This is a Theros B/W Orzhov midrange deck. The goal is to use a combination of removal, small creatures, and card-draw to survive the early game long enough to start dropping bombs and whipping them back in should they die.
Card Explanation:
Soldier of the Pantheon - 2/1 for one with protection from Ravinca block. Adds great pressure early, and can easily play defense as well.
Precinct Captain - Very good body that clogs the board with his first strike against aggro red. Even if there is no threat on the board for him to stall, he can make an army of 1/1's which demands an answer. A no brainer for this deck,
Fiendslayer Paladin
vs Lifebane Zombie - Lifebane is just to big to not put in the deck somewhere, but i feel his ETB whiffs way to much to justify it over Fiendslayer, who is always good.Should they be playing green or white, just sideboard in Lifebane in Fiendslayer's place. Either way, they are both great 3 drops.
Sin Collector - Mostly in the deck to cause major problems for U/W control decks. Stealing that counter spell or revelation can change a game. Worst case scenario, he snags a burn spell or advent of the worm from aggro, or at the very least lets you see their hand, and then chump blocks. 2 extra in the sideboard for control match-ups.
Now that we have survived the early game, the fun begins...
Desecration Demon 6/6 flyer for 4 that makes you sack your guys to not take 6 to the face every turn? Oh wait, he gets bigger every time you do that as well? What else do i have to say?
Blood Baron of Vizkopa - Pro white and black makes the baron very difficult to remove with less than one card, plus his lifelink makes a life swing for 8 time he swings, which can quickly bring you back into a game that you were losing.
Obzedat, Ghost Council - Just an awesome card. Constant life drain that also allows him to dodge every sorcery speed card. If he is not exiled then he comes right back out if you have a whip up.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion
- +1 will finish games you are winning, and -3 will salvage games you are losing. This card is amazing and you are never sad to draw it, ever.
(Devour Flesh - Doom Blade - Hero's Downfall) - Cheap removal to keep us going until we get enough land to get our mid-game rolling.
Read the Bones - Amazing card draw. Digs up to 4 cards deep and draws two as well. Helps control your draws so you get cards you want more often, and puts a little more gas in the tank.
Whip of Erebos - Lifelink for days. This card is great for that reason alone, but it also makes your ghost council immortal, and lets everyone else get in one last revenge swing.
Sideboard Options:
Blind Obedience - Stops aggro decks in their tracks. No more haste, and if you have the mana gains hp off everything you play. Take out the Sin Collectors and put these in vs any kind of aggro decks.
Pharika's Cure
- I'm still not totally sold on this card, but vs cheap red aggro, can kill a guy and pad your life for another turn, so its worth a shot. Sin Collector, Read the Bones, and Desecration Demon are all options to drop for this. Card draw and a 4 mana guy that taps when they sac a small guy to tap don't help much against aggro red.
Sin Collector - Board in the pair to make a full set vs control decks. High Priest of Penance is a good option to cut for these.
Duress - The poor man's Thoughtseize. Only reason I'm running this instead of Thoughtseize is I'm waiting for the hype around Thoughtseize to calm down and the card to lessen in price. Board this in vs control decks.
Glare of Heresy - Destroy everything that is white, which is a lot.
Chained to the Rocks
, Detention Sphere,
Elspeth, Sun's Champion
are all hit by this. Take out some removal to put this card in, most likely Doom Blade.
Lifebane Zombie - I already went over this one, Either this or
Fiendslayer Paladin
, which ever is better in the match up at hand.
Underworld Connections - I wish i had an extra slot or two for more these. The consistent card draw vs control decks can keep you from falling behind and change the outcome of the game in your favor. Board out a Doom Blade for this vs control, as they will not have enough targets for the rest of the kill spells already.
Comments and suggestions are appreciated.