Commander / EDH Triton


Wolfrage76 says... #1

Serpent Generator - note it doesn't say "combat" damage... :D

Also,any reason why you went with Zulaport Cutthroat over Blood Artist? Just because of the "each", I assume?

July 6, 2017 10:03 a.m.

Triton says... #2

Wolfrage I chose Cutthroat over Blood Artist because I just happen to have it, I'll add in Blood Artist too, for redundancy. :p

Serpent Generator seems pretty nifty, I dunno how I feel about the steep cost.. unless someone says whether it's a good inclusion or a bad inclusion. Honestly I don't like the fact it costs 10 man and to play and activate, at that rate I'd rather use Primal Surge.

Thanks for the suggestions!

July 6, 2017 10:18 a.m.

Olde_English says... #3

Awesome deck list, +1 from me!

I do have a few budget friendly suggestions:

July 6, 2017 10:30 a.m.

Triton says... #4

RumAndCoke Will add what I can! I was on/off about Midnight Banshee because of the rather high and color-intensive cost, but seeing as she is a high-impact card, will add her in! Same goes with Cauldron of Souls, since I'm trying to make the deck as low to the ground as possible. Seeing as it has a high impact, I'll add it in!

Thanks for the suggestions and upvotes!

July 6, 2017 3:33 p.m.

Razulghul says... #5

Hi, I'd suggest the following: Decimator of the Provinces is an excellent budget game ender for when you have all those snakes.

Carnifex Demon would be better than Midnight Banshee imo since it is much faster.

Maybe something like Blade of the Bloodchief to keep your commander alive?

Chainbreaker and Grim Poppet both make snakes on entering and have decent abilities. Carnifex Demon goes great with the poppet too.

Glistening Oil might not be a perfect fit here, but for the cost it is pretty awesome and hard to get rid of.

That's all I have atm, hope it helps!

July 15, 2017 3:43 p.m.

Triton says... #6

dlamars I do have a Decimator I can use, I'm kinda split since his mana cost is quite hefty (even with the emerge cost). I was considering Ivy Lane Denizen as a means of keeping my commander alive, perhaps Defiant Greatmaw? Chainbreaker is a card I'll consider, and Grim Poppet would be amazing if he was a lower CMC, oh well haha. Any suggestions for what to cut for Defiant Greatmaw, perhaps?

Thanks for the suggestions!

July 15, 2017 3:53 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #7

Do you actually get snakes out of Ophiomancer? My Mistress of Poisons, Hapatra Primer produces a stream of snakes so Ophio wouldn't work for me. Perhaps you were avoiding infinite combos but Devoted Druid and Quillspike are just nice to have even if you never use them together. Throne of the God-Pharaoh has been awesome and Nullmage Shepherd is the best removal card I've ever used.

July 15, 2017 4:15 p.m.

Triton says... #8

Bhaal666 I didn't realize the nonbo with Ophiomancer, he was in the deck back in the day and I kinda glanced over the effect. Might use Devoted Druid and Quillspike, the prices seem a bit off-setting. However, I'll check out to see if TCGPlayer has any deals. Thanks for the suggestions and upvote!

July 15, 2017 4:32 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #9

Oh wow I didn't realize their cost... Those cards have just been in my collection since they came out and sat collecting dust once I started playing only commander 'til recently. Ivy Lane Denizen and Hex Parasite are nice, the parasite has the upside of eating an enemy walker then hitting pretty hard. Serrated Biskelion nets 2 snakes per use.

July 15, 2017 5:42 p.m.

Razulghul says... #10

Also I wanted to add that I checked out Bhaal666's deck and I really like the Phyrexian Hydra here. Could easily replace Whisperwood Elemental, a Witherscale Wurm would be interesting as well.

Also if you want to drop 7 or 8 dollars on a card, Parallel Lives would be my priority to replace From Beyond.

Lastly, I'd think about cutting Splendid Agony since I don't think it does enough. Hope that helps!

July 16, 2017 12:31 a.m.

Triton says... #11

Bhaal666 Yeah I remember when Devoted Druid was just over $1. I'll add in Hex Parasite, Denizen I'l see what I can do to squeeze it in.

dlamars I can make the swap for Phyrexian Hydra, the primary reason I like Whisperwood Elemental is that it can produce "tokens" via manifesting cards, and I can get creatures after a board wipe. The main reason I'm hesitant on Witherscale Wurm is because of the CMC of 6, which is pretty high for a staxy deck.

@everyone, I'm thinking of taking out Mycoloth because it seems to be mediocre since it uses +1/+1 counters. Sure the token generation is nice, but it doesn't seem that good in this deck. Would like to hear any opinions!

July 16, 2017 1:42 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #12

Witherscale Wurm won't give tokens from Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons or Nest of Scarabs since the controller of the wither creatures is putting the -1/-1 counters on it. That said it still works with Flourishing Defenses and it is a great place for -1/-1 counters that need to go to your own stuff. I was really sad when I learned that.

I see mycoloth is already gone. I was going to say it is cool but it feels out of place in a deck where -1/-1 is the main theme.

