Slivers of Thune | A New Kind of Lifegain
That being said, if you or anyone you know does have the cards and would like to test the deck at an FNM or other tournament, I would be honored to see the results of it and would gladly post them here giving said person all credit for them.
September 5, 2013 3:13 p.m.
lol, I have all of them, but only 2 Archangels at my disposal.However, my friend is currently doing his own version of a deck which can kill just by playing a thragtusk... .
And Teysa wouldn't be too hard to get out, honestly she'd be sliiightly easier to get out than Trostani simply because Trostani needs solid colors. - btw, Trostani with the new gods requiring devotion is awesome because of that... lol...
September 5, 2013 3:38 p.m.
connorcommando says... #4
I'd drop one Syphon Sliver for another Hive Stirrings , because double Syphon Sliver in your hand is sort of a bummer without the lord or the double strike guy, and hive is better with Manaweft Sliver
September 7, 2013 4:54 a.m.
I can see that. I'm not quite sure though. Sure, having multiple is sort of annoying at the time, but it's likely to be one of the first to be removed, and since it's such a key component of this deck, it would be nice to have another ready to go.
September 7, 2013 5:22 a.m.
Dice2Removal says... #12
Rootborn Defenses seems like a must here. . .Otherwise I love your original take on Slivers/Lifegain/ThuneAbuse! Maybe drop 1 Trostani, Selesnya's Voice for Obzedat, Ghost Council ? Ghost Dad is amazing in decks like this and entering the battlefield every upkeep at 5/5 w Trostani out. . .YEAH
September 9, 2013 1:05 p.m.
That seems a good idea, but, thinking about lifegain currently, there's always every lifegain decks nightmare of Erebos, God of the Dead
September 9, 2013 4:43 p.m.
Dice2Removal says... #14
Erebos will be run in a lot of mono-black decks so not only will he usually be a creature but he'll also be easily Selesnya Charm ed away to exile! Post rotation I'm running Thassa, God of the Sea but with the knowledge that though indestructible, these Gods are easy to exile whether theyre Enchantments or Creatures
September 9, 2013 5:13 p.m.
Obzedat in this deck is meh, If you are thinking Obzedat would be a good fit, then fooey.Teysa would be a FAR better fit in here compared to Obzedat.It can swing in each turn with no worries, and whenever they swing at you, you still have a blocker that has prot creatures, or, you can let them hit you and you can kill their creatures that way and produce spirit tokens for yourself that way.
September 9, 2013 6:24 p.m.
Erebos, God of the Dead will be a pain for not only this deck, but my actual standard deck as well. And unless we're given something serious to take care of gods, I'm likely to be in serious trouble since I dont have access to something like Detention Sphere . RedZebra is absolutely correct: people using him against lifegain decks will not allow him to be within reach of the likes of Selesnya Charm if they dont have to. Currently, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do about this problem...
Both Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts and Obzedat, Ghost Council could find their spot in here. The choice would likely depend on the meta shift. if games shift to go long enough, I'd probably prefer teysa since she is a great threat to have without putting her in seles charm range.
September 9, 2013 10:12 p.m.
Tesya is also gonna be good because she's an EXCELLENT blocker for the gods.Prot creaturs can be deadly. lol...
It does definitely seem as though the game will slow down now though with the scry lands, it's pretty exciting, no more lands not entering tapped if you have a specific type of land. Makes it SO much better... lol
Well, better in the sense that the game is going to become longer, instead of "Oop, 10 minutes and we're done with 2 games already."
September 9, 2013 10:37 p.m.
I'm looking forward to turn 6. I missed him dearly since I went from casual to competitive standard.
September 9, 2013 10:53 p.m.
So I didn't see any of the discussion before you cleaned up the comments, but are celestial flare what you swap out for Doom Blades if you go up against some black bombs?
September 10, 2013 9:52 p.m.
Yep! Celestial Flare is to swap either the Doom Blade or the Abrupt Decay if either end up obsolete in a match. They also can handle hexproof creatures much easier and be a good combat trick for opposing double-blocks!
September 10, 2013 10:09 p.m.
Hmm I was going to say Putrefy seems like a better choice but when you mention hexproof and double blocks that makes a lot more sense now. +1, I'll probably be building this deck as my current Thune deck has hit a wall, and my Naya slivers deck is beginning to bore me.
September 10, 2013 10:21 p.m.
Thank you man. I'd be honored to have someone pilot a deck of mine - especially because this one has simply been a side-project for me that I don't currently plan on buying haha.
If you do want any Thune ideas, check out the deck mentioned above. I've spent 20x as much time if not more working on that deck as opposed to this one, and it is currently my standard deck that I'm working towards buying. :)
September 10, 2013 10:32 p.m.
I've got a deck very similar deck to your other one except it's (sort of) more budget, using Voracious Wurm and Heroes' Reunion instead of your Advents and Voices. I thought of splashing black to make the removal more unconditional, as Selesnya Charm and Banisher Priest are too unreliable. But ditching my current sliver deck and making a BGW version sounds way more fun.
September 10, 2013 10:53 p.m.
Haha I will admit that playing with this deck is sometimes more fun than my other one, simply because the victories tend to be more over-the-top.
September 10, 2013 11:06 p.m.
i know this card gets recommended a lot in decks that it has no fantastic place in, but Blind Obedience in THIS deck has TOO MANY benefits then what meets the eye.
Stops aggro. Just, flat out bitch slaps them.
Cheap, cheap, cheap!
Extort. But for this deck is extraordinary. Why?
My suggestion is adding 2. That is always a good number for decks with Blind Obedience so you don't keep drawing them.
- I suggest taking out the 1 Gift of Orzhova and maybe 1 Trostani, Selesnya's Voice only because it is legendary, or else I would say keep 3.
just my two cents. Good deck. here's a +1
Spootyone says... #1
Haha you caught me! Actually, I own very little of the cards for this deck. I've had to spend all my magic money on trying to get together the rest of the cards for my Archangel of Thune | Tempo-Breaker deck. And even for that I still need to grab another Archangel of Thune , the Scavenging Ooze and a couple Loxodon Smiter .
Since I haven't been able to attend FNM as of late, I've mostly resorted to cockatrice for my magic testing. And I've spent a much larger amount of time creating decks as opposed to playing with them. Hopefully, that will be able to change soon!
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts is...interesting here. I would normally outright say no, but given the fact that we can potentially have tons of mana from Manaweft Sliver , its not out of the realm of possibilities. I'm still inclined to believed we'd need more ramp for it to work, though.
September 5, 2013 3:11 p.m.