Smack Your Deck Up!

Modern Quadsimotto


Aloco says... #1

Nice! I love mill and this seems to be pretty good! So, good Job :D.

October 6, 2013 7:50 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #2

Thank you i got the idea of an all mill deck while talking with denijsx90 about his wicked deck Arkham. A creatureless mill it as fast as i can idea is what i was going for. I just playtested it against an Esper control modern deck and smoked its ass 2-0 im liking it but it would be costly to make.. I think i can swing it though. Just when would i play it? lol

October 6, 2013 8:05 a.m.

denijsx90 says... #3

Any time somebody says that mill isn't a viable win condition sounds like a good opportunity...

October 6, 2013 1:45 p.m.

JXB says... #4

dude add some Mind Grind . there can be struggles when people play 4 Elixers and Psychic Spiral

October 6, 2013 2:03 p.m.

TiredTofu says... #5

If you plan to actually play this deck versus Modern decks as opposed to casual decks, you should have 4 Archive Trap . Everyone plays fetchlands in Modern, so it should be activated very frequently.

If you're playing more casually, though, and nobody's searching their libraries on a frequent basis, that will backfire. So, yeah.

October 6, 2013 6:16 p.m.

will17 says... #6

I agree with the Archive Trap s. Also, 26 land is way too much. I would cut down to 22 and add the traps. +1

October 6, 2013 7:54 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #7

I agree with the land cut but as to adding cards to it i like the way this plays.. I have been play testing it against modern decks and it is just wrecking shop. maybe a sideboard would make it more capable to deal with elixirs and spirals but those cards will most likely come from sideboards of an opponents deck themselves and i like the fact it is strong enough to make someone board out to deal with it. I will cut two lands and add one of each of the recommended to see how it fares. Was thinking of adding a few Crypt Incursion 's to the sideboard as well as it seems early hands heavy in creatures with low CMC are the biggest threat to what i hope to accomplish. Have decked out in seven turns on more than one occasion during play tests. I am going to have to purchase some cards and i suppose i would have to find out where i could play this competitively from someone but i feel like out of the decks i have built here on that this one has some serious potential. Again guys thanks for the advice.will17,TiredTofu,denijsx90 and JXB it is always welcomed here.

October 7, 2013 12:53 a.m.

yuval says... #8

Hey man, what are the Steam Vents and Blood Crypt for? Get rid of them, you don't want to play Entering anyway, believe me. You should be playing 4x Watery Grave instead, and perhaps more dual lands in addition to that, for example Sunken Ruins . Also fetch lands of course, if you can afford them.

Also, I would play 2-3x Archive Trap . Almost every competitive modern deck plays tons of fetchlands, so they're totally worth it. And even if your opponent is mono-color, hardcasting it on turn 5 is pretty doable if you control the board, and then you can side them out for games 2-3.

Speaking of control, you could use more of it. Cyclonic Rift is great but it's not enough. Far / Away is good but only affects creatures. You need a way to fight other threats, including artifacts such as Elixir of Immortality which everyone has mentioned. How about some Psychic Strike , Mana Leak , or Remand ? And speaking of Far / Away , it's good but it's not THAT good. You could probably do better with something like Go for the Throat or Doom Blade , or even Unsummon .

If you're wondering what to take out for the above, I think Mind Grind and Mind Sculpt are a little lackluster. I mean, compare Mind Grind to Mind Funeral , you'd have to pay twice the cost for the same effect. And compare Mind Sculpt to Tome Scour or Archive Trap , I'd rather have one of the latter. So, in summary, here's what I'd do:

Hope I helped! Good luck.

October 7, 2013 1:22 a.m.

yuval says... #9

It seems that while I was commenting you added two lands. This is no good. Go back down to 24 lands and play 3x Archive Trap s.

October 7, 2013 1:23 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #10

i originally had the watery graves in there. I do not intend to counter. If they get the Elixir they get the Elixir and i am doomed at an early stage. I would like to add to the sideboard something that deals with flashback but know of no cards for it also there is an artifact i dont know the name of that keeps them fro playing creatures? from the graveyard if anyone knows that it would be helpful for my sideboard. I will take your advice on returning the lands to how i had them minus two to a total of 24 but for the most part ill pass on the dual lands. I will also take your advice on the creature removal cards, most likely Go for the Throat Add two to four of those in replacement on the far and away. Now on the subject of Archive Trap Early game in my hand its dead(unless a fetch land or rampant growth or some such shit is used.) Late game at such a high CMC id rather cast Jace and mill ten a turn. All in all though it is some advice worth considering. If need be i will Psychic Strike my sideboard just in case i run in to problems with that pesky artifact. Thanks for the help.

