Slivers of Thune | A New Kind of Lifegain
Ah yes I forgot to mention it was post-rotation. Thanks for the reminder!
I kinda like Gift of Orzhova in here. I'll have to figure out what to remove. First thoughts are Sentinel Sliver . Maybe remove two and add in two gifts?
September 1, 2013 6:08 p.m.
On second though, Mello.Mel I kinda like it more than Unflinching Courage here, so I just did a complete swap :D
September 1, 2013 6:25 p.m.
I would recommend throwing in atleast one more Hive stirrings, just for the tokens to work with Tost :)
September 1, 2013 6:28 p.m.
Agreed. I dropped the Sentinel Sliver to 3 and bumped the Hive Stirrings to 3 as well! :)
September 1, 2013 6:38 p.m.
I wouldn't fully recommend removing the Unflinching courage. :/Dropping that on to a double striking sliver is devestating, Trampling over twice. lol You could however, throw in a single Groundshaker Sliver
Though most would prefer running a Megantic Sliver
Which, I am curious whyt that's not in here as well. :D
September 1, 2013 6:58 p.m.
FrostyJams says... #8
Okay Spootyone, I think that this deck is the one! With a few changes, I think that this deck will crush your Weenies of Thune | Tempo-Breaker deck. I have not been on the Sliver bandwagon until I saw this, but it does need a couple of things. First, I will reccommend to you again that Tablet of the Guilds will always out perform Trostani, Selesnya's Voice for your purposes. It is half the cost and colorless to cast, and you gain life on all spells instead of just creatures.
I think that with 4 Manaweft Sliver 's you could easily get away with running only 22 lands and add another Celestial Flare and one of something else. I would also mainboard Doom Blade for more removal and pull all of the Sentinel Sliver 's out. With all the lifegain, you don't need to block. The only purpose I see they could serve would be to use them with Manaweft Sliver to allow your Slivers to attack and then tap them for Mana in your second main phase.
A big weakness in Sliver decks is the removal of key Slivers that cause the rest of your Slivers to loose their abilities. I would drop Savage Summoning from your sideboard and add a way to protect them like Orzhov Charm which also doubles as additional removal.
Let me know what you think. +1
September 1, 2013 7:53 p.m.
Mello.Mel Youre right about the double-strike trample effect. That slipped past me for a sec. I re-added the Unflinching Courage in with 1x Gift of Orzhova . Megantic Sliver seems good, but ultimately unnecessary. At one less mana, I could be playing Archangel of Thune , who is going to give boosts to all my guys even after it potentially leaves the field. So, yeah, that's why I ended up not including the guy.
FrostyJams Thanks! Though I still prefer my Weenies of Thune | Tempo-Breaker :P I actually did some playtesting with EAK1791 earlier; Me running that deck and him running this deck since it was originally his idea haha. As I recall, the games came out to be fairly even in wins. I agree that 24 lands was a bit much. I hesitate to go to 22, so I'll be at 23 til i can do more testing.
Tablet of the Guilds is an interesting choice here, but I like Trostani, Selesnya's Voice for more than just lifegain. Not only is she(he?) a fantastic blocker. She(again, what is the thing's gender...?) can populate the sliver tokens, which could potentially be 3/3 double-stirke lifelinkers by that point.
Finally, I heard you out about Sentinel Sliver and adding more removal. He felt ultimately unneeded. I brought in the Doom Blade as well as adding some Selesnya Charm for various reasons. Orzhov Charm is a good suggestion, but I decided to use Ranger's Guile instead, for now. I understand I wont get the removal, but I feel I have enough of that already. And as an additional bonus, my creature doesnt have to leave the field! I still worry about edict effects, but that's hard to play around.
Again, thanks for the help and +1s :)
September 1, 2013 9 p.m.
FrostyJams says... #10
Yeah, I like your Weenies deck better too, I just think that when this thing is tweaked it will be more consistent and overpowering. I understand your trepidation about 22 lands, but keep an eye on how many Slivers you have out when you need big mana, Archangel is your only 5 drop and you will get one more Selesnya Charm if you go down to 22. It may be worth testing is all I'm saying.
I like the new lineup, and Selesnya Charm is a great choice over Orzhov Charm . As far as Trostani, Selesnya's Voice , you make a good case, and now that you are down to 23 creatures you can't take them out. Looking forward to playtesting later.
September 1, 2013 11:07 p.m.
