Slivers, because I've always wanted to

Commander / EDH Seventy7INa45


Silvers are fun and oh so gross. I'd recommend getting rid of all the tri lands are they are generally slow lands. A better option would be the check lands like Glacial Fortress, Sunpetal Grove, Drowned Catacomb, Dragonskull Summit, Rootbound Crag, Isolated Chapel' Clifftop Retreat, Sulfur Falls, Hinterland Harbor, and Woodland Cemetery.

Could even go an alternate win route through the 10 gates and Maze's End.

Since you are running 5 colour I feel you don't have enough mana ramp within your deck. You need cards that let you drop a couple mana per turn such as Oracle of Mul Daya, Burgeoning, or Exploration.

June 29, 2017 8:37 p.m.

Seventy7INa45 says... #2

Thanks for the input. The 3 color lands are a new idea, I used to just have an extra 1x of each basic land. I think I will try the check lands, just have to decide which color combos I want to go with (since I really want to keep at least 1 of each basic land).

I am honestly debating which enchantment to go with. Burgeoning would be good since I usually play in big multiplayer style matches with friends, especially if I put in something like Rhystic Study which could give me card draws during an opponents turn, but I like Exploration a lot as well. I suppose I could do both, but that seems like overkill. Any thoughts?

June 30, 2017 11:52 a.m.

IMO when choosing between Burgeoning or Exploration I base my decision on how many people I play with unless my deck relies on getting a lot of lands out (my Damia, Sage of Stone deck for example, that's when I run both). In multiplayer I prefer Burgeoning over Exploration in 1v1 Exploration will be better in the long run.

June 30, 2017 1:39 p.m.

MarioMagicMan says... #4

I think you need to replace your commander with Overlord, because it can actually tutor for the Queen.

October 8, 2017 3:26 p.m.

Seventy7INa45 says... #5

I had overlord at first, and it makes sense for a tribal sliver deck, however right now I have it built to mainly combo out with queen. For that reason, I have found the deck runs smoother if I have access to my main combo engine consistently instead of just being able to tutor her. Also, the other reason I built this deck is nostalgia purposes (see description) and queen works better for that for me

October 8, 2017 8:10 p.m.

ZendikariWol says... #6

First of all this is hella spicy. I love it. My ONE critique is that you could use more any/all creature type cards. Metallic Mimic and Descendants' Path especially.

October 11, 2017 8:50 a.m.

ZendikariWol says... #7

Also Kindred Summons is a BOMB. Heirloom Blade is also fun.

October 11, 2017 8:52 a.m.

Seventy7INa45 says... #8

Those are all solid suggestions and all cards I already have, so even better haha. I will try out some of them and see. Thanks for the feedback!

October 11, 2017 9:24 a.m.

ZendikariWol says... #9

Actually anything with KINDRED in its name is worth checking out. Kindred Charge, Kindred Boon.

October 11, 2017 11:02 a.m.

Quicksilver says... #10

+1 for slivers. I used to run them, but they're too easy to go infinite with.

October 14, 2017 12:53 a.m.

DrValium says... #11

Decklist looks pretty fantastic. Have you thought about Conspiracy?

October 15, 2017 4:28 p.m.

Seventy7INa45 says... #12

The problem I have with a card like Conspiracy is if I rely too much on it to turn my own creatures into slivers, its an enchantment, can easily be destroyed, and I can only run 1 copy in a 100 card deck, so seems shaky

October 16, 2017 9:05 p.m.

Drakorya says... #13

What do you think about Aggravated Assault?

With a Manaweft Sliver or Gemhide Sliver in play and another 4/5 slivers out you can go infinite combat steps/infinite mana.

Or it can help with the beatdown if you fall short.

November 15, 2017 1:52 p.m.

Joumba says... #14

Fallow your (overpriced) dreams! +1

December 14, 2017 11:10 a.m.

Ornge says... #15

do you own every card in this deck?

