Smashface Gardening with Rith

Commander / EDH clayperce

SCORE: 122 | 213 COMMENTS | 21012 VIEWS | IN 53 FOLDERS

clayperce says... #1

Great call on Strionic Resonator ... I've always played it as if it was targeting the permanent not the ability and yeah, that's totally wrong.

I know about the extra mana required, but thanks for mentioning, in case I didn't! I'll edit the deck description to specify 2G instead of "Another round of Saprolings (often, more than double), if you have enough mana"

February 1, 2016 7:59 p.m.

CosmicTurban says... #2

What you're saying makes sense with hexproof vs shroud. With the boots you could at least just unequip and cast your spell, then re-equip for free, but I get your point with the cloak. Still, being unblockable could put your commander over the edge. Anway, you could always consider something like Alpha Authority or even Iroas, God of Victory to make blocking more trouble than it's worth for your opponents. I like what you have, but I just think a voltron commander might benefit from more protection.

February 2, 2016 5:42 p.m.

CosmicTurban says... #3

Just realized you already use Iroas. OOPS!

February 2, 2016 5:43 p.m.

clayperce says... #4

No worries on the Iroas! And yeah, Alpha Authority would be good if I want to go with more Voltron. Incidentally, I've toyed with that idea for a while ... I like being able to go fat-or-wide with Dragons and Saprolings, but if I ever get sick of that I think a tall-and-wide Voltron and Saproling build could be even stronger.

For now though, if I change my Voltron package, it'll be to pull an Enchantment. Probably for a Vorrac Battlehorns (on its own, Trample is almost as good as Unblockable with Rith, and Iroas, God of Victory + Vorrac Battlehorns gives me the later).

Thanks much!

February 4, 2016 7:37 p.m.

Arthfael208 says... #5

if you want redundancy for Purphoros, God of the Forge try Impact Tremors. Craterhoof Behemoth is a little pricey but for the effect it ends games in this type of deck. Dragonlord Dromoka is a dragon that fits your flavor and helps give resilience on your turn, other cards that do this but without the flavor is Grand Abolisher and Dosan the Falling Leaf. You might want to look at Sarkhan Vol he has awesome flavor for the dragon side of your deck and he pumps your tokens every turn along with gaining control of a enemy creature for a turn. Ivy Lane Denizen lets you pump up Rith, the Awakener or pump up each token if so desired. I found i had a lot of mana from Mana Echoes so i decided to add Magus of the Candelabra he is cheap like $.75 but for when you have a whole bunch of mana after swinging with Rith, the Awakener just untap all your lands. +1 for the deck i love the idea and synergy with the flavor. you should check out my Marath deck Marath, Will of the Wild EDH

February 6, 2016 7:50 a.m.

clayperce says... #6

Yeah, Impact Tremors is great. I think it's been in my maybeboard since I first pulled the deck together, and I pull into the mainboard pretty regularly!

Craterhoof Behemoth is amazing for sure, but the deck's on a strict budget. Like I say above, Dragon Broodmother is really my absolute top-end. If I ever get one, it'll probably go into a Gahiji, Honored One beast-tribal build.

Dragonlord Dromoka would be a great add, and is another that's been on my maybeboard since the beginning. I'm expect her price will drop once she rotates out of Standard, and then I think you're going to see her in the deck instead of Sunscorch Regent.

Grand Abolisher would be a good add, but Dosan the Falling Leaf would actually be pretty bad in this deck. I need Vedalken Orrery or Winding Canyons to get any tokens out of Dragonmaster Outcast, and Dosan would shut them both down :-(

Yeah, Sarkhan Vol would be AWESOME. I looked REALLY hard at him as part of a post-holiday splurge on the deck and decided not to do go for it. There's a bunch of people in my group who pretty much live to hate on Planeswalkers, so it'd be REALLY hard to get $11 worth of value out of him ...

Ivy Lane Denizen is a great card too, and I'll probably include it if I ever do a Volton build.

You got me with Magus of the Candelabra htough ... I've never even looked at the card! What a cool effect! I like Mana Echoes better with X-cost burn spells though ... 10 Saprolings out and hitting with Rith for another 10, means 10x20 = 200 Colorless, and I'd rather end the game right there than untap for another round :-)

Thanks TONS for all the thoughts; you got me re-thinking a bunch of cards and I really appreciate it!

