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slightly more permanent then my first draft

Commander / EDH Aggro Budget Burn Combo UR (Izzet)



this is something i set up for a friend, we have very aggressive izzet, with some potent combos, most of which instantly cause massive card draw and potent damage.

now admittedly, this was going to be what i am going to call "copy-burn-mill", with much more cards like Increasing Confusion , however not more cards like Increasing Vengeance as i have all i possibly could put in already. the idea being that it would be fast and effective. the small problem is, in our play group i run self mill bruna angels. if i did indeed give him a mill deck, he would be infuriated by my incredibly easy time smashing into him with an angel that has every keyword ability in the game on it.

simply enough i decided to go with a very card advantage based strategy, with malek, izzet paragon i can cast cards from the top of my deck. if i cast a cantrip card from the top of my deck, like Overmaster , i get to draw 2, aswell as get the effects of the spell twice. granted my choice of can trips probably could be improved, i have been working on this for days and am more posting to hear feedback.

furthermore with the strategy, we have cards like Kiln Fiend which work very well with the various flashback and rebound cards in the deck, a favorite play being Brute Force , copy it with Reverberate, whilst casting it from the top of my deck. 3 + 3 + 3 + 3x2 + 1 . its not particularly likely, but its just about the coolest thing in the world if you get it.

Nivmagus Elemental also has a fair amout of use, being able to eat your uneeded copies to beef himself up at an alarming rate. Blistercoil Weird also has some interesting combos with cards like Dual Casting and Epic Experiment.

the last base is fairly typical, Terrain Generator has some use as mana ramp at the end of an opponents turn, Balduvian Trading Post has alot of use since it doesn't enter tapped, and quiet honestly, i am going to be putting it in every red deck i make from this point on wards. we also have a Desert , which is just a fun card. i also run Halimar Depths, which although it disrupts tempo, makes up for it in practical application. lastly, we have Soldevi Excavations which not only enters untapped and has a Karoo effect, but has a deck control effect.

i also designed this deck with a small flashback basis, for 2 reasons, i want this deck to toss out spells in the most flashy manner possible, so more spells are better spells inherently. second, Burning Vengeance and Secrets of the Dead more secrets then vengeance, all the sudden Artful Dodge is a Shock and a cantrip, and Think Twice becomes an even better card. 2U for 2 draws, and 2 damage is downright insane. i hope i gave enough to go on. if you read of all this, thank you and leave Feedback bellow if you wouldn't mind.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Drake 2/2 U, Elemental 1/1 R, Hellion 4/4 R, Kobolds of Kher Keep 0/1 R, Morph 2/2 C
Folders Can Possibly Afford, deck ideas
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