Smitty Warbenjagermanjenson (He Was #1)

Standard brodoleo


RedCloud2012 says... #1

You watch too much Spongebob and it shows..

March 11, 2013 8:51 a.m.

SabbyPlays says... #2

+1 for the name

March 13, 2013 3:29 p.m.

raunchy2damax says... #4

yo. awesome combo with the duskmantle seer is Dimir Charm it gets the most damage on em' and then you could also use it as early removal if you want.

March 16, 2013 2:33 a.m.

brodoleo says... #5

Yeah I had a few of them mainboard initially, I took it out in testing and never put it back in. Thinking about it now it could help me a lot, it does come down to the top of the deck a lot of the time since I'm playing all 4 seers. It would also counter Rakdos's Return and Mizzium Mortars which are problem cards against me. I could definitely warrant putting a few in, but for what? I find it hard to trim stuff anymore. I could do -1 Dreg Mangler -1 Simic Charm maybe?

March 16, 2013 4:40 a.m.

+1 for the name. I used to have a deck similar to this and I personally didn't like how Geralf's Messenger tested. Does it seem to work well for you? I would consider dropping it for another Abrupt Decay and another Dimir Charm .

March 23, 2013 7:06 p.m.

Entropyx says... #7

Nice work man! +1! I love Duskmantle Seer and now want it in my bug deck SimicBlackTusk . Any suggestions on what to take out? Have you given any thought to Corpsejack Menace ? I personally don't like Gloom Surgeon

March 24, 2013 4:36 p.m.

Human_Rogue_21 says... #8

I personally, am not a fan of Gloom Surgeon and I think Gravecrawler would serve you better. Snapcaster Mage is cool too and maybe think of dropping Simic Charm for more Ultimate Price or Dissipate . +1

March 24, 2013 7:02 p.m.

brodoleo says... #10

I do admit Gloom Surgeon seems a bit janky, but with the blossom of Naya Blitz he's an all star. Slap a Rancor on him and you have a 4/1 trample that's immune to combat damage. which can be pretty difficult to deal with.

Gravecrawler is indeed a sexy option, and I've been rolling him around in my head for a while, he just plays defense pretty badly. He does compliment my deck nicely though, so I'll try moving my Gloom Surgeon out for him.

Any opinions on Gloom Surgeon or Knight of Infamy in the sideboard? The knight is good against Naya but gloom surgeon maintains his strength against most aggro decks.

Thanks for all the feedback!

March 24, 2013 9:57 p.m.

I would choose Gloom Surgeon over Knight of Infamy in the Sideboard. Your sideboard seems pretty strong but Golgari Charm is unnessecary... The 1x Abrupt Decay is also unneeded. I would replace them with Snapcaster Mage or Sign in Blood ... I am kinda sceptical about 23 Lands and think 24 would serve you better... Hope this helped!

March 24, 2013 10:27 p.m.

Quirion Dryad would be bonkers here.

March 25, 2013 12:45 a.m.

brodoleo says... #13

I actually had Quirion Dryad in my initial shell and tried to make her work for a while; I've always liked the (sexy) bugger. She's just not fast or resilient enough to merit her working in this deck. Even if she does get huge it takes quite a few turns, and when she does she just gets hit by removal. I replaced her with Lotleth Troll for the regen, the trample, and the Zombie typing. I like her better with Snapcaster Mage decks.

@Human_Rogue Golgari Charm has several uses in the Sideboard, and it's usually to try and counteract board wipes, kill swarms in Blitz and token decks, and destroy problem enchantments like O-ring, Assemble the Legion , and some other stuff. It's very situational though. I don't like Sign in Blood here because I'm not trying to lose more life than necessary. The last Abrupt Decay is for decks where I always want one, like blitz or decks that run Boros Reckoner . I'm not sure how I feel about Snapcaster Mage in the sideboard, what would I bring him in for?

I can see how Golgari Charm is pretty weak though. What do you think about Triumph of Ferocity for siding in against control and decks with little to no creatures?

March 25, 2013 12:46 p.m.

I would drop Tracker's Instincts for Snapcaster Mage ...