February 6, 2016 11:54 p.m.

If you're going with a token theme, have you considered putting in some anthems? Glorious Anthem, Gaea's Anthem, and Marshal's Anthem are all reasonably cheap and play well with tokens. Also, I'd toss in a Burn at the Stake- gets brutal with enough tokens.

February 14, 2016 6:57 p.m.

clayperce says... #8

I hadn't looked at those before ... I think if I went with more generic pump it would be via Intangible Virtue. Or maybe Spear of Heliod or Eldrazi Monument.

I like Burn at the Stake though. I took a hard look at it in my Hazezon Tamar deck; not sure why I haven't yet with Rith. Thanks much for reminding me about it!

February 15, 2016 8:47 a.m.

mack10k says... #9

When I saw your deck, I immediately thought Spontaneous Generation

February 21, 2016 7:39 p.m.

clayperce says... #10

Good on ya, I've never even looked at Spontaneous Generation!

I'm not sure though. I don't have that much draw (that's the only downside of Naya, IMO) nor a Reliquary Tower. So at its best, it's 7x 1/1 Saprolings, which is right there with Saproling Burst ( more to cast, but with the flexibility of scaling up to 1x 6/6 if needed). But at its worst (behind, and with no cards in hand), it would be the most disappointing topdeck EVER.

Bottom line: It's worth testing for sure; thanks tons! And if I ever do a Bant token deck, it'll be on my starting list for sure!

February 22, 2016 7:20 a.m.

MsSysbit says... #11

A few fun and cheap suggestions: Thelonite Hermit as it gives Rith 4 saprolings to work with and makes each a 2/2. Another that can do the same thing late game is Verdeloth the Ancient who can make a ton of saprolings and make them all bigger. Lastly Dragonlord's Servant seems a great idea as he cuts the cost of many of your most expensive cards by 1 and can be a defense early game if need be. I am struggling to think of more suggestions for the deck as it is THAT solid so congratulations on both a fun and affordable deck that I hope you don't mind if i save and revisit sometime.

February 23, 2016 11:39 a.m.

clayperce says... #12

Yeah, I really like Thelonite Hermit. I ran it for quite a while and basically loved it. The problem was I only had one Morph card in the deck and it didn't take long before everyone in the group knew what it was ... and would kill it any time I looked ready to turn it face up. :-( Still, I REALLY appreciate the reminder -- I'm going to be traveling a lot more for work soon, and planned to take Rith with me for some pick-up games at LGSs, and I'll need to pack the Hermit as well!

I think Verdeloth the Ancient is pretty good. I'm a little crowded at the 6-drop slot (since it also includes Rith), but that's not too bad. But I'm 100% Vorthos, and Rith HATES Treefolk. She was twice imprisoned in a Magnigoth Treefolk, and though Wizards never said who, I'm pretty sure it was Verdeloth, since they're both Legendary creatures from the same set. Here is a good starting point on her lore, just in case you're interested :-)

And Dragonlord's Servant has been on my maybeboard forever, but I've never actually tested it out. I agree, it's definitely worth a hard look! Especially since I already have the fun promo: Dragonlord's Servant

Finally, thanks so much for the kudos. Pretty much every good idea here is one I owe to the T/O community ... folks like you who invested time in looking at and commenting on my Rith! So thanks tons!

February 23, 2016 9:30 p.m. Edited.

MsSysbit says... #13

clayperce: No problem! I give credit where it is due and always like to leave at least some suggestions on decks. Kinda new here and it's one way to meet people that seems to be paying off. Besides if I want comments on my deck(s) then I should deliver what I would like to see; if everyone expects others to do it and never delivers then nothing is ever going to happen. Probably don't need to tell you that but maybe others will read it and embrace it. I also really did mean I love the deck lol. Keep making awesome stuff imo.

February 24, 2016 12:51 a.m.

lizardwarrior says... #14

Hey fellow rith player Ive been thinking of a few cards that could be good in your deck they are rage reflection and primal vigor(replacing parallel lives).Rage reflection has helped me a lot when you have it out. it also makes rith and your creatures bigger than they are.Primal vigor gives you both more tokens and more counters on everything.

February 24, 2016 11:52 p.m.

