Slaughter Games: The Movie

Standard Khaotica


Gh0stPr0digy says... #1

nice deck +1

i actually came up with something similar Mogis Cruel Control

January 17, 2014 8:28 p.m.

AussieBloke says... #2

Looks good, but maybe swap lightning strike for Magma Jet , same cost, one less damage but scry 2.

January 22, 2014 10:04 p.m.

Khaotica says... #3

I'd considered and playtested Magma Jet AussieBloke, but found that the scry was unnecessary in most games and the less damage made it far less effective at killing creatures or helping to burn out an opponent late game.

January 22, 2014 10:08 p.m.

mbooma says... #4

Mizzium Mortars . At the moment the deck has no answer for a BBoV that hits the field.

January 27, 2014 12:44 a.m.

Khaotica says... #5

@mbooma That is what Devour Flesh is for. Ignoring the cards money cost (this deck is still on a tight budget atm), the sorcery speed is not quite great for me, the overload is expensive and there are not many people who run BBoV in my local meta. But thanks for the tip anyway, I'd wanted to include it but just found I had no need.

January 27, 2014 10:46 a.m.

treevore says... #6

no Sire Of Insanity ?? he pretty much ruins other control. atleast in a sideboard for mirror matches?

March 8, 2014 12:34 a.m.

TricksterJ says... #7

March 8, 2014 12:47 a.m.

Khaotica says... #8

Sire is potentially sideboard - good idea.

March 8, 2014 1:03 a.m.

Necrotech says... #9

Just a thought for more insanity....

Master of Cruelties

Major friend of an overloaded Mizzium Mortars or Rogue's Passage

March 15, 2014 3:12 a.m.

Khaotica says... #10

@Necrotech I do love the idea - my problem with him is his cost. He's going to be taking up a 5 slot, which is already filled by Stormbreath Dragon , and he's far easier to kill. He's a nice idea, I'll test him out, just uncertain of it.

March 16, 2014 midnight

Aytonday says... #11

I think 3 Slaughter Games is a bit much. I'd up Elspeth or something. I don't run the control side of R/B but you can take a look, The Return of the Nightmare from Hell

April 15, 2014 7:36 p.m.

Khaotica says... #12

3 Slaughter Games is the prime number. I find it helps against many standard planeswalkers, enchantments and is a great game one against any control build. I find it pretty good.

April 15, 2014 8:12 p.m.

belligerence says... #13

Strange just yesterday I made a dega deck haha, you should check it out.

April 22, 2014 9:47 p.m.

acdc17 says... #14

Much rely on turn 1 Thoughtseize

Such play Duress as well


April 22, 2014 9:55 p.m.

Wodar says... #15

How useful have you found your one Whip of Erebos in this deck? I am actually really interested in what kind of interactions you have had with it in this deck

May 4, 2014 10:09 p.m.

Khaotica says... #16

Wodar I have found it surprisingly useful. I initially began with it in the deck because I did not have a fourth Underworld (which I've found I don't really need anyway). But it slowly evolved into a very solid one-of.

Most often it's very helpful in me turning Mogis on, and as a booster to my Gray Merchants, which can either stabilize me or finish off an opponent (especially if I get to Whip em back).And the pure threat of what I can do with the whip will often lead to my opponents spending cards to remove it (one less to use against a Mogis or Underworld) or they simply altered their play style in such a way to avoid it that it helped me in the long game.I would not add another for space and redundancy issues, but its great as the one-of.

May 5, 2014 8 p.m.

cerealkyra says... #17

Why put Slaughter Games in the MB? Banishing Light and Oppressive Rays can help lock down threats too.

May 6, 2014 6:55 a.m.

Aytonday says... #18

If you have red and white you should have Boros Charm

May 6, 2014 9:15 a.m.

Khaotica says... #19

Aytonday For what purpose? I have minimal creatures, 3 of which are a god, so the indestructibility is meaningless. 4 damage directly to player is not what this deck wants, and the prime targets for the double strike (Mogis or Stormbreath) are 70 percent of the time (and 100 percent for Stormbreath) non-interactive.

Boros Charm is certainly good, but it has no place in the deck.

cerealkyra This deck is mainly R/B, so Banishing Light and Oppressive Rays (which isn't even that good honestly) don't quite fit in the mainboard. Banishing Light might go SB with some testing.

But I run the MB Slaughter Games as a surprise, people rarely expect the card to be in the front of the match, and will expect it second game if I only have it in sideboard.

May 6, 2014 6:12 p.m.

Keegan8or says... #20

I have a really similar deck to this except im running Sin Collector as well, at least in the side board, idk if that would mess up the curve you want tho

May 18, 2014 12:22 p.m.

Khaotica says... #21

Keegan8or I really really like Sin Collector .... in mono black splashing white. Here it's just a more costly and slightly less painful Duress since it can't take enchantments or planeswalkers. My playtesting with it has never shown it to be as effective as I want it to be, so I'm keeping with Duress

May 18, 2014 6:22 p.m.

Keegan8or says... #22

no worries man, I see your point. I think that I'm going to put Duress back in my deck, it came out for Sin Collector . but in most cases Duress is the better option

May 18, 2014 6:30 p.m.

SSJRanulf says... #23

I love Dega. I played Dega Control until right before Journey hit. It's a hard deck to play, but very worth it IMO. Props to you for making such a strong version of the deck.

Post rotation, I feel Jund and Dega will be the great decks for control. Hope to see you there!


July 19, 2014 7:05 a.m.

kingchacha4 says... #24

What is Liliana doing for you? Between the elspeth, Assemble the Legion , Mogis, and Stormbreath Dragon you seem to have enough wincons that you can find them naturally. If you just have it for the discard and hoping to ultimate then...

August 20, 2014 3:28 p.m.

Khaotica says... #25

She also tutors any removal I may need as well as my win cons. Besides, you won't always naturally draw a card you may want so she sort of counts as 2 extra copies of any card. Her discard is useful later in the game as well when my opponents are down to 2-3 cards in hand.

August 21, 2014 11:46 p.m.

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