Pillory of Lashes

Modern* RoarMaster


drakendark says... #1

fun thing that I like to do with my Sleeper Agent, is to cast after I have a Phthisis in play with 1 counter left, and in the same turn I cast the agent, enchant it with Banewasp Affliction. 11 incoming damage (2 from their up-keep, 9 from yours).

May 5, 2015 6:54 p.m.

RoarMaster says... #2

drakendark If you are interested, Death Watch would be a better choice than Banewasp Affliction. I personally like Stab Wound on a Sleeper Agent, 4 dmg a turn and they get a 1/1 XD.

May 5, 2015 8:02 p.m.

drakendark says... #3

True, but it also makes it easier to kill, they can ping it for 1 or give it a single -1/-1 counter. I like big burst damage, but then again, the deck wouldn't be referring to a million paper cuts if it was going for burst damage

the life gain is nice with Death Watch, but i'd prefer more damage, so unless i have a Sanguine Bond] in play not too interested in the life gain

May 6, 2015 1:05 a.m.

drakendark says... #4

another really good card in these colors is Blind Hunter.

Essentially this deck is making me remember a deck i made a long time ago, that did really well back in the day and i'm pulling cards from that deck as suggestions

Life Gain/Loss

like Subversion

May 6, 2015 1:09 a.m.

RoarMaster says... #5

drakendark As far as Death Watch goes, I was just saying that its pretty much strictly better than Banewasp Affliction in almost every circumstance. Its cheaper and gains you life as well as doing damage to your opponent. You do the same damage generally, and bonus life. And you can always enchant your own critter if it has low power and high toughness if you really needed some life.

Ive always liked Blind Hunter, but I have not a lot of ways of killing my opponents or my own creatures for that matter beyond Stab Wound, so I wont be able to reliably trigger its Haunt ability. Its cost also reflects its Flying ability, which should generally not be needed with the deck much.

Subversion I think is better suited for multiplayer, and its prohibitively high mana cost for such a small impact card means it doesnt make the cut. I try to keep the average cmc as low as I can to keep it as competitive as I can for a casual deck. Especially only running 22 lands and no ramp means I need to keep the costs low in order to maintain mana reliability and deck speed.

May 7, 2015 2:41 a.m.

drakendark says... #6

i apologize,i was getting my cards mixed up, your right death watch is awesome and far better then the banewasp. In my head i was mixing up the text from Phthisis with Banewasp Affliction

May 9, 2015 12:46 a.m.

Zerpha says... #7

Hey, I'm here since you linked me there from my Tallowhacking deck :D

Nice take on a Tallowisp-based deck, it's completely different from mine.

Cool idea to include Sleeper Agent with all the auras to disable creatures, particularly Stab Wound. Though you're basically screwed in terms of card advantage when your opponent has a sac outlet.

Disowned Ancestor fits in just perfectly between her and the other spirits as well.

Will-o'-the-Wisp is similar here. I love it, but I never quite found a place for it it in my deck despite its increased usefulness through other spirits (i.e. Tallowisp, Thief of Hope, and Drogskol Captain.

The both of them should be able to hold off some aggressive decks as well, although against Affinity your best bet would be to add three more Katakis to your sideboard.

I'd cut One Thousand Lashes down to one. Having an Arrest effect is useful, but you also have four Pacifism effects with Pillory of the Sleepless, and another three debuffs with Stab Wound.

On the other hand, I'd add another Sage's Reverie, and at least one one-drop Aura like Dead Weight that you might cast immediately after tutoring it with Tallowisp.
You can use that to kill small stuff, particularly utility creatures that otherwise wouldn't attack (and cost you four mana to disable via One Thousand Lashes).

Also, I'd definitely include Prison Term, which is an Arrest that you can conveniently move to the latest big threat.

July 11, 2015 1:15 p.m.

Thephelddagrif says... #8

I suggest a playset of thoughtsieze to combat combo decks. Also, sideboards are useful. I would suggest inquisitions of kozileks, leylines of sanctities, tormod's crypts, more katakis and torpor orbs.

July 24, 2015 8:30 p.m.

jonathanveedot says... #9

I like 1 or 2 Kira, Great Glass-Spinner and a couple Geist of Saint Traft for something like this. And maybe a Hyena Umbra over the Ethereal. Also, Esper Charm is a thing. Deck looks fun.

September 3, 2015 10:30 p.m.

Oh yeah and Lingering Souls is generally awesome btw.

September 3, 2015 10:31 p.m.

RoarMaster says... #11

Zerpha Thanks for checking out my deck, Im glad you agree with my choices :)

Thephelddagrif Yeah, as a. Casual deck I dont run a SB. Thats why Kataki, Ancient Law, and Windborn are mainboarded. Deck does generally fold to combo though, you are right.

jonathanveedot Kira would be good for sure, but the 2 blue is too steep a mana investment for a deck that is really just splashing blue for the Drogskoll Captains. Geist of Saint Traft would be boss, but I have a hard time justifying spending the same amount for one card as I did on the entire rest of a near all-foil deck.

Lingering Souls though is a great card and might be worth running as a 1-off, but it doesnt trigger the tallowisp, and unless Im really trying to push aggro(a rare thing with this deck, but it happens), Id probably rather not draw it. Ill have to playtest with one in there and see how she goes, thanks.

September 3, 2015 11:01 p.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #12

Spirit Link could prove very useful in here.

September 4, 2015 1:42 p.m.

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