December 14, 2017 5:08 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #16

I swear, you and I are twins in terms of our experiences with magic. Back in high school I started playing magic around the onslaught block (or shortly before it). I had friends who bought boxes and sold the packs at school, and my mom was awesome enough to give me a couple extra bucks to help pay for my new addic-er...habit lol. My second deck was a crappy monoblue wizards deck...Prodigal Sorcerer + Curiosity + Mind Over Matter was my wincon. BUT when I faced slivers for the first time during mind was completely blown. I knew I had to play them. During college I collected them through various trades. I'm -still- kicking myself for not trading for a foil Sliver Legion. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 huh? I too made an incredibly overpriced sliver deck...but what's weird is just how similar...and different our choices are.

+1 on principle. Long live the hive and all that. I'm still analyzing your deck, because you put far more ramp in your lands than I did. I rely more heavily on control, ramp and rocks. My only suggestions for a replacement would be swapping out Farseek for Nature's Lore. I'd prefer to have that one mana free to perhaps cast something else on that turn. But that's just my opinion. Also, why don't you have Gaea's Cradle not in here? It'd be perfect lol. By the way, i'm so jelly of your DCI promo Crucible of Worlds. Are you a judge? Or did you actually shell out the cash to buy that bad boy?

December 16, 2017 10:41 a.m. Edited.

Mortlocke says... #17

"Also, why don't you have Gaea's Cradle not in here?"

Derp. I meant to say why don't you include Gaea's Cradle? It's a great card. Yes I run it too, but it's still just an amazing card.

December 16, 2017 10:56 a.m.

Seventy7INa45 says... #18

Ornge - I do own every card here, including the specific versions listed. I try to keep this deck up to date with what I physically own to keep track of it. This deck is a passion project, hence why it's really expensive

LVL_666 - Thanks for the upvote! I took a lot of inspiration from your deck, and ended up making mine more ramp than control just based mostly on preferred play style. I currently run both Nature's Lore and Farseek. As for Gaea's Cradle it was more about the money to get one just yet. I would love one eventually, but went other routes first. I paid for the crucible, but got it for a good deal from a local friend. I love the look of old vs new cards so if I was going to run one, I really wanted it to be the promo

December 19, 2017 7:38 p.m.

Hi Seventy7INa45. I would first like to say that this is an amazing deck and I appreciate anyone that has made a Sliver deck. Nothing more satisfying than watching some say they are playing slivers to a sliver hater or any non-sliver players as their reactions are so funny. I think you should one time go with you crueller version and play somewhere more competitive just to see if you could hold up. But I like fun so I can see why you changed it up to be less intimidating. Though it is still a bit intimidating because slivers always are.

I'm a little unsure about a some of your slivers. I'm a little confused at why you put some in that share the same as other slivers but the abilities don't stack up and get better the more instances of the the abilities there are. For example, Galerider Sliver and Winged Sliver both have flying but flying doesn't stack. I can understand that your deck hinges on a few combos that frankly are OP so you may not need to think about overlapping abilities but for me it seem a little silly to do that.

Don't get me wrong, I have a sliver deck and I have gone through the pain and frustration of building it over and over again and only just making it a viable deck. Like I don't know anything about your play style with this deck or how much experience you have compared to me. I know you tested your deck from your updates and revisions. You said it was a good deck so I have no reason not to believe that it isn't perfect. I just want to know the logic behind those choice you made for your deck. Maybe I am missing out on a vital strategy that I could utilise or maybe it is just a subtle choice you that I don't understand.

Also, feel free to check out my sliver deck and comment on it. Upvote it if you think it is good enough. I want to know what you think is right or what you think is wrong. Ask me if you are unsure of some choice I have made.


January 12, 2018 2:11 a.m.