I have won games with Primal Vigor. With My opponent's Primal Vigor. It's strictly a group hug card, outside of that it just gets you killed.

February 25, 2016 12:43 a.m.

Zerienga says... #16

Jeremiah_Von_Pringleton, I wouldn't say that it's strictly a group hug card. I've won with my own out numerous times. However, I would say that it's highly likely to help your opponents far more than it helps you if you don't have the right deck for it. So, it's not strictly group hug, but more like it's a necessary sacrifice to help your deck more than it helps others. (More towards lizardwarrior here) As it stands, I don't think the deck needs Primal Vigor over Parallel Lives because, with the right cards out, Primal Vigor will be doing hardly anything besides doubling the tokens.

lizardwarrior, Rage Reflection is not nearly as good as you make it out to be, imo, unless you're going for redundancies. A better card for Rage Reflection'so slot would be True Conviction. It's the same exact CMC AND it gives lifelink, as well (it costs 3WWW, though, instead of 4RR). Just my thoughts about those cards.

February 25, 2016 7:23 a.m.

clayperce says... #17

Thanks for dropping by and thanks tons for the suggestions!

I agree that Rith loves double-strike, but I much prefer Berserkers' Onslaught over Rage Reflection. Since the Onslaught is a 5-drop, I can get the effect out before casting Rith as a 6-drop. Plus it's more flavorful ... Rith could basically care less about double-strike on defense. I also get it from Atarka, World Render, which is just an awesome card. I like Fireshrieker too, and will run it when I'm feeling in a slightly more Voltron mood. If I ever want more anthem, it'll probably be with True Conviction as Zerienga suggests. The means it probably wouldn't come in on curve, but that's OK since I wouldn't start hoping for incidental lifegain until late-game anyways.

I'm with Jeremiah_Von_Pringleton on Primal Vigor. It's a fine card for some groups, but in mine it's WAY too much of a group hug card for my tastes. Lately, between Krenko, Ghave, and Marath, it's probably more of a suicide card than a group hug card! If if works in your group though, more power to ya ... literally! :-)

Thanks again!

P.S. Just in case you weren't aware, you can link cards by enclosing the card name in square brackets (e.g., [[Rith, the Awakener]] = Rith, the Awakener). On my phone keyboard, the brackets are hard to get to, so I use the Card Link button in the comment menu ... the icon is odd (to me it looks like a dog-eared piece of paper), but it's the one next to the Mana Symbol button.

February 25, 2016 10:11 a.m. Edited.

clayperce quick question how has Juniper Order Ranger been working for you?

March 3, 2016 4:52 p.m.

clayperce says... #19

The short answer is I love him. The long answer though is I kind of stumbled into a really strong +1/+1 counter package early on with the deck and it's obvious he's a key part of it. But I don't have any idea how he would perform on his own. Another way of saying that is I pull cards out of the deck all the time to test out different cards from my maybeboard, and I've never considered pulling him. But since the +1/+1 counter package works so well, I've never been inclined to pull any other part of it either, so that's probably more of an endorsement of the package as a whole than Juniper Order Ranger in particular.

The package, by the way, is Bloodspore Thrinax, Cathars' Crusade, Champion of Lambholt, and Juniper Order Ranger.

The deck gets additional counters from Bow of Nylea and Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, moves them around with Forgotten Ancient, and reaps the benefits via Gyre Sage, Mycoloth, and Preyseizer Dragon. And of course all the Saprolings and Dragons enjoy their extra +1/+1 counters. Rith especially ... Commander damage is rarely a wincon for me, but it's always on my opponents' minds.

Hope that helps!

March 3, 2016 5:40 p.m.

rockleemyhero says... #20

Needs more Plateau ;)

March 16, 2016 10:31 a.m.

clayperce says... #21

Don't we all! :-D

March 18, 2016 11:31 p.m.

Arvail says... #22

Not accepting islands? How about Island Sanctuary?

April 5, 2016 8:42 p.m.

clayperce says... #23

To be totally honest, I love Blue ... in Grixis and especially in Izzet. But as a Naya player, I pretty much have a moral imperative to pretend I can't stand the sight of Islands. :-)

April 6, 2016 12:37 a.m.

Arvail says... #24

enter image description here

April 6, 2016 12:49 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #25

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm y u no Rith's Charm?

May 1, 2016 10:22 a.m.

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