July 17, 2017 3:40 a.m.

Triton says... #13

Bhaal666 that was my reasoning behind it too. Was better in Mazirek, anyways. I made some more cuts for cards that better synergies with Hapatra at helm too, looks good now?

July 17, 2017 5:33 a.m.

Blo says... #14

Hapatra, God of Snakes Have a look at mine? It's still improving, as I get new cards as I'm a relatively new EDHplayer. I'll look later today (at work atm) if I can share some of the differences.

July 17, 2017 7:13 a.m.

Razulghul says... #15

That sucks about Witherscale Wurm I really want to find a place for it. Btw picked up a Nicol Bolas duel deck and found Ammit Eternal. What do you guys think of it here?

July 17, 2017 8:55 p.m.

Triton says... #16

Blo I'll check out your deck in more detail in a bit, just got up and skimmed what you had. Both look relatively similar haha.

dlamars I love Ammit Eternal in this deck, because it with Hapatra is basically "whenever an opponent casts a spell, create a 1/1 snake token with deathtouch." If I ever find one or decide to pick one up, I'm definitely adding it to the deck.

July 18, 2017 1:43 p.m.

Blo says... #17

Triton Yeah they're similar ;). I mostly found that, in my meta, the decks were too fast to use some of the slower cards, so I replaced them by more value creature or other stuff.

I added a utility land Arcane Lighthouse which you seem to miss. It really helped me a few times, with all the boots and greaves my meta is running haha. Ifnir Deadlands is a must have imo, as is Grasping Dunes as it's essentially more counters for free (land slots). The cycle deserts is something I'm trying atm, as they can trigger Ifnir Deadlands multiple times, but I used to run the 1mana cycle lands, as it's more efficient. I'd also recommend Oran-Rief, the Vastwood and a Reliquary Tower in the rare times you get free cards from your opponents :p.

I cutted Diabolic Tutor as I found the mana cost was often costing me a whole turn, doing nothing. Cryptolith Rite is a card that really shines in this deck, From Beyond was simply too slow for me. Contagion Clasp didn't do enough in my meta, so I added his big bro: Contagion Engine which usually puts 3-4 counters out at once at a minimum, and IF it sticks till next turn, you get double the value since it proliferates twice, as opposed to the clasp, for the same amount of mana. Serrated Arrows was a card I found too costly as well, so I cut it and replaced it with a Devoted Druid.

Another card that I was never really happy to see was Plaguemaw Beast, so I replaced it and am currently using the slot for Bontu the Glorified, which Im testing atm.

My maybeboard is for cards I want to try, but do not own (mostly), so please let me know how Phyrexian Arena and Evolutionary Leap are working out for you. I assume they do a lot. Throne of the God-Pharaoh is a fun card I've never considered, but might try if I own one :p

Is there any reason for all your mana dorks?

Also, as far as additional budget suggestions go, I'd recommend Phyrexian Hydra, its a bomb, especially with the proliferate stuff. Noxious Hatchling is pretty cool as well, and has wither for additional triggers.

July 18, 2017 4:28 p.m.

Triton says... #18

Blo I feel, I expected my meta to be more casual, but usually I face decks like Yidris and Meren in a pod, with the occasional Hermit Druid combo guy.

I don't know if there's enough deserts to add into the deck, but I haven't looked into them too much. I may know like 3 in Hapatra's color identity but that's about it. Oran Rief seems really good, I'll see if I can trade for one. I currently have a single Reliquary Tower in one of my other decks, again if I can trade for one that'd be great haha. Same goes with Arcane Lighthouse.

I added in the mana dorks for more ramp in the deck, but since most of the deck is low-CMC, I can probably free up spots for Cryptolith Rite and other cards.

Contagion Engine is a card that is amazing, but I don't have the money for it yet. I'll add it in, however. I did get a job recently so I can potentially buy it once I get some money from it and my LGS carries it.

Phyrexian Arena and Evolutionary leap are nice since they supply card draw and a sac outlet to dig for creatures. Haven't drawn them all that much, so feel free to ask once I get all the cards for the deck. :)

Phyrexian Hydra is also a maybe, since it's pretty great, just the CMC is a tad off-putting. I may add it in sometime too if I'm in need for a more impactful win condition.

Thanks for all the suggestions!

July 18, 2017 6:27 p.m.

ZendikariWol says... #19

Good to see another budget deck builder out there. Love me some commander.

December 4, 2017 9:20 a.m.

shaftdiggity says... #20

Dauthi Embrace is pseudo unblockable for Hapatra, or for political gains. Quest for Renewal and Spidersilk Armor shores up your defense. Liliana, Death Wielder and Liliana's Influence are great with your commander.

December 17, 2018 10:33 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #21

You said on the Advertisement that you wanted to find a spot for Triumph of the Hordes. I'd say that you could take out Nature's Claim for it, but it's up to you since I don't really know what your meta is like.

If you want to take a look I have a Hapatra EDH deck of my own based on Infect and -1/-1 counters

New Phyrexian Agent

Commander / EDH Darkshadow327


December 19, 2018 10:08 a.m.

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