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I opened Mutavault in a Sealed tourney, so that's not getting upped. I barely had to buy anything (unlike some of my other decks), so shocks are out.
September 28, 2013 9:15 a.m.
Yeah Shocks are a killer on price. Fair enough on Mutavault too
September 28, 2013 4:55 p.m.
megawurmple says... #4
Have you thought about Boros Charm ? It gives a creature double strike in the absence of Bonescythe Sliver , or it can hit for the last few damage you need for the win, and most importantly, it can save you from a boardwipe, which would normally wreck Sliver decks as all your creatures are on the table by the time they play the wipe. Given that Sliver decks have no card draw, a board wipe is even harder to recover from because you go into topdeck mode. Thus, insurance against wipes is helpful.
September 29, 2013 8:54 a.m.
MasterVash says... #7
Battle Sliver is, frankly, kind of bad. +2/+0 is nice, sure, but it's overcosted for its P/T and effect. Plus Megantic Sliver is a thing, and only costs 1 more. I'd drop the Battle Slivers, up Megantic to 3x, and get a couple more Sentinel Sliver s in there.
As for the sideboard, since it needs to be exactly 15 cards, toss a few Plummet s and Naturalize s or Sundering Growth s in there. The deck has nothing to deal with fliers bar Mizzium Mortars, and with all the enchantments running around in Theros, enchantment killing can come in handy.
Finally, Ready / Willing can be considered over Boros Charm for boardwipe protection and general combat help. With Manaweft Sliver on the field, you can cast both parts of the card.
September 29, 2013 1:01 p.m.
my suggestion:
take out 1 Battle Sliver for 1 Sentinel Sliver .
this will allow you to drop down to 22 land (take out a Mountain )
With one extra spot, add the last Mizzium Mortars for a bit more control.
What do you think?
September 29, 2013 3:11 p.m.
good deck structure nice and simple but I would consider putting Descendants' Path in it will help get multiple slivers out every turn.
September 29, 2013 3:22 p.m.
HappehNinja says... #11
Battle Sliver is horrible and Hive Stirrings is no good when there's no other slivers (plus, it's sorcery speed). I understand the budget nature of your deck, so Lay of the Land seems ok, but your should lower it to three.You need at least two more Sentinel Sliver in there. Boros Charm should be mainboard, otherwise a boardwipe would be catastrophic, it's a tribal deck after all. You could add one or two Primeval Bounty to give further support if such an event were to happen.
You need a sideboard. Most of the cards that you have there should be mainboard. Try something like this:
- 3x Wear / Tear or Naturalize (which I see that you've succesfully included)
- 3x Shock
- 3x Glare of Heresy
- 3x Peak Eruption
- 3x Magma Jet or Lightning Strike
September 29, 2013 4:02 p.m.
I understand that you're on a budget, but this deck will simply never be competitive without 12 shocklands. When building on a budget, there are two strategies: building towards a budget archetype, or building a weaker version of a non-budget archetype, and you've done the latter. Now, I totally get why you did this because Slivers are awesome and I love them just as much as you, but IMO this deck is too inconsistent to even play casually. I had to mulligan restart 4 times until I get a hand with land that matched my spells.
Furthermore, with shocklands you could get rid of Lay of the Land , making room for more Slivers. And I'm sure you know that having a critical mass of slivers is really important to making these kinds of decks tick.
Anyway, if you're ok with the inconsistency for casual play or your playgroup allows free mulligans or something, I can totally see why you'd play this deck. Still, hopefully you'll reconsider your budget and shell out for some shocklands, you'll be amazed how much of a difference they can make.
September 29, 2013 4:38 p.m.
Thank you all so much for your comments, I've never had this much support on any of my decks. ---
@Dreno33: This is an aggro deck. Mizzium Mortars is for if the game goes long, and Battle Sliver does so much work if it doesn't just get killed. The 3 Sentinel Sliver in the sideboard are against other aggro decks, and let me keep beating while having defense for the backswing.
@HappehNinja: Boardwipes are common in control only, which is my worst matchup. That is what I want my sideboard to deal with. Lay of the Land is very useful, and it's also a T1 play. I'll think about lowering it to 3 and upping Sentinel Sliver . Also, I see no reason why some of those SB cards are in the SB.
@yuval: Since this is my current Standard project, I'll take it to Standard tournaments. But I'm not flying to Grand Prix and the tourney circuit doesn't really come around here that often, so paying $120 for consistency doesn't seem smart to me.
September 29, 2013 5:03 p.m.
Alright so two things:
Would you be able to make an alternative deck based on this where you don't limit yourself to a budget? Since this would be for playtesting purposes, budgets tend to skew the results.
If you're able to, then would you mind if I playtested this against my sliver deck? I think it could be a fun change. Again, I can only justify it though if there is no sway due to budget.
October 9, 2013 10:15 a.m.
Schuesseled says... #15
Find room for Bow of Nylea this thing is disgusting with firststrike/doublestrike.
October 15, 2013 5:55 p.m.
