Slivers of Thune | A New Kind of Lifegain

Standard Spootyone


Spootyone says... #1

Not only do I like your suggestion, I also like that you took the time to explain well why you suggested it. And because of that I simply had to incorporate it in! Thank you for the support :)

September 12, 2013 2:39 a.m.

Spootyone says... #2

Lol remember how you said to run 2 so I didnt keep drawing them? I literally drew them both opening hand of my first playtest with them. Now, that doesn't mean youre wrong or that I'm going to change anything. I just thought it was too ironic not to mention hahaha

September 12, 2013 2:41 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #3

so welcome mate. you know, Rancor in this deck is basically Unflinching Courage for two less mana and no +2 (toughness) since you have a playset of Syphon Sliver . could just run that possibly... plus it gets bounced to your hand which is nice if they kill it.

have you looked at the theros cards yet?

Bow of Nylea - gives your attacking creatures death touch. do you have any idea how Fucking powerful double strike, deathtouch, trample is? That double swinging, killing each creature blocking it with 1 dmg and moving onto the next. CRAZY!

Not to mention it only cost (1GG), and has shit load of other extra abilities when you (1G & Tap) it.

September 12, 2013 2:52 a.m.

Spootyone says... #4

well, I dont currently own any rancor and while I'm sure its pretty cheap I'd rather just focus on post-rotation builds. I'll miss it, though :(

Bow of Nylea is a fantastic card, imo. what youve said there is absolutely correct. I've been looking to maybe use it in my other deck with my fiendslayer paladins. I could definitely see it possibly coming in in place of unflinching courage.

September 12, 2013 2:58 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #5

yes, definitely. easier to cast, and a LOT more effects with a much more universal impact on your board, even with no creatures.

and oh, i had no idea Rancor was rotating out. haha

September 12, 2013 3:01 a.m.

Spootyone says... #6

Lol yeah it both makes me sad and doesnt. I think the card was honestly just a little too strong, simply because it was so incredibly difficult to get rid of. But, hey, its not the only powerful card out there, by any means.

September 16, 2013 3:59 p.m.

boston89 says... #7

Another good deck sir! It seems you're already passing me up on the popular decks list haha! I'm glad you could have success with slivers. I actually have some lying around and was thinking of trying to mess with them. The only weakness I can see is Burning Earth but you seem to have that covered with Abrupt Decay so I wouldn't worry too much. Good deck bro. +1 from me again.

September 16, 2013 5:25 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #8

September 16, 2013 5:41 p.m.

boston89 says... #9


You are correct. I miss read the mana cost. I've never used it before. Thanks for the catch.

September 16, 2013 5:57 p.m.

Spootyone says... #10

Well, regardless of whether or not Abrupt Decay did what you thought it did, I do have the Golgari Charm in the sideboard that could take care of Burning Earth if it were causing me large troubles. I could totally see that being a problem if I weren't careful. Thanks for the comment!

September 16, 2013 6:43 p.m.

JadEgg says... #11

Hey again spooty. So I've pretty much cloned your deck save a few exceptions and I though I'd ask what your take would be if you were in my position.

The biggest thing is that I've only got Archangel of Thune x2 and Bonescythe Sliver x3. In their stead, I've main boarded Ranger's Guile x2 and Diabolic Tutor to help me hang on to the ones I have and to tutor for the one that I need to complete the combo or for quick spot removal if I'm about to lose or something stands in the way of me winning. With that I've added Glaring Spotlight x2 in the sideboard instead of the guiles to further combat hexproof.

Also I'm a few cards short of a play set of each shock land, but with the addition of the scry lands in Theros, do you feel like you'll be replacing even the basic lands with them in addition to the guild gates? Or is the mana Fixing sufficient enough with Manaweft Sliver that you don't want your tempo being slowed down just for scry 1?

Thanks again, I'm loving the deck so far. I have gone 2-1 in the past 3 matches I've played against friends with the sideboard always pulling through solidly in the last game.

September 16, 2013 11:39 p.m.