Seventy7INa45 says... #20


Thanks for the upvote and comment. The deck was a lot of fun before I de-tuned it a bit, but it's not fun if you keep winning all the time. Now, I have a chance to win every game, but its equal to other people I play with, so it's all good :)

I think I can try to explain some of the sliver choices on why they have overlapping abilities. In my play group, there is a lot of removal and board wipes. Additionally, because of the "sliver effect" I am usually a target. I have some recursion in Patriarch's Bidding and Yawgmoth's Will but I would like to have even more. If slivers with certain abilities, either an evasion or especially haste is destroyed, I would like to have another option to search for with Sliver Overlord than to try and get the 2 recursion cards I mentioned. In a non-commander format, where I could have multiple copies of cards, I definitely wouldn't run redundant slivers, but with only 1 of each, I like having backups :)

January 12, 2018 9:29 a.m.


Oh, I see. That makes a lot of sense now you have explained it. That is a simple but clever strategy to use. Thanks for taking the time to explain it and sorry I criticise your deck. I guess I was wrong. My play group is definitely orientated towards the more casual players of Magic so I actually haven't come across many boardwipes. The ones I have come across are either used as a way to slow me down because they are losing or the spell is too expensive manawise that I have a way to over coming it's effect by the time they cast it. Haha guess there is a definite difference between our play styles and play group.

I wish you all the best.

January 13, 2018 1:16 a.m.

Saljen says... #22

Cryptolith Rite is a pretty solid way to shore up your mana, basically copy 3 of Manaweft Sliver/Gemhide Sliver.

In the same vein, Mirari's Wake really helps to ramp up, both your mana base and your creatures.

Herald's Horn lowers the cost of your Slivers and provides repeatable draw. Very useful.

Phyrexian Reclamation is a repeatable way to return cards from your graveyard.

Shared Animosity doesn't affect your opponents creatures, like Coat of Arms does.

Spirit of Resistance works great with 5c commanders. In particular, it's an amazing combo with Sliver Hivelord.

Paradox Engine gives you essentially an unlimited combo with Sliver Overlord, letting you put all of the Slivers in your entire library into play if you've got Manaweft Sliver/Gemhide Sliver/Cryptolith Rite in play. Even if you don't have the combo pieces in play, it can provide a ton of value.

Distant Melody and Wheel of Fortune are such good draw cards that they're hard to pass up.

I too play a Sliver EDH deck, so these are some suggestions that I've learned from experience can be rather powerful.

June 23, 2018 11:44 a.m. Edited.

Wesjohn11 says... #23

As someone who currently building a Sliver Queen deck, and new to magic, this is exactly what I needed to see. My deck has mana echoes but I knew I was missing something, so many more opportunities to go off relying on ONE CARD. Our mana base(though I have yet to update mine) is exactly the same so I know i’m headed in the right direction with that, and I have all the other pieces in my trade binder but I just never thought to do something this extravagant. This deck is simply amazing and I will definitely be updating my deck because of it. +1 to you good sir!!

August 12, 2018 9:21 a.m.

Seventy7INa45 says... #24

Saljen - I like a lot of those cards you suggested. I'll admit my preference is mostly for older cards, so things like Phyrexian Reclamation and Mirari's Wake are super appealing. My issue with wake is that is 5 mana - I try to keep costs low as much as possible to be able to be explosive early. Maybe stupidly, I will sometimes pick worse cards because of how much I like the art or memories associated with them from when I used to play - that's the main reason I have coat of arms in here instead. Still though, those are all solid suggestions and ones I will be trying out in the near future.

September 8, 2018 5:31 p.m.

Saljen says... #25

Paradox Engine or Intruder Alarm + Sliver Overlord + any mana tapping sliver or Cryptolith Rite = every single sliver in your library into play. Start by grabbing all your 1 CMC slivers, building a large mana pool in the mean time. Every time you play a sliver, you untap all your slivers, tap them all for mana pay 3 mana and search out another, while banking the spare. Funnest combo in Slivers, and every single one of the pieces are good on their own without the combo interaction. It's definitely worth running Paradox Engine and Intruder Alarm. Intruder Alarm is even a nice old card with low CMC to fit your theme.

edit: just realized I had already commented on this deck and made this suggestion. Didn't notice until I posted the comment.

October 9, 2018 11:27 a.m. Edited.

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