@Spootyone: For a non-budget version of this deck, the land base is 4 of Stomping Ground , Temple Garden , Sacred Foundry , and Mutavault , 3 Forest , Mountain , and 2 Plains . Take out my fixers and put in 3 Sentinel Sliver and a Megantic Sliver
@Schuesseled: I'm not interested in buying any more cards.
October 15, 2013 6:12 p.m.
Had a look, +1 but its late I'll leave a proper comment in the morning.
October 20, 2013 2:04 a.m.
Heres my suggested rebuild.
for removal
The hard part is you need draw, and the only card you really have access to is Wild Guess
now wild guess would speed you up, but it requires a drop so you have loads of creatures your good to go.
Now I chose those cards because of their cost, and you do not want them in your first hand.
Predatory Sliver, Manaweft Sliver, Striking Sliver are the cards you want.
With the 4 open slots, add 3 Wild Guess
and a Sentinel Sliver
Your deck is a fast creature synergy meta, even adding a god or two can up the power level of the deck. Purphoros, God of the Forge throws 2 damage every time you drop a creature. you can definately put 2 of him in.
October 20, 2013 9:37 a.m.
@MrKnify: Purphoros, God of the Forge is a good idea, however it's at $25 now, and I don't have much to trade at $25. I actually don't like Wild Guess . It costs RR, which would completely shake my mana base up. Also, it makes you discard, which is not what you want to be doing.
October 21, 2013 7:35 a.m.
@Matsi883 no worrys, another option is look into scry, then you get a preview and a choice Magma Jet is good here and gives the 2 damage tap.
October 21, 2013 9:54 a.m.
HappehNinja says... #22
You're slivers could have a better distribution. How about something like this?
Creatures (22)
- 3x Blur Sliver R
- 3x Bonescythe Sliver W
- 4x Manaweft Sliver G
- 2x Megantic Sliver G
- 4x Predatory Sliver G
- 3x Sentinel Sliver W
- 3x Thorncaster Sliver R (Suggestion)
I wouldn't run Sylvan Caryatid since you get more use of your Striking Sliver and Manaweft Sliver on mana ramping. Hive Stirrings is too slow and depends too much on the slivers that are on the field. Instead of Lay of the Land I would suggest two more Prophetic Prism .
You might want to protect your slivers from board-wipes and spot-removals. Boros Charm and Ready / Willing are excellent against board-wipes and spot removals. Ready / Willing in particular is really good because it can be "played for free" with Manaweft Sliver and you can actually cast both sides. Gods Willing is pretty good against spot-removal and allows you to scry. You could also try playing with Bow of Nylea . Not only will it make your slivers more deadly, but it can wipe fields and make your opponents unable to block if you have Thorncaster Sliver on the field. If you'll do changes to your deck don't forget to alter your mana distribution.
You can modify your sideboard more or less like this:
- 3x Naturalize
- 3x Shock , Lightning Strike or Magma Jet
- 3x Peak Eruption
- 3x Glare of Heresy
- 1x Bonescythe Sliver
- 2x Spear of Heliod ""
1+. If you like, you can check out my bant sliver deck and give me some feedback. They wait... (Sliver/Control)
October 21, 2013 7:56 p.m.
@HappehNinja: I'm not playing more Prophetic Prism . I only own 2 and see no reason to get a third. Thorncaster Sliver is also something I don't have and don't want to get, and I can't trade for it IRL. However, I do know somebody who has a Megantic Sliver . Should I add it to my deck? Also, I might side out a Bonescythe Sliver vs. control, but it wins the game when it's dropped.
October 24, 2013 4:32 p.m.
HappehNinja says... #24
That's a real shame, since Thorncaster Sliver works so well with most slivers, not to mention it's combo with Bow of Nylea ... You could get another Megantic Sliver , but if you do so, I'd put it on the sideboard. After all, he IS a six mana cost creature. Yes, you should sideboard a Bonescythe Sliver as well. Don't want to have unnecessary copies on hand now, do we?
I still recommend to include either Boros Charm or Ready / Willing (or both). You can easily swap those for Hive Stirrings and/or Lay of the Land .
October 24, 2013 7:44 p.m.
So let's take Bow of Nylea out of the picture (because the answer is most Iikely no to that) so we have Thorncaster Sliver vs Battle Sliver 'competing for spots. In that case, Battle Sliver adds more power to the board, and the only time direct damage to players matters is in a really weird situation (now come to think of it, Thorncaster Sliver would've won me a game in Calling All Standard Players Start!).
Also, are you saying to play Boros Charm MB? That is interesting, and I might try and find some.
Also, speaking of Calling All Standard Players Start!, I think your deck might do well.
Denial048 says... #1
This deck seems really well constructed. You have an excellent mana curve, excellent numbers on your creatures, good synergy (though with Slivers, thats easy). I personally don't like Slivers, but I do like what you have done here. Obviously you wont run the new Temples, but if you got your hands on the shocklands, you could easily drop the Lay of the Land to up Sentinel Sliver and Mutavault . But, those shocks would be expensive, especially for the 12 you would need for perfect fixing.
Anyway, +1
September 28, 2013 7:43 a.m.