Smash and Dash

Standard* StormZing


Love the greeness. Feel free to check my deck too, "GREEN".

Dont like the enlarge or Lay of the Land, and especially not the staff. Witchstalker should take their place. I love the style tho,+1.

July 23, 2013 1:40 p.m.

StormZing says... #2

Hellogoodbye2yu well thanks for the +1, always appreciated! And Enlarge is there because I need something to help beef my creatures up, and after losing Rancor and Revenge of the Hunted in standard, I NEED something to help give my creatures trample and boost them up. Lay of the Land is there to help ensure I'm hitting my land drops every turn, and also works really well with the Staff of the Wild Magus . Though I may look to reduce it to two if I find that it isn't quite working as well as I anticipated. The staff also helps work great with Voracious Wurm , allowing me to add some extra counters onto the wurm, and paired with a savage summoning while the staff is out, can be quite useful. Witchstalker is an AMAZING card, however, really doesn't work out that great unless you're playing a deck with black and blue in it.

July 23, 2013 9:31 p.m.

Lay of the Land sucks because you could've just replaced it with a mana dork and 24 lands means you can consistently hit land drops, Voracious Worm lacks trample, and will probably only be a dumb 4/4. If that. You dont have lifegain except the staff, which, by the way, isn't good to play turn 3 with aggro on your butt. Enlarge is not good now that there's spot removal, and you only have 16 creatures. How will you survive against aggro, control, or even midrange? That is what I really ask.

July 23, 2013 11:52 p.m.

StormZing says... #4

Hellogoodbye2yu well I would easily swap it out for a mana dork, if there were any to swap it out with. Yes, Voracious Wurm does lack trample, which blows because I need something for aggro and to help me deal damage. But I do have other means of lifegain other than the staff. Scavenging Ooze lets me gain life and so does Primeval Bounty . I'm not saying the staff is amazing, it just has it's spots. And if I were to go against aggro, I could easily swap my sideboard in, and it would handle just fine, bumping up the count to twenty while also offering fog. Control isn't as hard as you would imagine, as you just make certain targets more appealing to removal than others. While it is probably my worst match up, Savage Summoning will help with prevention of my spells being counter. Same with Witchstalker having hexproof. Midrange versus Midrange is almost ideal with this deck, as I have the creatures to hang with them just as they do. It's essentially a mirror match up, which is why I like having some of the higher mana costing spells, because these matches will typically last a little longer, and allow me to play them with ease. I agree that I need more creatures, but M14 only has so many creatures. Also, this deck is massively unplaytested, so there will be adjustments made as I decide what I wish and what I don't wish to keep. I'm sure the staff will leave this deck as well as some other cards, but for right now, I have this deck at a point where I have a little bit of everything as I decide where to further focus this deck again.

July 24, 2013 12:36 a.m.

StormZing says... #5

Hellogoodbye2yu And also thank you for the comments, I appreciate the questioning, because it makes me think more and more about what cards I really should keep or what I should get rid of. Once play testing occurs though, I'm sure I will agree with almost all of your points as I can agree with everything you are saying.

July 24, 2013 12:38 a.m.

TheGamer says... #6

Cool deck

July 26, 2013 2:09 p.m.

TheGamer says... #7


July 26, 2013 2:09 p.m.

StormZing says... #8

TheGamer appreciate it!

July 27, 2013 10:18 a.m.

Ince_Velus says... #9

hey, I would recommend tossing in Arbor Elf s in place of the Elvish Mystic then splash four Stomping Ground and toss in two or three Armed / Dangerous that way you can make them block a 4/4 or a 2/2 you control and the rest of your team gets through for 4 mana, or if you get an arbor and a stomping grounds for 6 you can also beef up one creature and splash in the double strike....but if you want just solely mono green from M14? you are gonna have a hard time because only your kolonian is your major win con

so far I see this deck running itself draw means you need to draw both a land and a beef card in the same turn after turn 5 and it does not work well...from experience I would see about trying to splash a second color using the arbor elf synergy to the dual lands and just use 2-4 of the splashed color for an alternate win con

August 7, 2013 9:41 a.m.

StormZing says... #10

Inces_Velus I appreciate the suggestion! Thought about running that combo, but I will be keeping it mono green/ Armed / Dangerous is a great card and has a lot of opportunity in this deck, just not what I'm looking for. Another thing about this deck, is that I've made it in anticipation for Theros, hoping to play a mono green deck then, and also add in some other various cards from Ravinica, maybe as you said, more win con. This deck though doesn't usually need one win con, more just overwhelming in general. However, I get what you mean, and this is why this deck is more just a starting point than a final product. I use this deck to also try and understand what I'm willing to keep and what I'm willing to throw out for a better spot.

August 7, 2013 1:14 p.m.

OnyxMyr says... #11

I think this is pretty awesome for being just M14 cards. I would drop the two Into the Wilds for two Deadly Recluse , because he is just so good. Check out some of my post rotation decks and let me know what you think.

+1 Looks really fun.

August 15, 2013 3:16 p.m.

Ince_Velus says... #12

I am back! personally run brindleboar main board (2-3 of em) with 2-3 of your varacious....swing with a brindle....they block sac and summon the wurm, they don't block, use giant growth or any buff cards in hand....

