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So much Goblin, No much money

Modern* Aggro Budget Burn Goblins Mono-Red




"I'm always yearnin' for a good burnin'!" - Ben-Ben, Legendary Akki Hermit Goblin

Okay, so this deck is reasonably simple. I wanted to build a burn deck, but i wanted to make it different. So, I added in some new twists rather than the usual staples of burn decks. For any you beginners out there, aggro/ burn is a good way to ease yourself into the game of MTG, before you move on to more obscure win cons. But hey, the best part about aggro and burn is that for all that's said about them, they work. So, let's take a look at what i have laid out down below.


Legion Loyalist is a good 1 drop, great when you have multiple goblins

Guttersnipe is constantly hacking away at your opponents life total when you play an instant or sorcery

Krenko, Mob Boss multiplies all your goblins, which is great in general for swinging the opponent, as well as pairing with Burn at the Stake

  • Warren Instigator is just awesome, especially when you get both swings in and then drop some scary stuff.

Burns/Goblin Tokens

Dragon Fodder... same thing

  • Magma Jet is decent burn, but I took most of them out for Lightning Bolts because of the speed. Even though it has the scry 2, which is generally nice especially in red aggro where card advantage is scarce, [[Lightning Bolt] is what I'm running for now.

Goblin Grenade hits your opponent hard

  • Browbeat is fun. Either huge burn, or card advantage

Burn at the Stake is our key card! For those tough opponents who might be playing orzhov extort, lifegain, or who are just controlling the shit out if you, tap those few remaining goblins on your side of the field and watch their life evaporate. Great for a late-game comeback, as well as for multiplayer matches


Mountain... Gotta have those mountains!!!


  • Goblins

That wraps it up!!!

All for about $70, this deck may seem costly to some, but it can seriously hold its ground against many higher-cost decks! Any comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 4 Rares

14 - 2 Uncommons

9 - 4 Commons

Cards 58
Avg. CMC 2.33
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
Folders Saved Modern Decks, Interesting
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