoping to finally snag a Verdant Catacombs and Sylvan Library at some point.

March 17, 2020 11:35 p.m.

McToters says... #6


Yeah it seems like you have enough! Glad you agree about Rampage of the Clans. It’s really an amazing wipe when a meta doesn’t have enough artifact or enchantment removal.

I could probably use a Shizo too... I def don’t own one. I also would love to get my hands on a Teferi's Protection because it’s amazing. That one hasn’t decreased as much though.

I’m super excited for all the content coming out this year also! It’s a weird worry to have but I hope that it isn’t too much new stuff. I had a hard time keeping up with War of the Spark, MH and the Commander decks lol.

March 19, 2020 11:41 a.m.

Commander_Olim says... #7

March 30, 2020 11:13 a.m.

TwinStags says... #8


Corpsejack Menace is okay. 4 cmc for a 4/4 with one ability that occasionally lands is lackluster. Too often, double counters only net one extra counter. This isn’t without saying, paired with Kalonian Hydra you can win a game real quick. If it was 1cmc less or had a bonus ability I’d be down.

March 30, 2020 11:08 p.m.

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