I love the loyalty to only M14 mono green...but you could do so much more if you went to dragons maze even (throw in skylashers, and other cards like the such)

also, in regards to Hellogoodbye2yu's comment about Enlarge ...that card is just amazing and do not listen to him...

you throw down a 3/3 or 4/4 varacious wurm and the next turn swing with an enlarged him and a kalonian....the wurm takes out any remaining creature the opponent may have and kalonian swings on by....or if no creatures are there you get a 10/10+ creature through for solid damage...but a good game with this would be

T1: mysticT2: brindle boarT3: staff, mysticT4: swing with brindle (hopefully he dies as they attempt to keep giant growths from triggering, pop down a green spell and a land for staff to trigger...varacious for a solid 8/8T5: nothing....but on their turn cast savage summoning, then hydra, then on your last turn enlarge your wurm and swing, or use the bounty and play any two non creature spells and swing with a massive hydra....

give or take the staff in there those cards are probably the best synergy/comboing cards...

an check out my deck 90% Naya if you would and make suggestions :)

August 16, 2013 6:42 p.m.

StormZing says... #13

Inces_Velus appreciate the comments again! Yeah, brindleboar will probably make it into the deck, simply because it has enough synergy and easy to drop, plus adding survivability. And I know, everyone gives me trouble for the m14 only greens, and if I really cared, I might add in a Worldspine Wurm for win-con and side in Skylasher against blue decks. But this deck is mostly just a set up into what will be rotating into standard with theros. Though I imagine this deck will keep many cards, a few will be lost. Saying that, I also think that once theros is released, I will go through ravinica cards to decide what mono green cards I add from there and not.

August 16, 2013 7:08 p.m.

Ok. Play Enlarge. Get 2 for 1'd. Your choice.

August 17, 2013 8:28 p.m.

Druxe says... #15

Get some Burst of Strength up in here, it works great with Kalonian Hydra and you get to untap things, and who doesn't like that?

August 21, 2013 12:40 p.m.

Garruk's Horde provides Trample damage and can get creatures out faster. Also I think you need more creatures to utilize Garruk. Deadbridge Goliath is a cheap fatty with an option to scavenge 5 onto a Hydra later on. Speaking of Hydras, Vastwood Hydra is another option. Wild Beastmaster is a great target for Enlarge and Giant Growth . Slaughterhorn has versatility. And if you do add more creatures, Ivy Lane Denizen will pump your guys.

August 21, 2013 12:48 p.m.

I recently updated my mono green standard for post rotation.

Like you said things will change when Theros hits but until then the deck I have been running has been doing fairly well. It has trouble with board sweepers, as most mono green does.

Hoping Nylea (the green god) will be something worth ramping into. Definitely will be putting in Polukranos (mythic hydra) since it has counters and acts as removal.

Go Green Machine V

Basically I get around not having Rancor by abusing the counter theme. Scavenging Ooze , Experiment One , and Witchstalker all have potential to get counters by themselves and them have them doubled by Kalonian Hydra . Take a look and let me know what you think.

August 21, 2013 2:03 p.m.

StormZing says... #18

LittleBlueHero I really like the +1/+1 counter deck. I'm thinking it will be a common theme in theros as well. I've just been trying to find something viable to replace Rancor , it's just so damn hard lol.

August 21, 2013 9:45 p.m.

You should consioder Predator's Rapport , cast it before you cast Voracious Wurm even on something as small as Kalonian Tusker will grant you 6 life an 6 +1/+1 counters.

August 23, 2013 1:42 p.m.

StormZing says... #20

Lordoffurriness I love the suggestion, going to add it to maybeboard/sideboard as a good possibility.

August 23, 2013 3:58 p.m.

In speaking of things like spot removal NO ONE has pointed out that Ranger's Guile is in fact a card. Mending Touch is also good in saving a big guy before a board wipe. These two cards will save your butt against removal decks. I think this is probably the best suggestion. Using stuff like the green part of Armed//Dangerous is good too get more stuff in the grave for your ooze to eat. This deck looks all over the place but PLEASE heed my suggestions for the other two cards! THEY WILL HELP!


August 26, 2013 2:18 p.m.

Yeah Rancor is a huge loss for mono green decks. There just isn't a great and safe way to give your stuff trample consistently.

My biggest problem has come from Young Pyromancer decks running Molten Birth . Doesn't matter how big my creatures are my opponent has chump blocks for days.

Woodborn Behemoth has actually won me the most game in testing simply because he almost always hits out of burn range and eventually tramples over for the win.

August 26, 2013 2:43 p.m.

@LittleBlueHero If Tokens are your problem wipe them away with Ratchet Bomb Just when they think they can chump block your army, drop this bad boy and swing in on that poor defenseless Young Pyromancer

August 26, 2013 5:59 p.m.

cptmacawesome says... #24

i'm wondering in a mono green deck that runs only forests , is there really any use for Lay of the Land to me it just seems like a waste of one mana when all you can search for is forests so you might as well take that out and put 4 forests in

September 13, 2013 8:32 a.m.

cptmacawesome says... #25

although it does trigger Primeval Bounty

September 13, 2013 8:33 a.m.

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