Skycaptain Kari Zev, Captain of the Sky!

Commander / EDH* the_earl_0f_grey


Akujiki says... #1

Yarr, you little bucaneer might be interested in Arcane Lighthouse

January 30, 2017 3:14 p.m.

DespairFaction says... #2

Hey I love the article, and you have some really cool synergies listed. I have just a few suggestions. I have never really had great experience with Sword of Light and Shadow its just awful in the early game, and I never really get it when I need it in the late game, so I would cut that. As far as additions, check out Helm of Possession and Sword of Kaldra. The helm lets you steal things, and the sword ability with first strike means you can exile just about any creature in the game, also it gives her a huge PT boost. Otherwise I think your deck looks awesome. Definitely something I want to try out.

February 7, 2017 7:36 p.m.

LordPrism67 says... #3

This deck is awesome, but I only wish the deck had more of a "Yes, This is a pirate, and yes, this is all the stuff she's looted in her days as such" flavor to it. I have no idea how that would be possible, but it would be amazing if it were.

February 13, 2017 6:24 p.m.

I'll try and make it more apparent in the future LordPrism67 but the flavor is definitely there, and Looting is one of primary engines in this deck. Kari has a plethora of looting options for stashing tasty loot for big bad Daretti, Scrap Savant, the hardworking Goblin Welder, the trusty Scrap Trawler, burying it deep below the Buried Ruin, having the big D man show off his Scrap Mastery, or simply having Ragavan visit the Trading Post itself, unless its also a creature which the Sword of Light and Shadow can also pull back from the shadows.

Half the reason Explorer's Scope is around is that it a genuine spyglass that looks for land! I like to imagine my pirate and her humble crew as having the guile to acquire such useful stealth tools as Rogue's Gloves, a Skeleton Key, an Infiltration Lens and use them on their quest of gathering the many exciting tools of the trade or the many orbs and stax effects as the ship's self various defense systems. Nearly every artifact can be justified no matter the implications as solid flavor. To me Kill Switch is the ship emitting an Electronic/Magic blast disabling all other artifacts (Including itself) as the sort of daredevil stunt expected of a swashbuckler. The enchantments and most of the landbase are where the flavor begins to fall short and I'd love to have some of them altered when I've settle on a final version of this.

I do appreciate the hype.

February 13, 2017 6:55 p.m.

DiggleMcGee says... #5

so in my experience playing boros I have realized that you really need card advantage in red so here is some choices to help you reach the good stuff Chandra, Flamecaller and Reforge the Soul. As for damage maybe branch out into enchantments as well Gratuitous Violence is quite mean. An Urabrask the Hidden can slow your enemies down enough that they can't beat the voltron turn clock. A Blasphemous Act can help clear the field against token decks or things that can swarm you. Other things that help voltron decks is limiting what enemies can do try using a Crawlspace. THERE are a few things for you

February 22, 2017 2 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #6

You've mentioned Daretti, Scrap Savant a couple of times, but I don't see him in your list. Am I missing something?

February 22, 2017 12:15 p.m.

Thanks bushido_man96. I genuinely don't know how that slipped. Must have misclicked during a recent edit. I'll be taking out Kill Switch until I figure out what happened.

February 22, 2017 12:54 p.m.

DespairFaction says... #8

Great write up! I find that mask of memory does a better job than rogues gloves. You've already got it in the list so that is good, and in my experience it doesnt draw the hate that something fire and ice does. I like Chandra Flamecaller a lot also. If cost isnt a concern, Ugin could be a great addition, or All is Dust if youre on a budget.

May 28, 2017 11:26 a.m.

Due to the nature of the deck's orb play CMC is everything. Until Chandra I was avoiding mana costs over 3 or 4. As much as I love your Ragavan heavy style I rarely get the chance to set up catapults and siege weapons in advance and don't intend to outpace my opponents in terms of mana production and heavy costs. My red decks always intend to make my opponents play my game, as I won't win theirs. Although another look did give me some things I need to incorporate such as Keldon Necropolis, Madblind Mountain, and reconsider the Sword of Kaldra.

Next ones going in are most likely Hammer of Purphoros, Grafdigger's Cage , and Krark-Clan Ironworks.

May 31, 2017 6:13 p.m.

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