Golgari Charm could help great against Supreme Verdict or against tokens as well its definitely worth checking out since you run green white black
September 3, 2013 12:02 a.m.
I did actually have Ready / Willing in the sideboard, but Namron88 you have reminded me that Golgari Charm has the same ability, so I'm absolutely going to swap those. thanks!
September 3, 2013 12:15 a.m.
First off, I love the entire creature section of the deck. This is probably the only Sliver deck I've seen that I like. However, I think the entire enchantment package needs to go, Pacifism is outclassed by other removal, and the others are unnecessary with the life gain you already have. I'd replace them with a combination of Orzhov Charm , Abrupt Decay , and Putrefy . Also, Hive Stirrings seems a little sub par, I would cut that and a single trostani for 2x Elvish Mystic and 2x of the previously mentioned removal.
September 3, 2013 12:32 a.m.
Thanks for the suggestions! I've been thinking about adding Abrupt Decay for some time now. I definitely swapped those for the pacifisms. I also cut one hive stirrings as I agree that it wasn't performing as it should. But I do like the possibility of populating the tokens with trostani. Elvish Mystic once began in this deck, but it felt like a dead draw even on turn 1, plus it didn't synergize at all. I just dont have enough 3-drops for turn two and the manaweft helps provide enough ramp. I hear you on the lifegain, but for now I'm going to keep the other enchantments in. even if I dont need the lifegain from time to time, they still provide bonuses that easily turn the tide of games.
September 3, 2013 1:38 a.m.
If this is with post rotation in mind Selesnya Charm will have to end up being a 4 of, those gods are looking nasty so far.
September 3, 2013 3:27 a.m.
I really like this deck, great combos! I was excited for slivers to come back, have two standard setups of my own, and I really like your take on this one.
You have enough creatures, removal, and tricks going on here, I can't think of much of anything but to maybe sideboard a couple of Planar Cleansing in case you need to ruin their playing field. Pop off a Golgari Charm , and then destroy everything they own while laughing maniacally at your own full field.
Great deck, +1 for sure!
September 3, 2013 10:58 a.m.
Gearge They do look absurd. I can't help but feel like we've got an incoming answer to those guys in the rest of Theros.
Deathless Thanks man! The triple cost of Planar Cleansing just sort of makes my soul sad. And if I wanted to protect my guys as well, that's 8 total mana. At that point, I think I'd feel better just running Angel of Serenity , but that could just be my bias towards that card haha. :)
September 3, 2013 5:58 p.m.
Don't get me wrong, there have been times when my Planar Cleansing has been sitting, uncastable, in my hand, but it's also saved my skin and gave me a good laugh when I destroyed their three creatures and two planeswalkers. Then again I have enough ramp between the Manaweft Sliver and Chromatic Lantern in my deck to keep it regular enough to use. Or it just sits happily in the sideboard.
And you are right to love Angel of Serenity . Or any of them, really. Except Voice of the Provinces . She's lame.
September 4, 2013 8:17 a.m.
He wouldnt be bad. Though, honestly, I think I foresee him fitting better into something like my non-sliver Thune deck. And in most cases, she outclasses him (apart from first-strike, which is awesome).
September 4, 2013 11:19 p.m.
The only cool thing about the enchanment creatures that equip - When the creature that they are equipped to dies, they don't get destroyed, they just get put into play as a creature, and you can still swing with them, or block, lol...also.
YAY Ethereal Armor BEING BROKEN. :D
Sphere of Safety AS WELL?
September 5, 2013 2:17 p.m.
Haha yeah enchantment Johnnys around the world are rejoicing.
September 5, 2013 2:24 p.m.
u/w Enhantments is so close to becoming a thing again it's like it's already here. <3
I love Daxos of Meletis, Easy to kill, But still! Need to start seeing some more hexproof enchantments for blue or white!
lol... :)
But hmm...
Random question, do you actually have all of the cards for this deck IRL, or are you just posting the idea of the deck?
Have you considered maybe dropping one Trostani for Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts ?
She is great protection from stuff swinging your way because if it hits you, it dies, as well as a good way to swing in each turn, and in a pickle, you could always enchant her and start getting some nice lifegain back.
Mello.Mel says... #1
VERY Interesting thoughts! Might I recommend Gift of Orzhova as well so you can get flying and lifelink without the galerider and necessary need of syphon? Just in case they kill Syphon, plus it's nice to have flying defense other than just archangel. :D Also, Is this a post rotation?
September 1, 2013 5:56 p.m.