October 7, 2013 2:13 a.m.

yuval says... #11

You're welcome, glad you're taking some of my advice. Your deck already looks way better than it was before.

By the way the artifact you are thinking of is Grafdigger's Cage , but I guess you already found it. It is a solid card for any sideboard, however I think a much more useful one is Relic of Progenitus . Having 4x of that in your sideboard will help you easily fight Elixir of Immortality , and prevent problems with Dredge, Tarmogoyf , or anything else that uses the graveyard. And best of all, it cantrips. Make room for the 4 of them by losing Crypt Incursion and 1x Illness in the Ranks . The reason I think Crypt Incursion is bad is because the only circumstance in which you might want to gain life is against a burn deck, but burn decks don't run many creatures so it's kind of a non-bo. And in terms of exiling stuff from the graveyard, the Relic does a far superior job.

Another sideboard card to consider is Torpor Orb , which shuts down Kiki Pod, Melira Pod, or Splinter Twin combo decks. Good luck!

October 7, 2013 4:53 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #12

Thanks I like that artifact better than the one i had in the sideboard so there will be a change there.

October 7, 2013 5:31 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #13

i have a creaturless mill deck too! (:

Not Even a Sideboard can Save your Deck.

also, here's your +1(:

October 9, 2013 5:25 a.m.

elariand says... #14

What about Devastation Tide instead of Cyclonic Rift ? It's soooo cheaper :P

You need more islands !! +2islands -2swamps i think =)

October 9, 2013 5:33 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #15

elariand ill do some play testing with that Devastation Tide i have never seen that card before. i sure do like the rift though.

October 9, 2013 8 a.m.

denijsx90 says... #16

nah, that card is double edged. Devastation Tide is gonna send your junk back too. keep Cyclonic Rift you can use it to remove just one guy or you can overload it. but even then only the opponent's junk gets sent back giving you superior board presence

October 9, 2013 11:25 a.m.

yuval says... #17

lol that's like saying Wrath of God isn't good because it destroys your own creatures as well. Don't underestimate board wipes.

Furthermore, there are only 4 nonland permanents in this entire deck! Devastation Tide seems to me like a great suggestion; much better than Cyclonic Rift . It will literally always hurt your opponent more than it hurts you, and even if you do happen to have that one Jace on the battlefield, by bringing it back to your hand you can replenish his loyalty counters.

October 10, 2013 2:34 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #18

I kept two and added two. I feel like it was a good suggestion so in it went.. If it doesnt pan out then out will go. Ahhhh good ole Wrath of God oldie but a goodie.

October 10, 2013 5:07 a.m.

Break_The_SB says... #19

I think you should have some kind of draw cards in here (like Font of Mythos or Howling Mine ) for yourself just in case your opponent cancels your spells or you run out of cards to mill your opponent. The last thing you want to happen is to have to play with 0 cards in your hand and depend on your draw phase to win you the game or get land screwed since you have 24 lands in a 60 card library. Font of Mythos lets you draw 3 cards per turn, Howling Mine lets you draw 2 cards per turn. Both of them will.give you a big advantage of getting what you need and help you win the game a lot faster. Also i recommend Memory Erosion , Hedron Crab , and Curse of the Bloody Tome to be in your sideboard. They are great for drawn out battles or multiplayer, THD, etc...

October 10, 2013 2:15 p.m.

Break_The_SB says... #20

i mean THG not THD

October 10, 2013 2:50 p.m.

Nice. I love it. I have been meaning to make one like this :P (in regards to my "testing" thread lmao)

October 31, 2013 1:18 a.m.

quakenbake says... #22

4 jaces seems not so good. I'd switch its number with go for the throat.

November 4, 2013 8:10 p.m.

I agree with the comment on having too many Jace's. Your early turns should be spent milling, and cards like Thought Scour do the job while refilling your hand. As far as card advantage goes, Thought Scour is like milling 2 cards for free, which is why I'd up the count to 4 and maybe bring the Jace count to 2. Drawing more cards in this deck is like drawing cards in a burn deck, the more you can get your hands on and the cheaper they are, the faster you can win!

November 18, 2013 3:05 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #24

@ GeminiSpartanX i just changed it from four to two today to 2x Visions of Beyond which works well from my play testing it since adding. usually by turn three i have close to 20 cards in their yard and why not have a one drop that allows me to draw three? now that is card advantage. I left two of the scours though because its a two mill with a cantrip.

November 18, 2013 4:04 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #25

@quakenbake (cool name btw) i like having four Jace in here cause i treat it like a 10 card mill throw away.During playtesting it has been a finisher on more than one occasion.

November 18, 2013 4:06 p.m.

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