This is exactly what it sounds like folks. Its 4:18 am in the morning and I'm insomniac because who knows why. But for some reason, the jank bug bit me tonight and I decided to brew up a craptastic hexproof deck for standard featuring an incredibly limited pool of hexproof creatures, most of whom only ever saw serious play in limited.
The one exception is Bassara Tower Archer, which is actually a decent card and at one point saw play when hexproof was more legitimate last standard with Witchstalker and some 1 drop who had hexproof.
He's like the former Varsity high school athlete who is washed up with a beer gut and now captains the neighborhood pickup football squad on thanksgiving day for our brew
Past that, we have highly questionable cards such as
Xathrid Slyblade
, who probably don't start in, well, pretty much any other deck. Although, I do think Cloudform is very underrated.
The support is equally bad, with the exception of become immense and treasure cruise. 4x Polluted Delta is there almost strictly as a joke, and will most likely be 4x
Opulent Palace
, because who are we kidding, this is budget folks.
Overall, the deck is simple. Just play untargetable guys, suit them up, and pray your opposition isn't sporting Crackling Doom!