I built some decks to teach newbies into EDH. They are all proactive and able to establish a board, with clean ways to close out a game and enough answers to keep opponents at bay.

Dragons are the best! This deck might have a slow start, but when it drops two dragons on the field, things start getting dicey. Everyone who played this loved it! Just beware newbies might need help to get all colors online to cast their spells.

Alternate commanders:

Links to all decks: || 11.5/21 || 11.5/21 || 9/21 || 9/21 || 11/21 ||

Special edition: || 5/6 || 1/6 || 2/6 || 3/6 || 3/6 ||

Leo's series: || 3/7 || 2/7 || 3/7 || 5/7 || 2/7 ||

More decks: || 3/5 || 3/5 || 2/5 || 4/5 || 3/5 ||

Links to other decks I built: || 7/18 || 11/18 || 11/18 || 13/18 || 12/18 ||

3 tix MTGO builds: || 1/5 || 3/5 || 2/5 || 3/5 || 2/5 ||

60-card multiplayer decks: || 4/9 || 1/9 || 2/9 || 6/9 || 1/9 ||

Suggestions are welcome! I use this deck to teach newbies into EDH, but I want to make it as competitive as possible to match the other decks in my playgroup. Which is the best commander for Dragons: The Ur-Dragon, Scion of the Ur-Dragon or Jodah, Archmage Eternal?


Savage Ventmaw + Hellkite Charger for extra combat steps for only .

Nesting Dragon + The Ur-Dragon/Ojutai, Soul of Winter/Utvara Hellkite/Dragon's Hoard

Scourge of Valkas + Rite of Replication for a instant win.

Reasons to go over on Dragons (below $5):






: Dromoka, the Eternal, Rith, Liberated Primeval, Palladia-Mors, the Ruiner

: Dragonlord Ojutai, Numot, the Devastator

: Dragonlord Silumgar, Crosis, the Purger, Sivitri, Dragon Master

: Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm, Moritte of the Frost, Intet, the Dreamer

: Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire, Hellkite Overlord

: Teneb, the Harvester

: Amareth, the Lustrous

: Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa

Hello! I saw your deck help tag and wanted to give some insight.

I don't run Miirym as commander, but I do have her in the 99 in Smashing Faces with the Ur-Dragon, and she always pushes me to victory whenever she's allowed to stick on the battlefield.

Some areas you might want to change to improve your consistency:

1 - Ramp:

2 - Draw/Haste:

3 - Removal/Boardwipes:

4 - Protection:

5 - Card draw:

6 - Better threats:

7 - Some utility lands you might want to run:

Hello! I saw your deck help tag and I wanted to give my two cents.

First of all, beware cloning effects: a single Clone on Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund can steal your whole board.

Secondly, I would put Hellkite Tyrant, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames and Crucible of Fire back. The Tyrant is greeeeeeat if you face players that rely on artifacts. Drakuseth is amazing in killing creatures or just dish out damage. Both are made even more reliable with the many haste enablers you have in the deck. Crucible is an undercosted pump effect, even better on tokens: Nesting Dragon.

Forgot to say what to take out for the three cards above: Green Sun's Twilight, Hull Breach, Lukka, Bound to Ruin. The Twilight is unrealiable until you spend a lot of mana into it. The Breach is sorcery-speed. The planeswalker does not do much here.

Now some small upgrades you can make:

Glancing through your cards, your deck's problem might be because you're building it based on best-case scenario, with tons of clones and blink synergies. (In my playgroup, Miirym always gets removed before her untap step, so the Miirym player does not rely on her sticking to the board.)

I'll suggest some upgrades for your deck based on making it more consistent and less dependant on Miirym:

1st. Ramp

Explosive turns with lots of cost reducers sound nice... if people don't blow up your dorks before you get any value from them.

2nd. You need more lands (36 lands + 13 ramp cards is a good starting point)

3rd. Better counterspells

4th. Better removal

5th. Better boardwipes

6th. More card draw

7th. Better win conditions

  • About this, please check deck: miirym , need recommendations build and the comment I made on that page. You have plenty of options in this regard.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 2 days
Splash colors UB

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.98
Tokens Copy Clone, Dragon 1/1 RG, Dragon 2/2 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Dragon 6/6 R, Dragon Egg 0/2 R, Treasure
Folders new deck, coppued decks
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