Slobberin' out the Window (KLD - Retired)
That would be hilarious for sure, but Crew 5 is really oppressive. I think it would need a dedicated build, with either a ton of tokens, big Green stompers (like Verdurous Gearhulk and Tajuru Pathwarden), or a Barrage Tyrant
Lupine Prototype
Thanks though!
October 9, 2016 9:56 p.m.
Right, like I just said. I think Stomper will only work in a few builds; one of them is with Lupine Prototype and Barrage Tyrant. None of them are this deck.
Thanks though.
October 10, 2016 4:34 p.m.
Have you gotten around to more testing for Ulrich of the Krallenhorde Flip? I didn't even realize it you Clay before I commented. I think Vehicles + Wolves work best with token generation, but I'd imagine he's a big lightning rod for removal or counterspell. (I was fond of your wolves tribal for Shadows over Innistrad)
October 10, 2016 4:58 p.m.
mlucasnrke says... #6
I took a shot at a deck using Demolition Stomper. Thanks for the inspiration, I love this deck.
October 11, 2016 10:58 a.m.
How has testing been going? whats the decks weaknesses and strong match ups?
October 16, 2016 9:08 p.m.
Finally catching up on comments ...
I haven't actually teted Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
Flip yet, but I'm not super-pleased with Skysovereign, Consul Flagship as-is, so I'll be trying the deck with him shortly. The Flagship is a GREAT card, but I think I need more Creatures to make it worthwhile. Token route may be the way to go ...
And thanks much for the kudos on my SOI build!
Oh that's awesome; I'll check it out. And thanks much!
I haven't really done much to tune this deck at all, as Mirrorwing, Energized (KLD) seemed a little more promising earlier. However, almost everyone at my favorite LGS is going to be playing Control this season, and there's no realistic way to make the Mirrorwing deck work in that kind of a meta. This one though, maybe. I'll be adding Hermit of the Natterknolls
Flip and Blossoming Defense to the mainboard for sure; not sure yet what else I might try ...
Thanks much and I'll keep you posted :-)
October 18, 2016 4:31 a.m. Edited.
A quick update: I've been doing a lot of testing against Joey Manner's White-Blue Flash, as it kind of represents the worst possible match-up for most Wolf decks. This version is now doing pretty well against it, and I'm going to expand my testing now ...
October 20, 2016 1:51 p.m.
I just don't think Hermit will do much here... is it kind of a hate card for flash and control decks? If so, then that's good but a 2/3 for 3 isn't going to be pressuring many things, especially considering copter eats it whole.
October 22, 2016 11:52 a.m.
Sorry, should have read the desc. more. Still though, not sure about the hermit.
October 22, 2016 11:57 a.m.
aceofrainbows says... #13
How about Duskwatch Recruiter Flip? It's great in this deck.
October 22, 2016 3:51 p.m.
Yeah, Hermit of the Natterknolls
Flip is great against Control and UW Spirits. Not a card I would recommend though for most metas.
Really? What were your matchups? I found Duskwatch Recruiter
Flip to be really poor in this deck. Sure he's great for finding Creatures, but he's a waste of card slot and mana when looking for Vehicles or other spells.
October 23, 2016 10:02 p.m.
AwezomePozzum says... #15
Now every card in standard is going to be compared to Smuggler's Copter A La Lightning Bolt in modern. Have fun.
October 24, 2016 9:28 a.m.
AwezomePozzum wotc should reprint bolt in standard to take down the thopter menace, right? (obvious sarcasam is obvious lol)
October 24, 2016 9:59 a.m.
A quick update: Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
Flip was very unimpressive yesterday. He was not needed when ahead, and was very meh when behind (since the +4/+4 doesn't really do anything then). I'm taking another look at Skysovereign, Consul Flagship and also Reality Smasher for the five-drop slot. Or maybe just dropping it in favor of another four-drop.
October 24, 2016 11:26 a.m. Edited.
How does the deck handle against Aetherworks Marvel? I've been looking for a deck that can handle it (it is almost as bad as facing a Collected Company Deck)
October 25, 2016 12:37 p.m.
I've never played nor even tested against Marvel, as nobody's ever even mentioned it at my favorite LGS. However, I can't imagine this deck would be fast enough unless they stumble ... and even after sideboarding I'm not running any Artifacthate that could stop it.
If I had a problem with Marvel, I think I'd run all-in with Electrostatic Pummeler, as the combo is just as fast, but much more consistent. You might check out NinjaTheNick's deck GRu Pummeler ... you could add extra insurance with some Ceremonious Rejection in the sideboard. Shamelessly, you could also check out my deck, Steel Cannon Pummeler (KLD) (it's not an all-in approach, but if nothing else the resources in the shout-out section may be worth a look).
Good luck (and good skill) finding a brew that can beat it!
SpiritoftheSands says... #1
Demolition Stomper would be kick ass with some of the flips
October 9, 2016 9:30 p.m.