-2 barriers and +2 augurs. the augur is too good for this deck to only have 2 of. the barrier just helps defend. and also yes sulfur falls would help greatly. otherwise i like this, love sniper/talrand decks _
October 28, 2012 1:19 p.m.
First of all i think you should mainboard Negate and remove Mizzium Skin , cause it can save your creatures from big board wipes like Mutilate , Blasphemous Act and even Cyclonic Rift ... Mizzium Skin is powerless againts all of these and many more, watever its doing in the deck Negate can do better.
Secund, replace Divination with Think Twice this is much better than the previous one because its an instant, so you can do it in the end of your oponents turn instead of in yours, after that its a 2 mana drop draw getting you the Guttersnipe for the 3rd turn and also in the late game Think Twice will activate Guttersnipe 's and Talrand, Sky Summoner 's abilitty a secund time
Tird, Augur of Bolas wins games +2, remove some walls or the weirds for this matter tought i think you should have no walls and go more agresive like Delver of Secrets Flip , but act as you please on this one ...
I don't think you need 4 Cyclonic Rift 3 or 2 would sufice and i suggest 2 or 3 Mizzium Mortars as they are a much more efective creature removal then everything else you have
at last the lands you should get 4 Sulfur Falls for better mana fixing, and some Desolate Lighthouse for mid game card filter.
October 28, 2012 2:02 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I'll definitely throw in some Sulfur Falls. As for Mizzium Skin, doesn't the hexproof prevent Mutilate/Blasphemous Act? Cyclonic Rift would still wipe any enchantments (if I had them).
October 29, 2012 12:26 p.m.
pumpkinsword says... #5
Because they are not being targeted, they will still die to board sweepers such as Terminus , Bonfire of the Damned , Mutilate , and Blasphemous Act . Even an overloaded Mizzium Mortars , because of the "each" or "all" instead of "target creature".
October 29, 2012 1:16 p.m.
pumpkinsword says... #6
Another that would be good would be -2 Frostburn Weird and +2 Augur of Bolas , as that provides more value- filters your deck and can block, instead of just being able to block and maybe swing for a little more.Also I like Fog Bank better than Hover Barrier . You might make the argument that it is worse against Pillar of Flame , but it is cheaper and you can get it out sooner, and has the same effect. With Fog Bank though, deathtouch will not kill it and your opponents can't gain life from lifelink when it blocks. You also might consider card:Runechanter's Pike as a 1 of, maybe as a 2 of.
October 29, 2012 1:27 p.m.
I definitely like the Fog Bank route, I just have to acquire some. Thanks for the clarification on the targeting. I thought each or all still counted as targeting. Thanks also for the critiques! I'm looking forward to getting this deck ironed out, its really fun to play.
October 29, 2012 11:06 p.m.
AryanNinja49 says... #8
Negate could be Essence Scatter , seeing as it's more useful in Standard. I know you already have a lot of removal, but Scatter is just so backbreaking, and it's also aided by Goblin Electromancer . Maybe a 2-2 split between Negate and Scatter, that's what I'd do.
November 25, 2012 2:14 p.m.
pumpkinsword says... #9
As long as you have either an Izzet Charm or Negate in your hand, you can counter every board wipe except for Supreme Verdict . I would add Pillar of Flame to your sideboard to help deal with undying creatures or Blood Artist .
November 25, 2012 2:20 p.m.
I think you're on to something Aryan. No reason to have ALL my Scatters in my sideboard. I might also consider Pillar of Flame as well, I don't see too many Vampire or Zombie decks in my local meta, so I'm not really needing it. Thanks for the input, guys!
November 26, 2012 11:36 p.m.
This is almost the same as my izzet control burn deck... Its alot of fun. bonfire and temporal mastery are always good. I also run the miracle that is one red mana and does 5 dmg. with talrand and the guttersnipes it is awesome
November 27, 2012 12:47 a.m.
ForeverAlone45 says... #12
I would definitely add in some runechanter's pikes
November 28, 2012 9:02 p.m.
I'd consider swapping out Fog Bank or Augur of Bolas for Nivmagus Elemental . It'll add some versatility against control decks, and you can also exile your spells while still procing Talrand, Sky Summoner s and Guttersnipe s abilities simultaneously.
pumpkinsword says... #1
You should use Sulfur Falls also.
October 28, 2012 12:53 p.m.