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Sliver Tribal: Commander & Conquest

Commander / EDH Combo Sliver Storm Toolbox


Slivers! Better than ever!


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This deck was originally based off of Commander Quarter's budget decklist: https://youtu.be/1D6K0N3dnZc

I made this deck with 4 goals in mind:

  • Be legal in both Commander and Conquest (Conquest is just a superior version of Commander if you haven't seen the format. Basically Commander 2.0)
  • Be a fun, casual, tribal deck that wins through combat damage
  • Protect our slivers from other players! That means stopping board wipes, targeted removal, and counterspells.
  • Being fairly budget (Less than $500, preferable under $300. Upon initally buying this deck, it cost $260)

After brewing for a bit, I realized how busted Profane Tutor is with cascade. This is because cascading into a zero mana suspend card forces the card to be cast at zero mana for free. IMO, cascade and suspend cards should not interact this way, but Wizards of the Coast was never great at designing for eternal formats anyways.

EDIT: Apparently, a competitive EDH player independently found this same line of play using Profane Tutor with Codie. Codie uses Profane Tutor to its upmost potential for ad nauseuming into instant wins, whereas my sliver deck is focused on value and combat. They even used similar cards like Bring to Light.

In this deck, the only zero mana spell is Profane Tutor. The only one mana spells are Vitalize, Elixir of Immortality, and one mana slivers. The only two mana spells are ramp spells and two mana slivers. This means that all one/two mana slivers and about half of three mana slivers will cascade into 3 guaranteed cards.

  1. After multiple iterations, I developed this line of play:
  2. Cast The First Sliver ASAP. We want cascade up and running
  3. Cascade into Profane Tutor by casting slivers.
  4. Use Profane Tutor to put Congregation at Dawn in hand
  5. Use Congregation at Dawn to find Sliver Hivelord, Root Sliver, and Crystalline Sliver. Place on top of deck. (Swap Root Sliver with Dormant Sliver if the counterspell threat is low)
  6. Play Sliver Hivelord, cascading out Root Sliver and Crystalline Sliver
  7. With Gemhide Sliver or Manaweft Sliver, create mana loops by cascading into Vitalize
  8. Keep casting slivers and cascade into Elixir of Immortality
  9. Use Elixir of Immortality to put Profane Tutor, Congregation at Dawn, and Vitalize back in library. Repeat the cycle to tutor out any sliver you need

Enablers: Spark Double cloning The First Sliver: Double all cascade triggers for each sliver. The other Sakashima cards could also be added to the deck if your budget is higher.

Payoffs: Journey to the Oracle   Can be played on a turn with a large hand and a lot of cascade triggers to play every basic land in our library untapped.

Infinite Combo A:

  1. On battlefield: Lavabelly Sliver, Syphon Sliver, Hibernation Sliver, Haste sliver like Heart Sliver, Mana tap sliver like Manaweft Sliver.
  2. Cast a 1 mana sliver like Mindlash Sliver. Do this from hand or through cascade.
  3. Deal 1 damage, gain 1 life from Lavabelly Sliver. Gain 1 life from Syphon Sliver
  4. Tap new sliver for a mana.
  5. Pay 2 life to return the new sliver to hand.
  6. Use the mana to cast the 1 mana sliver again. Repeat infinitely

Quick Kill Combo B:

  1. On battlefield: The First Sliver plus a bunch of other random slivers
  2. Cast Congregation at Dawn, find Sliver Legion, Bonescythe Sliver, and Cloudshredder Sliver, put on top of deck
  3. Draw and cast Sliver Legion, cascading into Bonescythe Sliver and Cloudshredder Sliver
  4. Swing for (probably) lethal damage

Commander and Conquest: Better lands, Aetherflux Reservoir

Conquest: Paradox Engine

Commander: All the overpowered staples and reserved list cards that Conquest removed (thank god)


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99% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

26 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.05
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Elephant 3/3 G, Shapeshifter 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 C
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