March 26, 2013 7:19 a.m.

brodoleo says... #15

I actually think I'll do that, the instincts seemed kind of weak. Just had them to find a seer and maybe put a few things in the graveyard. Snappy is overall better though, I agree. Just another hard card to obtain.

March 26, 2013 2:24 p.m.

I seriously adore the deck. +1Has Dimir Charm been worth it for you? It definitely seems good, but in a Duskmantle build I've been running it surprisingly under-performed, but I feel like it might fit better here?

March 26, 2013 11:09 p.m.

brodoleo says... #17

I seriously appreciate your adoration. B/U/G is my pet 3-color combo and I'm really trying to make it work in standard. Hopefully DGM will bring some more good news for this deck; I really really really want Mirko Vosk to be playable and 3CMC or under, his art makes me lactate. Only time will tell.

On subject, I really haven't been able to test this deck in its current form enough to tell if Dimir Charm is worth it anymore, but it seems kind of janky to be honest. It saves me from the off Mizzium Mortars or rakdos return or Bonfire of the Damned if I have mana, and the kill creature clause can snipe an unflipped Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip or slow down a Naya Blitz's start, but I'd have to agree with your analysis. I'd like to replace it with another card, preferably a spell, but I just don't know what.

Ideally I'd like something that will kill an Olivia Voldaren or keep my people alive; my current considerations are Undying Evil , Tragic Slip , and Simic Charm . Any thoughts?

Also I checked out your deck and tossed it a +1, I enjoy other decks that try out my beloved Seer. Vampire tribal seems like a good place to stick him.

March 26, 2013 11:44 p.m.

Thanks! And I think I like Simic Charm the most, that seems awesome.

March 27, 2013 2:52 a.m.

NimPhizzet says... #19

nice copy, dipshit

April 1, 2013 12:24 p.m.

brodoleo says... #23

Nice butthurt. The cool thing is that I've never seen that deck before; I don't browse the trash of Tappedout. Just because your deck is the same colors as mine and has similar card choices doesn't mean mine is a copy. My deck didn't even look like this at first, it was through a process of repeated testing, figuring out what worked, and tweaking how I wanted the deck to run that I achieved this shell. I wanted a BUG deck focused around Duskmantle Seer , and this is the point it has reached after a few weeks of playing my local meta and listening to input on this site. I've been hooked on the Seer since he was spoiled; a quick check of the decks on my profile will show my obsession.

I looked through your list and honestly, it looks okay but the numbers and some card choices seem random at best, and a lot of our card choices are different. Yours claims to be Aggro/Control (a contradiction and mislabeling if I've ever see one), and mine strives towards persistence and attrition.

If none of those explanations resonate with your envious ego, consider this: both decks are going for a similar theme within the same limited Standard card pool. Perhaps we just came to similar conclusions on what works best. Oh wow, you use 3 Deathrite Shaman ? What a convention setter, I've never see that card get play! We both have two Snapcaster Mage ?!?! Wow, it's so blaringly obvious that I stole your ideas that I'm surprised your lawyer hasn't contacted me already.

In conclusion, sorry your deck didn't blow up and that you feel I looked at yours and copied all of its incredibly original ideas. I had worked a bunch on this list even before I put it on tappedout; B/U/G is my pet color combo, standard is my favorite format, and Duskmantle Seer is my favorite Ravnica block card so far. Try not to get caught in the rhythms of your own discontent, and try actually looking at the decks; save a few similar choices, they are fairly different. I can assure you that I've put a substantial amount of thought into this deck, and all of those thoughts came from my own head. Good day, sir.

April 1, 2013 8:50 p.m.

Super burn. Also love the deck and Duskmantle Seer's resemblance to Tard.

April 2, 2013 10:35 p.m.

Dusty8807 says... #25

+1 from me. I like this deck, makes me want to go take another crack at Duskmantle Seer . I too have been trying to fit Duskmantle Seer into some kind of deck for awhile now, although I've been trying more in the Grixis (R/B/U) theme. I am determined though!

April 3, 2013 11:47 a.m.

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