JadEgg says... #12

Also another thought on the sideboard. With Golgari Charm the beauty really lies in the fact that you can realistically not even consider Rootborn Defenses or Sundering Growth because it has the functionality of both. That being said, unless people play a crazy aura game come Theros and you find yourself needing to eliminate a ton of enchantments, I feel there's better cards in that spot. Yes populate is nice, but I'm thinking like Thoughtseize might be good against straight control. Being able to eliminate a Sphinx's Revelation or Supreme Verdict on turn 1 could be critical to not getting out carded or having your tempo cut short. Would also work well against turn 2 mana ramps like the new hexproof wall thats coming out.

September 16, 2013 11:49 p.m.

Spootyone says... #13

Hey man how's it going? I think your choices seem solid given what you've said. I'm weary of diabolic tutor, but if it works for you then by all means you do that.

I totally blanked that I had both sundering growth and golgari charm in the side lol. You're absolutely right. And thoughtseize is an OBVIOUS choice simply because the card is so unbelievable. That's a definite switch to make.

As for the gates, I think i'll do 2x each of the scry lands. I love them and want to play with them, but yes I dont want to be slowed down too much when having to combo out quickly before the opponent can do what they wish.

I'm glad to hear the deck's playing well though! :D That makes me very happy.

September 16, 2013 11:56 p.m.

JadEgg says... #14

One last thing I forgot to mention. I think the addition of Mutavault x2 is a very good thing. Very fun to catch people off guard with another sliver. In at least one of each of my games in those matches I won solely because I had another creature to gain all these tribal effects.

September 17, 2013 12:38 a.m.

Spootyone says... #15

Ah yes, mutavault. I think the only reason I didnt include it is I feared not being able to play what I wanted off of it, but if your playtests reveal differently, then they're a sure-to-include card.

September 17, 2013 12:54 a.m.

Mello.Mel says... #16

Mutavault is great of course, but it can also throw off your mana curve easily for Trostani. :/Be wary of that. D:

September 17, 2013 12:39 p.m.

SasukeUchiha says... #17

some cards I see fitting in here are Door of Destinies , Tablet of the Guilds , and Megantic Sliver .

September 18, 2013 5:40 p.m.

Spootyone says... #18

while amazing in regular slivers deck, I have excluded both Door of Destinies and Megantic Sliver to lower the curve and allow for more consistency. Tablet of the Guilds combos well here, but I already have sooo many turn 2 plays. Thank you for the comment though :)

September 18, 2013 6:17 p.m.

fangora says... #19

i'm going to test your deck at FNM tomorrow. thanks for posting it. i did take out one plain and one forest and replaced them with mutavaults.

September 19, 2013 9:17 p.m.

Spootyone says... #20

Yeah, I think that's a good choice to change those. I actually meant to do that myself last week and forgot haha. Thank you! I wish you luck at FNM and if you do well please let me know! :)

September 19, 2013 9:22 p.m.

I would exchange the Archangel of Thune for some Door of Destinies or just have both. But Door of Destinies would mean that every time you put in a sliver the life gain would increase from Trostani.

September 22, 2013 2:17 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #22

nutellaisgreaterthanlife the entire point of this deck is Archangel of Thune + slivers.

Hence the deck name: Slivers of Thune.... 0.o

September 22, 2013 2:28 p.m.

Spootyone says... #23

Yeah...what he said haha.

September 22, 2013 4:02 p.m.

N4pkins says... #24

I love this deck, and I'm stealing it.

I'll be dropping Trostani for Door. Reasoning is, yes Trostani gives you more chances for lifegain, but the Door will provide Wrath-proof buffs to your slivers post-Verdict when playing against the ever-to-abundant control meta.

September 23, 2013 11:09 a.m.

Spootyone says... #25

Haha thanks I'm glad you're enjoying it. I think that trade-off is reasonable. I'm honestly just a bit of a selesnya fanatic lately, so if I can fit trostani or voice of resurgence in somewhere I will hahaha.

September 23, 2013 5:51 p.m.

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